
Hello! Welcome to DisasterCraft Modded Survival!

Ip: s9.minespan.com:25643

make sure you have the mods installed properly. Click here to figure out how to install the mods.

Problems? Click here and it will tell you how to fix some problems you might have.

Notice: If you haven't joined since 2/16/16 or before, your mods are outdated. The new mods can be found on the Installing the Mods page. Thanks!

This is a server that uses Cauldron to combine Bukkit Plugins and Forge Mods into one server! We offer many mods here. Here's a list:

Weather2: Adds new weather to the game. Makes weather finally effect the game, adding tornadoes, hurricanes, wind storms, hail storms, and some new blocks, including the Weather Forecast and Tornado Siren.

Simple Ores 2: Adds many new ores to the overworld and nether. Gives the nether more of a purpose, as it holds some of the strongest ores in the game, and ones that give effects when you have their tools or armor set. Also makes regular mining less boring!

MrCrayfish Furniture: Adds many new items to the game to decorate your house. Chairs, tables, ovens, cabinets, and much more!

Backpacks: Now you can make a backpack with your leather! Extra storage space for when you are not near your home (or don't have one) and you need more inventory space.

Flans Mod: Adds weapons and vehicles into the game. Guns, planes, cars, and more!

We also offer plugins, as said earlier. Here's a list of those:

Essentials: Adds many new commands and features that benefit both regular players, and the staff!

McMMO: Keep track of and compare with others your stat levels, such as Mining, Acrobatics, and more!

Factions: Create a faction or join a friend's! Claim land, gain players and raid others!

Votifier and Votifier Scripts: Vote for the server and get rewards! Vote links here.