Installing the mods

See the bottom for video instructions

Update 2/8/16: We updated the Flans and MrCrayfishFurniture mods today. To rejoin, just redownload the mods from the link below and put them in the same place as you had put the old ones. Make sure you delete the old Flan and mods folders first, or chose to replace the older copies when your computer asks.

Follow these instructions to join!

Download mods:

Step 1: Type %appdata% in the Run prompt (Windows 10, 8.1, 7: right click start button and click Run and type in %appdata%

Windows 8: move mouse to top right of screen and type Run in the text box and hit enter. Then type %appdata%)

Step 2: Open the .minecraft folder  

Step 3: Go to the mods zip folder you downloaded from the link above and open it, then take the regular folder titled "mods" and "Flan" out and place it on your desktop 

Step 4: Move the two folders directly into your .minecraft folder.

Step 5: Take the forge jar file out of the and place it on your desktop

Step 6: Double Click forge and click install client 

Step 7: Once you have installed the client, open up Minecraft, and click profiles.  There should be one called "Forge" make sure to use that one. 

 When Minecraft begins to launch, you should see a screen like this:

If the game loads without crashing to the home screen, look in the bottom left corner. If it doesn't look like the following, then the mods weren't installed.

Having problems? Just click here.

Here's video instruction: