
Friends of Same have been able to undertake a wide range of development and aid based projects since the inception of the relationship between the City of Boroondara and Same in 2002. For more background on Friends of Same and our past projects and achievements see About Us.

In addition to this, Friends of Same has been instrumental in educating the Boroondara community about life in the newly independent nation of Timor-Leste, and in the District of Manufahi in particular, in which the township of Same is located. This has been accomplished via visits by the District Administraor of Manufahi, Snr Filomeno Tilman, public forums, displays, and representation at local markets and schools.

The following are some of the ongoing Friends of Same projects.

  • Sales of coffee learn more

  • Education and Training learn more

  • Support for Timorese textiles by selling them at markets and fairs

  • Support for Same Youth Centre (CEFEBOM)

  • Support for the vision impaired learn more

Selecting Projects

Projects are suggested by the local administration, or by other community groups. Several members of the Friends of Same have visited Timor-Leste at their own expense, many in repeat visits. The connections developed through these visits, together with advice from other regular visitors and support organizations, are building knowledge and expertise within the group to respond effectively to local needs.

Future Projects

The Friends of Same has focused on developing links with local administrators, individuals and organizations in the Same Sub-District, with the aim of identifying local priorities and working together with local decision-makers. Opportunities for developing initiatives in conjunction with other service groups and non-government agencies are also being explored.