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About me *outdated*

Well, let's see. I currently live in NY (was born and raised here), am an aquarius, and my family consists of five - me, mom and dad, and my two sisters, Susie and Ann, who are 2 and 7 years older than me respectively (yep, I'm the mahngneh). My mother, who's from Pusan, and my father, from Seoul, moved from Korea to the U.S. many moons ago. My sister Sue attended the University of Pennsylvania and is now in med school at Jefferson (can't get her out of Philly!), after spending a few years raising fruitflies at some German guy's genetics lab, splicing and dicing DNA. She once discovered a mutant gene and initialed it after herself (how vain... wait - we have the same initials... cool!). My oldest sis Ann graduated from Columbia University, spent a few years working for various architecture firms, joined the other 95% of young women out there pursuing hopeless careers in fashion (however, since she actually has real talent and a very credible background in design, she landed a job at Calvin Klein where she slaved for several years), and now works for Target corporate in Hong Kong.

About me huh? I graduated from the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania with a major in English and a concentration in 19th century literature, hoping someday to make a relatively decent future out of it. What have I benefited from my English major you ask? Well, although it is not a field directly applicable to the building of super- computers or the splitting of atoms, it does enrich the human ability to think about, analyze, and better savor life and all of its nuances. A few years ago I left Merrill Lynch, a company which has taught me a few things about the real world: 1) interesting people are hard to find, 2) big companies have nice cafeterias, and 3) Hobbes was right. I currently work for McKinsey & Company, a management consulting firm, where there are nicer, smarter people, prettier paintings, and free snacks.

I must admit I abhor studying, but I do like to think - think about everything. I can sit for hours just thinking. Exercise for the brain since sitting down and memorizing crap does not appeal to me in the least. I also like to draw, paint, (although I have little time for either nowadays), write, travel, and chew the fat about life with whoever I happen to stumble into along the way. I've been told I'm laid back, although I must admit some people irk the dong out of me. I'm open-minded, as far as open-mindedness goes, but don't expect me to act like I like you if I don't. Kind of a rift in social etiquette, but it serves my purpose.

Hmmm... the only thing I can think of worth bragging about is that I'm a superb barber. During my sophomore year all of my roommates could cut hair, and we applied each other's techniques to the mastery of our own. BUT, as all guys who cut hair know, no matter what the person whose hair you're cutting wants, 9 times out of 10 you're gonna subconsciously cut it just like yours. We always knew who cut each other's hair 'cause of the striking resemblances... it was pretty funny.

I love to play most sports, but I don't really follow 'em like those stat-freaks who memorize every bit of info on teams up to the numbers of hairs on players' butts; these are, mind you, the same people who were always picked last in gym class. I played high school and club lacrosse for the University of Pennsylvania, and was captain of Penn's KSA (Korean Students' Association) basketball team.

Things I like are the number 7, the color blue, winning, kalbi kimchi and rice, seulrungtang, sashimi, chicken taco salad (from Taco Cabana), Ben and Jerry's Coffee Toffee Crunch, Snapple fruit punch, homemade apple pie, arugula, the smell of eggs bacon and toast in the morning, road trips, Roald Dahl, freshly done laundry, cool sneakers, Mentadent tartar control toothpaste (why they've replaced this with crappy tasting 'multi-action' is beyond me), 3M Command Strips, Issey Miyake, cordless phones that are comfortable against your ear (are there any?), Magritte, clear skin, plush carpeting, bothering my roommates, mountain biking, tigers, dogs, nice ties, fresh breath, almonds, sandwiches with a lot of lettuce, when the lights switch off on long bus or train rides, Wolverine, Ninja Scroll, Happy Gilmore, soccer, good jokes, nice smelling hair, quiet, GORE-TEX, cotton, Korea, sleep, my dad's jajangmyun, my mom's funny stories, and 8-foot basketball rims.

Well, this by no means sums up mi vida or views, but I suppose it's alright. Maybe I'll add stuff along the way - life's funny like that. Thanks for taking an interest in mine.

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