Images, Quotes and General Gackistry

Here is the Gack&Bacon Ltd logo, as crafted by Joel D Canfield:


And the cover art, created as an acrylic painting by artist Alicia Neal:


Thanks to Bernd Nurnberger for this one!


"It’s not only what you do or what you make, Duncan. It’s who you make it with. People—not ‘consumers,’ but real people, your neighbours, your fans, your friends—people want connection. They crave certainty and trust. They don’t want just your food and beer, my friend. They want an experience. A memory."

Gack paused, and then with fire in his hazel eyes, he whispered, "People want something that can’t be replaced."


"Success isn't a number in a ledger. For me, the true definition of success is this: If you don't show up, people miss you. They miss you badly." 



“In any business, a bad table, a lesser product or experience, something presented that you know in your heart is inferior to what someone else can get—this has always been commonplace, but that doesn’t mean that it is right.”

--Hunstan Gack of Gack&Bacon Breweries, 1835, in his talk to the Gloucester Poultry, Cattle and Hound Society.


Dialogue from the first meeting between Aloysius and Victoria:

“Are you involved in any causes, Miss Saunterton?”

“Yes. My parents and I are strong supporters of HVVEG.”

He desperately searched his memory, but nowhere could he find any hint of what this was. He had to ask it: “HVVEG?”

An impish grin resulted. “Honor, Virtus, Veritas, Excellentia, Gaudium. It is a club whose mission is to enable less advantaged children to further their education, thus ending the cycle of poverty. We’re not well-known. Yet.” Steel in her voice at the word yet.

“I see. An intriguing name. That last word—the Latin means “joy,” yes?”

“Correct.” Her eyes were smiling too.

“The word joy is normally missing from the names of social causes, and also from the world of education.”

“And that, Flight Lieutenant Gack, is precisely why we have put it there.”


Here is artist Alicia Neal and her magnificent original painting that is our cover art. She captured--in mugs of beer, no less--the concept of a bespoke individual standing out among mass-produced sameness. Alicia also added an insouciant flip to the foam in the dimpled glass; insouciance is one of Gack's signature traits. 

There's even wainscoting.

Fellow authors: Alicia's painting is one of the few tangible artifacts that link me to Gack's world. She truly listened to me and brought something meaningful out of that world. If you are seeking a cover artist, consider Alicia Neal. She is that rare person who has the listening skills, the intuition and the technical proficiency to bring your writing to life in a painting.


"You have lovely wainscoting!"