Torbay Astronomical Society

Founded 1956. Affiliated to the FAS. Patron: Professor Chris Lintott, FRAS

We are a group of people of all ages and from all walks of life bound together by a common interest in astronomy. Whether you are an experienced astronomer or a newcomer and just curious to find out a little more about the cosmos, we pride ourselves on offering a convivial setting to meet and learn.

Why not come and join us?

Thursday 27th February 7:30 PM:

Observation Evening - Mars, Jupiter, Messier 42, Messier 45, Messier 81 and Leo Constellation

Room PL4 . Torquay Boy's Grammar School.

Thursday 13th March 7:30 PM:

John Stapleton, Chairman’s Address, “A True and Accurate History of the TBGS Observatory – Part 2”

The Forum . Torquay Boy's Grammar School.

A selection of members at The 2024 Summer Social in Cockington. We were able to give members of the public a view of the Sun via the Meade ETX90 Scope fitted with a Solar Filter

TBGS Observatory's Celestron EdgeHD 14" f/11 Aplanatic Schmidt-Cassegrain