Theft Crimes & Property Crimes

    • It is important to have legal representation in order to know your options. If you have an experience criminal defense attorney they can start working with the courts to arrange this type of alternative sentence. It is essential for your future employment to avoid any type of felony theft charges as it will impact your opportunities in the future, no matter what type of job you are looking for. Buying, receiving and possessing stolen property

    • Counterfeiting

    • Embezzlement

    • Employee theft

    • Forgery

    • Fraud

    • Identity theft

    • Insurance fraud

    • Welfare fraud

    • Possession of stolen property

    • Shoplifting

    • Theft by check

    • Welfare fraud

If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime of theft, you need to protect yourself. Prosecutors and law enforcement agents will work to make sure that you face consequences if you are believed to have committed any type of theft. Even if this is a one-time offense, you could still face harsh penalties if you are convicted of a theft crime. Karen A. Walker will work to ensure that your rights are protected throughout your case.


Generally, the penalties for felony theft and property crimes, in some instances, are determined by the value of the amount that is actually stolen. If the case is very close to the misdemeanor petty theft value the penalties will be less than if it is significantly larger or has occurred over multiple times. In addition the penalties will also reflect the number of prior convictions for petty, misdemeanor or felony thefts on an individual's record.

Some of the possible Penalties for Theft and Property Crimes are:

    • Probation

    • Restitution

    • Community service

    • Jail time

    • Community Corrections

    • Prison and parole

With the experience behind The Walker Law Firm, we can start working on your case to achieve the best possible outcome in order to minimize the effect on the rest of your life.