Can't join server?

Before you read this, make sure you've read this page or watched the video at the bottom of it.

Problems you may have that don't allow you to join the server

1. Outdated server, still on 1.7.10:

This means you are trying to join with 1.8 or higher. You likely don't have Forge installed or the Forge profile selected in the launcher.

To fix: 

1. Close the game 

2. Open the launcher

3A. Look in the bottom left corner by the Profile: box and if it doesn't say Forge, click the dropdown arrow and select the Forge profile*

3B. If it already had said Forge, click Edit Profile and select the dropdown bar that says Use Version

4. Find and select "release 1.7.10-Forge10.13.4.1558-1.7.10" and click Save Profile in the bottom right corner.

*If you don't see a Forge profile, then you didn't install Forge. To install, take the installer out of the file you downloaded and run it. Make sure Install Client is checked and hit Ok. Then follow the steps above.

2. Mod Rejections:

This means you don't have certain mods installed. If you get this error, you likely didn't put all the mods in correctly. 

To fix: 

1. Locate your .minecraft folder

2. Find your "mods" folder and open it*

3. Make sure the jar files are directly in the mods folder. Not a folder called mods within your mods folder, or a within the mods folder.

*If you do not have a mods folder, just move the mods folder out of directly into the .minecraft folder.

What you should see:

Inside the mods folder:

Inside the Flan folder:

Here's some examples of what you should NOT see:



3. Game Crashes

Could be because of a lot of things, but I don't know all the solutions. I know one that works most of the time though.

To fix:

Make sure you are using the right version of forge. You need to be using the 1.7.10 version of or higher. We recommend using the latest version. Here's what it should say on your launcher in the bottom right:

The 1558 part can be any number, as long as it is 1388 or higher and is for 1.7.10. If you don't see this with 1388 or higher there, click edit profile in the bottom left, click on the use version drop down towards the bottom of the new window, and find a version that is 10.13.4.x for 1.7.10 with x being at least 1388. If you can't find one, you need to install the version you should have inside the To install it, move it out of the folder, double click it and click OK when it runs and opens a new window. Then reopen the launcher, click edit profile, use version, and find the one that you downloaded.

Problems that I didn't mention here? Just go to my Youtube channel and comment your problem on one of my videos, I should see it and try to help you in less than 2 days, depending on if I remember to check my notifications.