old photos

umma and apa back in the day

two artsy pictures of mom

mom taken by surprise at her wedding

...i just had to include this embarassing photo - my dad's swimming trunks were the BOMB

my grandfather (dad's side)

the 3 chickens

me, sue, and ann

me, sue, and ann (upgraded versions)

ann, sue, and i as babies (eye-size is generally directly proportional

to a baby's cuteness... let's just say i was lucky to see out of mine)

ann and sue

ann and sue eatin' something

sue, ann, and mom

me and dad

...dad carrying me back in his bruce-lee-haircut hippie days,

en frente de the golden arches, no less (man, apple pies

were fried back then... yummm!)

oooooooooooooooooooohhhhh-yeeeahh, AIGHT!

mom me and dad doin' the wave at sue's graduation


catching my family catching me on film at my graduation scene 1

catching my family catching me on film at my graduation scene 2

my graduation at night

I'm famous... vicariously

at my cousin anne's bridal shower

that's GWYNETH PALTROW in the middle (in green) next to my sister susie.

gwyneth is a friend of my cousin anne (sitting on someone's lap); my

other cousin gina is directly in front of anne, and my oldest sister ann

is to the left of gina. complicated, isn't it??

at anne's wedding - the 'congo line'

left to right - anne, (forgot her name), and gwyneth

at anne's wedding - the bouquet toss

left to right - 3 of anne's bridesmaids, gwyneth, gina, susie,

anne's really really tall friend, and anne (in the forefront)

at anne's wedding - my cousin gina and me

at anne's wedding - gwyn and ben

gwyneth and ben afleck - photo taken paparazzi style

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