Donation info

Interested in buying a rank? Follow these instructions:

1. Click Buycraft Store to go to the website.

2. Click the Ranks tab

3. Enter your username

4. Click the buy button on the rank you want

5. Click add to cart, check the agree to terms and conditions box

6. Click Purchase, and enter in the paypal information required to complete it.

Thanks for all donations, as they all help keep the server running well and healthy!

Here's a little info about the ranks we have:

Hail Rank

Price: $7.50 (USD)


Tornado Rank

Price: $15 (USD)


*to do text formatting, you put an & then you put a number or letter after it, depending on what color or format you want. Here's a guide:

Colors: 0-9, a-f

Formats: o,l,m,n

Reset all formatting: r

0: Black

1: Dark Blue

2: Dark Green

3: Dark Aqua

4: Dark Red

5: Purple

6: Orange

7: Light Gray

8: Dark Gray

9: Blue

a: Light Green

b: Aqua

c: Light Red

d: Pink

e: Yellow

f: White

o: Italic

l: Bold

n: Underline

m: Strikethrough

k: Obfuscated (crazy flashing text) (magic)

r: Clear Formatting

Example: &4hi = hi

&4&n&lhi = hi

Just play around with this in game and you'll learn how it works quickly.