Teacher Assistance Program (TAP)

Are you interested in helping our wonderful Three Oaks teachers? The Teacher Assistance Program (TAP) needs your help! The TAP program consists of copying, laminating, cutting, etc. for the staff. They place their work in the copyroom in a labeled bin with instructions on it and when it's completed it goes in the teachers mailbox. Once the work is done, you are free to leave. Some days may have more to do than other days. You will be staying in the office for these jobs. None of the tasks will require being in the classroom.

Please sign up below if you're interested! TAP takes place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and  afternoons from 9-10am or 1-2pm.

Please contact Sarah Lahtinen (lynna.sarah@gmail.com) with any questions or if you prefer an alternate day/time. Thank you for your help!