4036 Walnut Delirium

To celebrate the installment of brand new plush carpeting, we race down the hallway,

basking in podiatric ecstasy... timing each other with a stop watch, of course.

Suburban Outfitters

Me and Damian meet our alter-egos at Urban around the corner


When we have valuable time we can't afford to waste, we play Daytona on Damian's Saturn.

Rubberband Showdown

Three paces and BOOYA! Me vs. John in a series to the death... or 'till we got hungry.

Masochistic boredom

Ever try touching both of your hands together behind your back? No prob right?

Now try switching 'em - you'll be in pain, like we all were after forcing each

others arms together to see who could do it the longest.

Oh yeah, we also played baseball.


Tribute to 'Happy Gilmore' - visiting Philly during Fling

"How about I go eat some hay? I can make things out of clay, or lay by the bay, i just may..."

Home away from home - NYC, C-town

Me and Damian mugging his brother Patrick with masks compliments of

Abdul (the guy behind us) on Canal St.

Playin' football - NYC, Upper-west

Breaks one tackle... two tackles... who's NEXT??

Deli shot - NYC, Greenwich Village

Me, Damon, and "godfather" King Mark

Pics I promised my friends I would not put on my website (& others)

Damon wans to pomp ...YOU up!

Damian... eh hem... "Ahn Jae" Jee ...dressed to kill

The "Lazy John" collage ...will you WAKE your lazy ass up already?

While John sleeps ...he THOUGHT he got all the negatives

Smashing boards ...breaking boards with head in HS after Taekwondo competition

And some self-depravation for good measure

Gasu take 2 ...hey, it was just a phase!

A new man ...ahh, the wonders of Photoshop

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