An Introduction: There Are Only 3 Races On The Earth

An Introduction: There Are Only 3 Races On The Earth

God bless you Friends & Saints.

Early this morning God put it on my heart to write this. I thought we were done with this topic, and i did not really want to discuss it anymore...and, though i remember posting something exactly like this, about 3 years ago, seems God has shown me more on it, and He wants everyone to get a clearer picture.

Let's begin with seeing how there are 3 Races of peoples on the earth...

There are 3 examples...

First, the Science of Anthropology says that there are 3 different groups of "hominids" (human species) -

1. Caucasoid/Caucasian ("White" people)

2. Mongoloid ("Yellow" people)

3. Negroid ("Black" people)

The Bible says that there are 3 Races (groups) of peoples -

1. Japhethites/Japhetic ("White" peoples)

2. Shemites/Semitic ("Tan" peoples)

3. Hamites/Hamitic ("Black" / "Brown" peoples)

Our Prophet, William M. Branham, said that there are only 3 Races of peoples (though without color barriers) -

1. Jews (Believers)

2. Gentiles (unbelievers)

3. Samaritans (make-believers)

(Though he also spoke of a 4th: The "Super Race"...which is made-up of the Born-Again children of God - the Believers.)

According to Science the peoples of the earth are divided by skin color and facial features.

According to The Bible they are divided by tribes that descended from three men with certain facial characteristics and skin colors.

According to our Prophet they are divided by how God sees either Believers, unbelievers, or make-believers.