Religion, Gender and Human Rights

'The End of Woman and the Ends of Women: Postmodern perspectives on religion and human rights': paper given at the European Science Foundation conference on Religion, Gender and Human Rights:Challenges for Multicultural and Democratic Societies, Scandic Linkoping Vast, Sweden

Other relevant sources:

'Catholicism, Choice and Consciousness: A Feminist Theological Perspective on Abortion': paper published in the International Journal of Public Theology 4(2010): 51-75

In the Balance: Morality of Abortion 2 (5 June 2010): reflection on the excommunication of Sister Margaret McBride over the termination of a pregnancy at St. Joseph's Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona

Why I Still Support Amnesty International (26 October 2007): article on Amnesty International and the abortion debate

Just Another Election Issue? (19 March 2005): article on abortion and politics