


4 pics above: Western Wall; Dome of the rock;

lazing cats along Via Dolorosa ('Way of Suffering')


4 pics above: House of the Apostle Peter; Capharnaum (where Jesus attended temple);

Baptisms at the Jordan River; Door of Humility, main entrance to Church of the Nativity

Tel Aviv

5 pics above: Pizza with Ariel, Native, and Nir; Jaffa (oldest port in the world);

One of many huge recycle cages along streets of Tel Aviv

The Dead Sea

3 pics above: Sea of Galilee (where Jesus walked on water); Floating on the Dead Sea;

Enjoying mineral-rich mud from Dead Sea (retails for ~$30 per small pack!)

*The name 'Dead Sea' comes from the fact that nothing can live in it

(32% salt compared to 3.5% from your avg ocean; the reason you float)


7 pics above: Shots from Masada, catapult boulders and Dead Sea jump

*Herod the Great fortified Masada 2K+ years ago as a refuge in case of revolt.

In 66 AD, a group of Jewish extremists (Sicarii) settled here, allegedly committing

mass suicide after a long Roman siege (to avoid being enslaved by Roman Empire)


4 pics above: Delicious and healthy Israel eats (incl. Falafel burger from McD)


Salvation in a bottle... capitalism at its finest

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