2007 - 86th Annual Meeting

AT040 Committee Meeting

Tuesday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Marriott

Dennis J. Ashworth, U.S. Department of Energy, presiding

HAZMAT Truck Security Pilot Stakeholder Outreach Briefing

Stephen Rybicki, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration

Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Final Rulemaking Overview

Stephen Rybicki, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration

Update on Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations

Doug Dibble, Transport Canada, Transport Dangerous Goods Directorate

Session 318

Security of Hazardous Containerized Cargo at Port-Intermodal Network Gateway

Monday, 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM, Shoreham

Joe E. Svirbely, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, presiding

Note: Sustaining a long-term national effort against terrorism requires maintaining the economic productivity of the national transportation system and preserving the efficiencies that standardized intermodal shipping containers have brought to port terminal operations. This session considers initiatives to counter terrorism in the context of port terminal management and protection of the nation's intermodal transportation network.

Protecting U.S. Transportation Network: Security Requirements of Hazardous Containerized Cargo

John P. Aherne, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Port Perspective on Compliance with Security Requirements of Containerized Hazardous Cargo

Jeannie G. Beckett, Port of Tacoma

Tools and Technology to Address Security and Safety Risks of Containerized Hazardous Cargo

David Montague, ABS Consulting

Tom Robison, ABS Consulting

USCG Security Management Programs: Lessons Learned That Map into Port and Intermodal Security

Frank Wood, U.S. Coast Guard

Session 499

New Developments in Integrated Hazardous Materials Transportation Risk Management

Tuesday, 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM, Marriott

Mark Lepofsky, Battelle, presiding

All-Hazards Risk Management: Challenges and Opportunities

Mark D. Abkowitz, Vanderbilt University

Safety and Security Considerations in Designating Hazardous Materials Truck Routes

James O'Neal Simmons, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Comparing and Contrasting Highway and Rail Routing Issues

John Allen, Battelle

Robert E. Fronczak, Association of American Railroads

Managing Hazmat Transportation Risk During Natural Disasters: The Katrina Experience

Joseph DeLorenzo, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Hazardous Materials Transportation: Area of Expanding Focus

Tonya Schreiber, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Session 561

Application of Technology to Enhance Motor Carrier Driver Performance, Safety, and Emergency Preparedness

Tuesday, 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM, Marriott

Dennis J. Ashworth, U.S. Department of Energy, presiding

Using Existing Technologies in New Ways to Monitor Commercial Driver and Vehicle Performance

Mark Bauckman, QUALCOMM, Inc.

Enhancements to State and Local Notification and Emergency Response

Dan Collins, Operation Respond

O. J. Milano, Visual Risk Technologies

Commercial Motor Vehicle Carrier Use of New Technologies to Improve Customer Service, Prevent Incidents, and Improve Operational Efficiencies

David Bennett, Tri-State Motor Transit

Future of Real-Time Digital Highway: Vehicle Monitoring, Truck Driver Assistance, Optimal Routing and Management, and Highway Design

Eric Sandgren, University of Nevada, Las Vegas