Part 3 - Where The Chinese, Mongol & Tibetan Peoples Come From

January 10th, 2017

Part 3 - Where Did The Chinese, Mongol & Tibetan Peoples Come From?

Japheth ---> Madai ---> Sīn ("Sīne", "Sinee" or, "Seeneem")

Isaiah 49:12

Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.



Ciyniym {see-neem'} plural of an otherwise unknown name; TWOT -- omitted; adj pr

Sinim = "?"

1) a people living at the extremity of the known world; may be identified with the inhabitants of southern China


Japheth (a son of Noah) father of the light-skinned "White Race" of peoples, had a son named Madai - who traveled far to The East, in South-Central Asia, in the area known in ancient times as Media - land (named after him) of the Biblical "Medes" people (Aryans), later part of Persia, today known as Iran.

Now it's only supposition but, it's highly probable that Madai married a Semitic woman*,...


*Note: i had always assumed that the Chinese people were descended from an ancestor who was half Japhetic and half Semitic. As i was writing this article, i just stumbled upon this, in Wikipedia...

"According to the Book of Jubilees (10:50-51), Madai had married a daughter of Shem, and preferred to live among Shem's descendants, rather than dwell in Japheth's allotted inheritance beyond the Black Sea; so he begged his brothers-in-law, Elam, Asshur and Arphaxad, until he finally received from them the land that was named after him, Media."


"Madai is also the name of the deified ancestor of the Kachin people of Myanmar, according to the indigenous Kachin religion."

Modern-day Kachin Women

Excerpts from various websites (just found today, Jan.30th, 2017)...

The Table of Nations: Japheth

Japheth. Also Diphath. Literal meanings are opened, enlarged, fair or light (father of the Caucasoid/Indo-Europoid, Indo-European, Indo-Germanic, or Indo-Aryan races - Japhethites). Japheth is the progenitor of seven sons, including Madai:

Madai "middle land" (sons were Achon, Zeelo, Chazoni and Lotalso) - also Mada, Amada, Madae, Madea, Manda, Maday, Media, Madaean, Mata, Matiene, Mitani, Mitanni, Megala (Medes, Aryans, Persians, Parsa, Parsees, Achaemenians, Manneans, Caspians, Kassites, Iranians, Kurds, Turks, East Indians, Pathans, Hazaras), including the peoples of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Khazachstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikstan and Kyrgyzstan, and other related groups

The Sixteen Sons of Noah

Along with Shem’s son Elam, Madai is the ancestor of our modern-day Iranians. Josephus says that the descendants of Madai were called Medes by the Greeks. Every time the Medes are mentioned in the Old Testament, the word used is the Hebrew word Madai (maday). After the time of Cyrus, the Medes are always (with one exception) mentioned along with the Persians. They became one kingdom with one law—‘the law of the Medes and Persians’ (Daniel 6:8, 12, 15). Later they were simply called Persians. Since 1935 they have called their country Iran. The Medes also ‘settled India’.

Japheth the Son of Noah and His Descendants

Genesis 10 contains a table of the nations that has been and can be readily verified by secular history, archaeology and culture but is also very accurate just in a biblical context. This table begins with Noah and his three sons including Japheth.

Japheth as the head of the Indo-European people as well as probably the Chinese and other Far East people has been in different cultures made into a god as he is as from this name Iupater or then Jupiter who was the father of the gods for the Romans. Japheth is the ancestor of the white or light skinned people of the world. Japheth was also worshipped by the early Greeks as Iapetos or Iapetus that they thought was the son of heaven and earth and the father of a multitude of nations. The Irish Celts, Britons and Saxons also traced their royal dynasties to Japheth.

The Dravidians or the former Indus Valley civilization and more now in southern India such as the Tamils and Telegu people I found in an article on Wikipedia called Dravidian people that they are a combination of Causcasian from Elam in southern Iran and of oriental (far east) and of Australoid background. Elam is mentioned in Genesis 10 as a descendant of Shem and the oriental people I continue to believe were from a combination of background from Japheth and of the Canaanites through the son Sinim or the Sinites which is still used of China such as in foreign policy Sino-American relations. Coincidentally the Sinites aren't mentioned as part of the Canaanites in the Bible by the time the Israelites came to possess the land suggesting they had already moved to China and other far eastern lands. The Irish are also said to be descendants of Japheth through Magog. Madai the son of Japheth are the people that in English are called the Medes and dwelt mostly in what is now called Iran or Persia. Iran is said to mean the land of the Aryans and were composed of the Medes or the Madai and the Semite Elamites. These Iranians or Persians probably carried out the early invasion of about 1500 BC into India that brought Aryan people to India and displaced the earlier Dravidian people of India. These Aryan people as descendents of Japheth through Madai also brought Hinduism including the Hindu god Pra-japati (lord of offspring) and the Vedas or early Hindu scriptures. The Aryan people of India are like the Iranians generally olive skinned and look somewhat Caucasian in contrast to the people of India of Dravidian background that are generally brown or darker skin. Also the Aryan languages of Northern India are of the Indo-European family of languages that includes Persian or Iranian languages but also languages such as Sanskrit, Hindi and Urdu, Bengali, Panjabi, Marathi and Gujarati while the Dravidian family of languages includes languages such as Telegu, Tamil, Kanarese and Malayalam and probably native to India for a longer period and are now spoken mostly in southern India.

Origins of the Mongoloid Race

The Chinese and all the minority groups living in China are of the Mongoloid race, which stems from Noah’s son Japheth.

As Herbert W. Armstrong taught throughout his ministry, Noah’s son Japheth married a woman of the yellow race, and went on to father the Mongoloid people. The Hebrew word Japheth means enlargement, according to The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, and a glance at the modern world shows that the Oriental populations have been enlarged and multiplied to an unparalleled degree. Japheth’s descendants have long been the most populous people on Earth, with the bulk living in China, Southeast Asia and Japan.

Genesis 10:2-5 show that the enlargement of Japheth began with the patriarch himself siring seven sons and an untold number of daughters. Obviously, these sons and daughters were a mix between the Caucasoid and Mongoloid races, the latter of which grew more definitive in subsequent generations. Soon after the dispersion at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:8), Japheth’s descendants migrated through Central Asia to the lands they occupy now.

Where Did the Chinese Come From?

There are numerous Oriental legends about Japheth. According to Mohammedan writers he was the eldest son of Noah, who gave him a stone (called Giude Tasch and Seuk Jede, long preserved in the country of the Mogul), upon which was inscribed the name of God, and which enabled him to cause rain at pleasure. They call him Aboultierk, and ascribe to him eleven sons, among whom are Sin, father of the Chinese, Turk of the Turks, and Ros of the Russians—nations wholly unknown to the ancient Hebrews. They ascribe to his sons great wisdom (Kitto, John; Alexander, William Lindsay. A Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature, 3rd Edition. Black, 1876, p. 465).

According to the Tartars and Orientals, the Chinese are descended from Tchin, or Gin, the son of Japheth (Painter, John Thomas. Ethnology: or The history & genealogy of the human race: Or, The History & Genealogy of the Human Race. Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1880 Original from Oxford University Digitized Jul 3, 2006, p. 106).

How Can the Chinese Dynasties Extend Back Many Thousands of Years?

The solution lies in an examination of the earliest Chinese dynasties. Actually, precisely documented dynasties go back only to about 2000 B.C. The first true dynasty was founded about 4000 years ago by a leader remembered for having "sweetened the waters," making the land habitable after wide-spread flooding. The ten listed dynasties before that, however, were of a different sort, with very long lives and questionable details attributed to them. From a Biblical viewpoint, as did all of humanity, the Chinese descended from Adam, then Noah through the Tower of Babel incident. The Asian people descended from language groups migrating away from the Tower of Babel after God confounded their languages. In all likelihood, the well-documented dynasties date to that event, while the prior ones were faded memories of pre-Flood patriarchs, preserved as legends.

Interestingly, each group mentioned above lists 10 patriarchs in their pre-history, just as does Genesis. Individual leaders would guide their growing language groups to a new land, bringing both technology and a history with them. Each had personal knowledge of the Flood and pre-Flood days, having learned from Noah, his sons, or their early descendants. The Asian leader evidently gained prominence when he engineered the draining of swampy land left saturated by leftover flood waters. His following dynasty commenced about the time of Abraham, about 2000 B.C., and the memories of long-lived patriarchs of pre-Flood days became early dynasties.



4074 Maday {maw-dah'-ee} of foreign derivation; TWOT -- omitted;

Media or Medes or Madai = "middle land"

n pr m

1) a people descended from the son of Japheth and who inhabited the territory of Media

n pr loc

2) land inhabitated by the descendants of Japheth; located northwest of Persia proper, south and southwest of the Caspian Sea, east of Armenia and Assyria, and west and northwest of the great salt desert of Iram


(Continued from above)

...and then had a son named Sīn ("Sīne" or, "Sī-nee"), one who possibly had narrow-looking, slanted eyes, and who then traveled, together with his family and servants, down what would later be known as, "The Silk Road", further East into what would be today's Yellow River Basin...


Again, i just now found this at Wikipedia (Sinim):

"The Chinese associate the origin of their civilization with the capital of Shensi, namely, Siang-fu (translated: "Father Sin"). In Assyrian records, Siang-fu appears as Sianu."

Most likely the Chinese Civilization began in the area of the former Chinese capital Shensi or Siang-fu (Father Sin) also called Hang'an and today called Xi'an meaning city of "Everlasting Peace". This is the place where the Silk Road began and served as the first capital of the unified empire. One ancient Chinese classic called the "Hihking" tells the story of Fuhi, whom the Chinese consider to be the father of their civilization. This history records that Fuhi, his wife, three sons, and three daughters escaped the great flood. He and his family were the only people left alive on earth. After the great flood they repopulated the world. An ancient temple in China has a wall painting that shows Fuhi's boat in the raging waters. Dolphins are swimming around the boat and a dove with an olive branch in its beak is flying toward it.

The following excerpts & articles were all found on January 30th, 2017...

Origins of the name: "China":

The traditional theory, proposed in the 17th century by Martino Martini and supported by many later scholars, is that the word "China" and its earlier related forms are ultimately derived from the state of Qin (Chinese: 秦; Wade–Giles: Ch'in; Old Chinese: "Dzin", also pronounced as "Zin", or "Sin"), the westernmost of the Chinese states during the Zhou dynasty which unified China to form the Qin dynasty. There are, however, other suggestions for the derivation of "China".

"The name Sin appears frequently in the Chinese language, and the city of Xian, a provincial capital in western China, was known as Sianfu in the nineteenth century, meaning "Father Sin." Some scholars have suggested that the Sin referred to here may have been Fu Xi, the legendary first king of China, who began his reign in 2852 B.C. Later, when the first Chinese kingdom broke up in the first millennium B.C., a state named Qin (also spelled Tsin or Ch'in), arose near Xian; the Qin rulers reunited the land in the third century B.C., and the whole land became known as China, named after Qin. Thus the name "Sīn" came to us in a roundabout fashion, altered over the ages to become "China." The ancient name also appeared in its original form in the 1960s and 70s when news reports told about the "Sino-Soviet" border dispute." Biblical Interpretation of World History

[By the way, the Chinese pronounce 'China' as, "Sīna"]

Possible Descendants of Sīn ("Siang-fu")...

The Yan Emperor Shennong - The "God Farmer" or "God Peasant":

also known as the Wugushen (五谷神 "Five Grains' [or Five Cereals'] God") or also Wuguxiandi (五谷先帝 "First Deity of the Five Grains"), is a deity in Chinese religion, a mythical sage ruler of prehistoric China. Shennong has at times been counted amongst the Three Sovereigns (also known as "Three Kings" or "Three Patrons"), a group of deities or deified kings said to have lived some 4,500 years ago. Shennong has been thought to have taught the ancient Chinese not only their practices of agriculture, but also the use of herbal drugs.

According to the eighth century AD historian Sima Zhen's commentary to the second century BC Shiji (or, Records of the Grand Historian), Shennong is a kinsman of the Yellow Emperor and is said to be an ancestor, or a patriarch, of the ancient forebears of the Chinese. The Han Chinese regarded them both as their joint ancestors.

[Possible son of Sīn?]

The First Dynasty in Traditional Chinese History:

The Xia dynasty (c. 2070 – c. 1600 BCE) is the first dynasty in traditional Chinese history. It is described in ancient historical chronicles such as the Bamboo Annals, the Classic of History and the Records of the Grand Historian. According to tradition, the dynasty was established by the legendary Yu the Great after Shun, the last of the Five Emperors gave his throne to him.

Early Dynastic Rule

According to Chinese tradition, the first dynasty was the Xia, which emerged around 2100 bc. The dynasty was considered mythical by historians until scientific excavations found early Bronze Age sites at Erlitou, Henan in 1959.

Origins and Early Development

Traditional histories trace the development of the Xia to the legendary Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. According to ancient Chinese texts, before the Xia dynasty was established, battles were frequent between the Xia tribe and Chi You's tribe. The Xia tribe slowly developed around the time of Zhuanxu, one of the Five Emperors. The Records of the Grand Historian and the Classic of Rites say that Yu the Great is the grandson of Zhuanxu, but there are also other records, like Ban Gu, that say Yu is the fifth generation of Zhuanxu. Based on this, tradition ascribes the ancestry of the Xia clan to Zhuanxu.

Yu the Great (Chinese: 大禹; pinyin: Dà Yǔ, c. 2200 – 2101 BC) was a legendary ruler in ancient China famed for his introduction of flood control, inaugurating dynastic rule in China by founding the Xia Dynasty, and for his upright moral character.

[A direct descendant of Sīn & Madai?]

Gun's attempt to stop the Great Flood:

Gǔn, Count of Chóng (Chinese: 崇伯鯀) was a figure in Chinese mythology, sometimes noted as the father of Yu the Great, the founder of the Xia dynasty. Gun was appointed to the task of controlling the Great Flood by Emperor Yao on the advice of the Four Mountains. Gun used dykes to try to stop the flooding but the dykes collapsed, killing many people.

The Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors:

Emperor Yao

Yao's ancestral name (姓) is Yi Qi (伊祁) or Qi (祁), clan name is Taotang (陶唐), given name is Fangxun (放勳), as the second son to Emperor Ku and Qingdu (慶都). He is also known as Tang Yao (唐堯).[3][4]

Yao's mother has been worshipped as the goddess Yao-mu.

[Yi Qi is roughly translated as "Together"]

Emperor Zhi

Di Zhì (simplified Chinese: 帝挚; traditional Chinese: 帝摯; pinyin: Dì Zhì) or simply Zhì, was a mythological emperor of ancient China. Di was a title as in HuangDi "Yellow Emperor" and YanDi "Flame Emperor". Zhi was a son of DiKu "Emperor Ku". Di Zhi ruled for nine years (roughly 2366- 2358 BC) until he died and was succeeded by his younger half-brother Yao.

[Zhi is roughly translated as "Intelligence".]

Emperor Ku

also known as Gaoxin or Gāoxīn Shì (Chinese: 高辛氏), was (according to many versions of the list) one of the Five Emperors of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of Chinese mythology

He was the son of Qiaoji (蟜極/蟜极), and thus grandson to Shaohao, and great-grandson to Yellow Emperor.

[Gao is roughly translated as "Say Yes and Mean It". Gaoxin means: "Great Inheritance". Shi means: "to make / to cause / to enable / to use / to employ / to send / to instruct / to be]

Yellow Emperor "Huangdi"

Traditionally credited with numerous inventions and innovations – ranging from the calendar to an ancestor of soccer – the Yellow Emperor is now regarded as the initiator of Chinese civilization, and said to be the ancestor of all Chinese.

[Huangdi means "Emperor". His other names, "Xuanyuan" and "Youxiong", are taken from that of his hereditary principality.]

Another Indication of the Origin of the Chinese was their Monotheism:

They believed in Shang-Di, the Supreme Heavenly Ruler of whom they never made an image.

At the Border Sacrifice, a single calf, male of female, was sacrificed. "Why a calf? Because of its guileless simplicity,' says Kâu Hsü of our eleventh century; earlier than Kû Hsî, who adopted his explanation. The calf, whether male or female, has not yet felt the appetency of sex, and is unconscious of any 'dissipation.' This is a refinement on the Hebrew idea of the victim lamb, 'without blemish.'" (footnote 1: Book IX, The Kiao Tehe Sang, Sec. 1:2) The oldest Chinese historical source tells us that in the year 2230 BC at the "Border Sacrifice", the Emperor Shun sacrifice to Shang-Di offering the following prayer:

"Of old in the beginning, there was the great chaos, without form and dark. The five elements [planets] had not begun to revolve, nor the sun and moon to shine. You, O Spiritual Sovereign, first divided the grosser parts from the purer. You made heaven. You made earth. You made man. All things with their reproducing power got their being".

"Thou hast vouchsafed, O Di, to hear us for, Thou regardest us as a Father. I, Thy child, dull and unenlightened, am unable so show forth the dutiful feelings".

"Thy sovereign goodness is infinite. As a potter, Thou hast made all living thing. Thy sovereign goodness is infinite. Great and small are sheltered [by Thee]. As engraven on the heart of Thy poor servant is the sense of Thy goodness, so that my feelings cannot be fully displayed. With great kindness Thou dost bear us, and not withstanding our shortcomings, dost grant us life and prosperity."

Original source: Shu Ching, Book of History/Documents

Hieromonk Damascene reflecting on the above prayer states: "In general, reading the text of the Border Sacrifice reminds us strongly of the prayers of the Ancient Hebrews as found in the Old Testament: the same reverent awe before God, the same self abasement, humility and gratitude before his greatness. ... It seems that the most ancient Chinese religion and the ancient Hebrew religion are drawn from the same source." From the above it is most likely that the Chinese brought with them the religion of Noah as they migrated from Media.

Above is borrowed from:

Notice, also, the Chinese languages are called, "Sinitic languages":


See also:


(Continued from above)

...and gave birth to the Chinese, Mongol, and Tibetan peoples.

The Sīnim (Japhetic-Semitic) "Mongoloid" peoples ("Yellow Race" ): The Han Chinese, Tibetans, and Mongols...

Han-Chinese Woman

Tibetan woman

Mongol woman


Note: Let's look at what the scenario of nearly 4,000 years ago looked like, as that son of Japheth travelled into ancient Media/Persia...

Did Madai look like this?...

Modern-day Pashtun man of Afghanistan (blonde hair & blue eyes)

[Note: There's also strong evidence that Genghis Khan and Siddhārtha Gautama, aka, "The Buddha", both had red hair and blue eyes]

He married a Semitic woman, maybe she looked like this...

Modern-day Semitic woman

Maybe their son, Sīn, looked like this...

Modern-day Pamir man.

Now, what happened when Sīn married a Semitic woman? Or he may have married one of his sisters. She likely looked like his mother or maybe even more "Eastern". Or maybe much like himself...

Modern-day Kalash (Kalasha, Kaĺaśa, Nuristani, Kasivo) girl (Afghanistan).

But if she was Semitic then she would likely have looked more like the Persian woman, below...

The Persian people were originally a Japhetic race who migrated into what is today's Iran. Over the centuries they have mixed with many of the Semitic and mixed peoples of the Middle-East. Just look at this Persian woman to see the evidence of what that mixture produces...

Modern-day Persian woman

Of course, he easily could've had more than one wife.

Now it's much easier to see how Madai's children would turn out to look like this...

Modern-day Tibetan woman

Now, if a Tibetan woman, like the one above, married a dark-skinned Dravidian man, like this...

Dravidian Man from Southern India

Map - Showing that most Dravidians live in Southern India.

Then their offspring would look something like this...

Nepalese girl who looks Malay

Or this...

Jumma girl - of the Chittagong Hills, Bangladesh (notice her nose is more pointed than a Malay)

The Dravidians themselves are a mixture of Semitic & Hamitic (Cushitic) peoples, like the young man below...

A modern-day boy of the Jarawa tribe of the Andaman Islands.

Which, if a Chinese mixed directly with a Cushite like the one above, their children would look like a Malay...

A typical Malay-looking Filipina (above)

Modern Malay-Dutch-Chinese Woman (above)

Which is an obvious mixture of half Black / half Chinese (or light-skinned, East-Asian)...

Modern-day Jamaican-Chinese man & woman - half "Black", half Chinese (Hamitic-Semitic-Japhethitic mix).

As you can see, they both look very much like a modern-day Malay / Filipino.

The Semitic-Hamitic-Kushitic connection of the Malay peoples is very clear when you look at these mixtures.

Just as these modern-day Americans also reveal...

Channel Iman (above) - half Black half Asian celebrity.

This Half Chinese - Half Black Man (above) could easily pass as a Polynesian.

Half Korean - Half Black ("African-American") Girl

When you mix a modern-day Malay or Filipino and a "Negrito" (SE Asian Black Cushite) you get a lighter-skinned version of a Cushite...

Modern-day Orang Asli children - Indigenous "Negritos" of Malaysia.

Modern-day children of the Aeta or Agta Dumagat Tribe of the Philippines.

Timorese Youth

These "Negrito" people have been mixed with Malays, Dutch and Portuguese. The young man in front (with short hair) looks as though he could be Brazilian, many who are mixed Africans, American Indians, and Portuguese -who ruled the island for hundreds of years.

Just like Tiger Woods, who is half Thai and half African American...

Tiger Woods - Half Thai - Half Black. His mother is actually Thai-Chinese-Dutch.

Or like Benson Henderson, who's mother is Korean and his father African-American...

Notice his facial features, skin complexion, and hair are exactly like that of any number of Pacific Island peoples.



These "Sīnim" peoples moved North, into Siberia, and also South, into lands inhabited by dark-skinned Hamitic Cushites...mixing with them and producing various tribes of Malay-looking peoples, who still today inhabit lands from Eastern India to Indo-China, and down into the Malay Archipelago.

Girl from the Flower Hmong hill tribe, N. Vietnam

Akha People

The Akha live in northern Laos, western Burma, northern Thailand, northern Vietnam and southern China.

Young Akha Girl (Thailand).

These people have their roots in Tibet.

Akha girls of Chiang Rai, Thailand

Akha Hill Tribe Woman of Chiang Rai, Thailand

Akha Loma Girls of Laos

Akha Loma Girl.

Akha Loma Girl (above) - who looks just like a Malay.

Akha Loma Girl (above) - who looks just like a Tibetan.

Akha Loma Girls with Young Water Buffalo.

Akha Loma Girls (above), of Laos, in their traditional clothing.

Woman of the Akha Pala ethnic group. She looks Khmer.

Khmer Children of Cambodia (below)...

Akha Pala Girl - showing Japhetic features.

Akha ("Hani") Girls of Southern China.

Traditional Akha House


Lahu People

The Lahu (Chinese: 拉祜族; Lahu: Ladhulsi / Kawzhawd; Vietnamese: La Hủ) are an ethnic group of southern China and Mainland Southeast Asia.

Lahu girls inside a traditional house (above).

Lahu girls (above) in Taunggyi, Shan State, Burma.

Lahu couple. The man is holding a traditional flute.

Lahu Funeral Procession, in Chen shu, on the Chinese-Laos border.

Lahu Women Dance.

Young Lahu Woman in Traditional Headdress. She could easily pass for Tibetan.

Wife of the Village Chief Lahu Shi Balah Village, Northern Thailand.

Lahu Women of Northern Thailand, Performing a Traditional Dance. Similar dances are performed by Native Peoples all over Southeast Asia.

Lahu Women of Yunnan Province, Southern China.

No. That's not Mexico, or The Philippines. It's Langcang Laodabao Lahu Village, in Southern China - Known for it's Beautiful Guitar Playing.

(Note: The above people are closely related to the Hmong, of Indo-China, and are said to be the ancestors of the Ilocano peoples of NW Luzon island in the Philippines...which have different physical characteristics than other Malay peoples, such as the Tagalog and Visayan, who are said to have originated from Malaysia and Indonesia.)

Traditional Lahu House (below)...

Akha Hill Tribe harvesting Garlic on the Mae Kok river from Thaton in Chiang Mai to Chiangrai Thailand.

Japhetic genes still show up in their physical features to this day...

Light-skinned Blonde-haired Hmong Girl of Southern China (they also live in Indo-China: Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia).

Hmong woman with, incredibly enough, a blond baby.

Modern Tibetan Girl with Red Hair.

A Green-eyed Nepalese Girl

Some of these then mixed with Tibetan peoples and migrated from their homeland in the present-day Nagaland region of Northeast India,

Naga Tribes' People (Nagaland, Northeast India).

There are several different "Naga" tribes within Nagaland.

Kuki man and woman (above) dressed in their traditional attire in Nagaland.

Notice the two Naga women above - one is light-skinned, the other is dark. You will see this among tribal peoples from Africa to SE Asia.

Naga Women - Hornibal Festival Dancers

Nagaland’s extremely talented “Tetseo Sisters” showcasing their traditional clothes (above). Compare them with any group of tribal women from Mindanao, Philippines.

Sumi-Naga Girls (above). Sumi-Nagas mostly inhabit the southern regions of Nagaland. They also live in districts such as Dimapur, Kohima, Kiphire, Mokokchung, Tuensang, etc.

Tangkhul Naga Elder (below) – Tribal Ceremony, Ukhrul Town, Nagaland...

BTW, Compare the above headdress to that of these Hopi butterfly dancers...

Traditional Naga House (above), in Tangnyu, Nagaland.

Connection with Building Structures...

Bamboo Festival House - Nagaland, India. These houses are only built and used for festivals and special occasions.

Compare the above to these Traditional Houses of the Toraja Peoples of South Sulawesi, Indonesia...

Traditional Toraja Funeral Houses (above), Torajaland, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. These house, like the ones in Nagaland, are only built for festivals and funerals. They are traditionally burned down at the end of the festivities.

As you can see, on the map below, Nagaland, in Northeast India, is exactly 3,500 miles from Torajaland, in South Sulawesi, Indonesia (just East of Borneo), so it's not exactly like they're next-door neighbors...

Torajan Mourner (above) - Torajaland, Southern Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Toraja Women in Traditional Dress.

Toraja Young Girls in Traditional Dress.

Four typical "Malay-looking" girls of Imphal, Manipur, in Northeast India (Just South of Nagaland)...

Two young women of Tripura state in Northeast India (Just North of Chittagong)...

Tribal Girl of Tripura (above)

Jamatia girl (above).

Jamatia is one of the 21 scheduled tribes of Tripura state of India. They mainly dwell in the West Tripura and the South Tripura districts. They speak the language Kokborok which is of Tibeto-Burmese origin.

Reang Girl (above).

Reang or Riang are one of the 21 scheduled tribes of the Indian state of Tripura. The correct nomenclature for this ethnic group is actually Bru although the name reang was accidentally incorporated by the Indian government during a census count. The Bru can be found mainly in the North Tripura, Dhalai and the South Tripura districts of Tripura state in India. However, they may also be found in Mizoram, Assam, Manipur and Bangladesh. They speak the Reang dialect of Kokborok language which is of Tibeto-Burmese origin and is locally referred to as Kau Bru.

Reang woman (above), wearing traditional style jewellery. Tripura / Mizoram.

(Compare to the tribe of women in Burma who stretch their necks in a similar fashion: Kayan people).

Reang Tribal refugees (above) of Mizoram / Tripura. Notice the very Hamitic-Kushitic features of this particular clan.

Debbarma Tribal Woman (above) from Tripura India wearing Traditional Necklace called Rangbwbang.

Debbarma is the surname of Tripuri Clan from tripura or the title generally used by the Kokborok-speaking (Tibeto-Burmese) Borok (Tripuri) people, the indigenous people of Tripura, a state in India. This is one of the cases where use of a surname reflects ethnic or tribal membership. The Debbarmas are the majority communities of a state called tripura till the Princely state tripura merged with Indian territory.

Tribal Dress of NE India (above)

Tangsa Tribe

The Tangsa, term in Myanmar (Burma), is a community of several tens of thousands living in Changlang District of Arunachal Pradesh, parts of Tinsukia District of Assam, in north-eastern India, and across the border in Sagaing Region, Myanmar (Burma). The Tangshang in Myanmar were formerly known as Rangpang, Pangmi, and Heimi/Haimi. Their language is called Naga-Tase.

The Tangshang in Myanmar as well as the Tangsa in India regard themselves as a Naga tribe. Today Tangsa people live in the Patkai mountains, on the border of India and Burma, and some live in the plains areas on the Indian side of the border. Many Tangsa tell of migrations from what is now Mongolia, through the South-West China Province of Yunan into Burma. Tangsa traditions suggest that they settled in the existing region from the beginning of the 13th century. It is believed that in their native place in China and Burma they were known as ‘Muwa’ and ‘Hawa’ respectively.

[Note: the above info i just now discovered at Wikipedia, a week after i typed up this article!]

An Arunachali girl (above), from the Naga-Tangsa tribe dwelling in the Tirap and Changlang district of Arunachal Pradesh, just North of Nagaland, Northeast India.

Naga-Tangsa Woman with naturally Long Hair (above).

Naga-Tangsa "Tutsa" Dancers (above), from Changlang District, Anrunchal Pradesh.

Notice the man's can see similar headgear on any dozens of tribal men throughout Southeast Asia, all the way thru Indonesia and into the southern Philippines.

Naga-Tangsa Men wearing Boar Tusk Headdresses...

Compare to this Dayak man (below) of Borneo, Indonesia, some 2,500 miles away...

Dayak Man with Boar's Tusk Headdress, Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia.

Arunachali women wear jewelry made from materials such as beads, wild seeds, feathers of birds, green wings of beetles, brass, bones, ivory, silver and gold. The women use necklaces, headbands, bracelets and belts not just as an embellishment, but also as a sign of prestige as they believe that jewelry enhances their womanhood.

Compare the above bead-work and woman with that of many American Indians.

Modern-day women of various tribal clans of Mizoram (above), just South of Manipur, NE India.

Khasi Tribe

The Khasi people are an indigenous tribe, the majority of whom live in the State of Meghalaya which is in the north eastern part of India, just below Assam and West of Nagaland.

Above, a Khasi man, in traditional wear. One can easily see the similarity with many a tribal chieftain or "Datu" warrior of Mindanao. The Chiefs of the Cherokees, Muskogee Creeks, and Seminoles also dressed in a very similar fashion.

Dimasa Tribe

Having their roots way back to the Mahabharata, Dimasas live in the Jatinga Valley in the north Chhachar Hills of Assam. They are supposed to be the aboriginals of the Brahmaputra Valley, ascending from the Himalayas with their roots connecting them to the Hindu epic Mahabharata.

The features of these modern-day models of Mizoram, in NE India (just East of Chittagong) show they're connection to both the Chinese and the Malays...

Notice that the first is light-skinned and the others are various shades of tan.

Assamese dancers in their traditional attire performing their famous “Bihu dance” (above), just West of Nagaland, NE India.

The Bodo community (above), from Assam performing their “Bagurumba” traditional dance.

Tribal women from Assam state (above).

See also the following article (at the link below) to read about how the Indigenous peoples of South & Southeast Asia are connected to the people of Nepal (who are a mixture of Tibetans and their darker neighbors to the South):

Adivasi the Indigenous People of South Asia

See also...

The Indigenous color of India – the Indian Tribes

Tribes Who Still Inhabit The Deep Dank Forests of India

An obvious connection can also be seen in the Santhal people, indigenous to Terai of Nepal and India, who live mainly in Nepal and the Indian States of Jharkhand, West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Assam (part of the Tea Tribes)....Some of whom are very dark skinned...

Santali dance of the Santhal people

The Santal or Saontal (also spelled as Santal, Sontal or Sonthal), are a scheduled tribe of people indigenous to Terai of Nepal and India, who live mainly in Nepal and the Indian States of Jharkhand, West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Assam (part of the Tea Tribes). There is also a significant Santhal minority in neighboring Bangladesh, and a small population in Nepal (known as Satar in Nepal). They are one of the largest tribal communities in India. The Santals mostly speak Santali, a member of the Munda language family.

Notice the art below and see the obvious similarities to those of Africa...

Dhodro banam musical instruments (above).

(Continued from above)

...going North into Siberia and across the Bering Land Bridge and into the Americas - becoming the American Indians or, "Amerindians".

Native peoples of Kamchatka, Eastern Siberia, Russia (above)

Compare the above with this Bhutia woman of Tibet - circa 1910 (below)

Some of the Siberian peoples mixed with Japhetic peoples and later migrated into Northern Japan, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, Canada, and even as far East as Greenland.

Ainu Women with strange mouth tattoo

Young Ainu Woman (Notice she has stronger Han features...after decades of inter-marriage with Japanese)

Notice the obvious Japhetic facial features of this elderly Ainu man...

Ainu Family...

Ainu Family in front of hut


By the way, compare the clothing designs of the Ainu, above, with those of these Northwest Coast "Indians" of North America...

Chilkat dancers pose in ceremonial dress

Now compare the Ainu women's facial tattoos with this Northwest Coast "Indian" woman...

Tlingit noblewoman with facial tattoo around the mouth

Note: i wrote this article before even discovering these similarities.


Aleut Woman from the village of Nikolski - 1938

An Inupiat woman, Nome, Alaska, c. 1907

An Inupiat family from Noatak, Alaska, 1929 (Notice the obvious Japhetic features)

Elderly Innu Woman

Native Greenlanders of today in festive dress, Upernavik (Notice the obvious Japhetic features after centuries of inter-marriage with Scandinavian Danes)

Some of the Siberian peoples (such as the Nenets) mixed with Japhetic peoples and became the Ugric (Uralic) peoples such as the Lapps (EnniEadni / Sami / Saami), Finns (Suomi), Huns or, Magyars (Hungarians), and others.

Nenets Girl with obvious Japethic features (above & below)

Nenets Family with Mongol features (above).

These people inhabit northwest Russia, near the borders of "Lappland"...

Nenets Autonomous "Okrug" in Northwest Russia (above)

Nenets Language Map (below)...

Nenets child (above) with obvious Mongol features.

Notice that the traditional clothing is similar to both Mongol dress of the East, and that of the Lapps & Scandinavians of Northern Europe.

These peoples were known for their unique facial features of broad heads, flat noses, and slanted eyes...which distinguished them apart from Western Europeans.

Most of these migrated Northwest into the Scandinavian region of Northern Europe.

Saami Family of Finland ca. 1800's (above).

Suomi, Lapset, Saami, and Äidit women of yesteryear (notice the similarity to Native Americans)...

Lapp Native Tribal Woman of Sweden, w. Baby, in Traditional Costume, 1938

Lapp Woman & Baby, ca. early 1900's

Lapp Woman, ca. early 1900's

Lapp woman in front of "tipi" with baby in "papoose", ca. early 1900's

Saami Woman of Finland, ca.1900

Sami Lapp Man of today

Young Swedish Lapp Woman of Today (after centuries of inter-marriage with Germanic Scandinavians)

The ancestors of the Hungarian people were an Asiatic people known as the Huns. They were a nomadic tribe that once inhabited what is today Mongolia...though they were not Mongols, they were apparently a mixture of Sīnim and Japhetic peoples.

They're more closely related to the Turks than to the Germanic peoples of Western Europe.

The Ancient Huns.

Once the Huns migrated West the Mongols settled in their former homeland - today's Mongolia.

Due to many centuries of inter-marriage with Germanic and Celtic peoples, most Hungarians today exhibit little to any facial similarities with their Asian ancestors...

Hungarian children of today

Hungarian teenage girls

Young Hungarian girls

Some experts believe the Gypsy (Roma) people were also descended from them, and large groups of them migrated from India to Europe many centuries ago...

Hungarian Gypsy children (above)

Gypsy girls of Macedonia

Gypsy boys of Macedonia (above).

Kalbeliya Gypsy Tribe of Rajasthan, India...

Kalbeliya Gypsy family of Rajasthan, India

Kalbelia Gypsy dancer

Many members of the Kalbelia and Bopa "Gypsy" tribes of India have naturally occurring light-colored hair and green eyes...

Kalbeliya Gypsy girl of Rajasthan, India - with light hair & green eyes

A Kushitic connection to the Gypsy natives of India can be found among the semi-nomadic Bhil tribe of India & Pakistan...

Bhil woman of India (above)

Bhils are majorly found in Central India, i.e. the state of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Mahrashtra and far-east in Tripura. Bhils are also settled in the Tharparkar District of Sindh, Pakistan.

Children in Raisen district (Bhil tribe), MP, India.

Bhil Tribal woman (above).

After further mixing with Germanic-Scandinavians they produced such tribes as The Rus' (Russians).

Russians in traditional dress

Many peoples in Western Russia still have East Asian-looking facial features...

Chuvash girl from Volga river region of Russia (above).

Russian Girl, from the Caucasus region, with Mongol features.

Being isolated in China, the Sīnim peoples developed their distinguished facial features after many millennia of inbreeding.

Some of them then mixed with Japhetic peoples of Central Asia and produced the Altaic & Turkic tribes. Many Turkic peoples then mixed with Japhetic peoples as the Alans and Scythians and migrated further West into The Caucasus region and into Anatolia (Turkey), where they then further mixed with Armenians, Greeks, Hebrews, Sidonians, Persians, Galatians (Gauls), and other Japhetic, Semitic, and Hamitic peoples.

They were later further diluted by invading Arabs and then Mongols. Many invaded Southeast Europe and mixed with Slavs, Romanians, Thracians, and others. One Turkic tribe, the Bulgars, invaded today's Bulgaria, and also absorbed it's native population.

Some believe the Turks are related to (or descended from) the ancient Huns.

Boys of Turkish Central Asia (above)

Turks of Turkmenistan

The Turkic Uighurs (or, Uyghurs) of Xinjiang region, China easily show the mixture of Japhetic and Semetic genes, as they greatly vary from tribe to tribe...

Bearded elderly Uighurs in Xinjiang province (above)

Uyghur Women with both "Sīnim" (Mongol) & more Japhetic features (above).

Some of the Uighurs look more like "White" people, showing that they carry genes from ancient times when Japhetic tribes lived in central Asia...

Uighur Girl of Western China with blond hair and blue eyes (above)

Even red hair is not uncommon among the Uighurs (above).

Notice that the man & boy above look like they could easily be Western European.

Various Turkic peoples of today...

Map showing countries and autonomous subdivisions with an official Turkic language.

Altaic peoples are very closely related to the Turks and Mongols. They inhabit a wide range of areas throughout Northern Central Asia and Siberia. They also vary in facial features, some more Mongol-looking, and some more "White" European-looking.

Their appearance, dress, language, customs, and religious ceremonies all show an obvious connection as the ancestors of Native Americans (by the way, i wrote this article before looking any of this up).

Altai Horseman

Old Altai woman dressed in traditional Altaic apparel. Folk festival of Altaic people El-Oiyn. The Republic of Altai, Russia.

Altai shaman performing a ritual ceremony (kamlanie). El-Oiyn national festival of Altaic people. The Altai Republic, Russia.

Girls dressed in Altaic national apparels. Folk festival of Altaic people El-Oiyn. The Republic of Altai, Russia.

The Kazakhs of the Altai mountain range are the only people that hunt with golden eagles, and today there are around 400 practicing falconers.

Altai teen girl models (above)

Altai women with traditional head-wear (above).

Elderly Altai noblewomen with different tribal headdresses (above).

Girls dressed in Altaic traditional apparel are playing national music instrument khomus. Folk festival of Altaic people El-Oiyn. The Republic of Altai.

Altaic Shaman (above & below)

Altaic shamans

Shamanism in Siberia

Altai Shamanism in Siberia

Siberian Shamanism

Tuva Shamanism

The Tuva peoples are Altaic with a Turkic language and are also related to the Mongols.

Native Girls of Yakutia, Northern Siberia, Russia.

They look almost pure Mongol.

Some Chinese migrated South and became the Burmans, Thai, Lao, and Viet peoples. Many of these then mixed with tribal peoples such as the Hmong, who themselves later mixed with the darker Cushitic tribes of the region, and settled in Cambodia, Southern Thailand, Malaya, Indonesia, and The Philippines.

Those peoples, known as "Malayo-Polynesians", then sailed into the islands of the Pacific and settled from Micronesia to Hawaii, to Tahiti, Samoa, Tonga, South into Aotearoa (New Zealand), and many other islands of the South Pacific.

In the Southwest Pacific they mixed with the dark-skinned Cushitic islanders and became known as the Melanesians.

See also: Part 1 - Where The Malay People (mixed Kushitic Blacks) Came From

In modern times (the last 1,000 years) more Chinese have migrated into S.E. Asia and further diluted the Malay peoples and Pacific islanders...mostly in metro areas like Bangkok, Phnom Penh, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Manila, Jakarta, and Honolulu.

Chinese have become one of the most wide-spread migratory peoples in history...and today are mixed into the blood of many blond-haired, fair-skinned, and even blue-eyed peoples in Europe, America, and elsewhere.

From Wikipedia...

The Han Chinese, Han people or simply Han (漢族; pinyin: Hànzú, literally "Han ethnicity" or "Han ethnic group"; or 漢人; pinyin: Hànrén, literally "Han people") are an ethnic group native to East Asia. They constitute approximately 92% of the population of China, 95% of Taiwan (Han Taiwanese), 76% of Singapore, 23% of Malaysia and about 18% of the global population. Han Chinese are the world's largest ethnic group with over 1.3 billion people.

Three Young Women of Mongolia (above)

The Mongols inter-married and bred with many hundreds of thousands of Japhetic, Semitic, and Hamitic peoples, where they invaded & conquered lands from Central Asia, into Europe, the Middle-East, Iran, Afghanistan, and even India.

Many Russians (Kazakhs), Europeans, and Americans of today have Mongol blood running in their veins.

Kazakh girl with strong Mongolian features

Many modern-day Chinese have also mixed with dark-skinned Hamitic peoples in Asia, Africa, and the Americas, creating more Malay-looking peoples - some then mixing with European / Japhetic peoples and creating newer "Mulatto Creoles", and other ethnic groups, the world over...including the Caribbean & Indian Ocean islands, the East Indies, and the South Pacific.

Seychellois Creole children, Seychelles, Indian Ocean.

Over the past few centuries these people have inter-bred with even more Japhetic "White" Americans & Europeans.

In American, alone, Chinese & Malay peoples (and many mixed) have been inter-breeding with Japhetic "Whites" for the past 200-plus years...not to mention, with many Hispanics & Mexicans, who also migrate North and then further mix with "White" Americans.

Sīnim peoples also migrated in ancient times into Manchuria, Korea (Goryu), and Japan (Nippon). These then have also interbred with Japhetic, Semitic, and Hamitic peoples the world over (mostly over the last 100 years).

In "crossroad" places like Hong Kong, Singapore, Honolulu, and the many "Chinatowns" of big cities, the Sīnim peoples have been heavily mixing & emigrating for the past 100 plus years - and inter-marrying with every race, culture, and ethnic group on the planet.

Many military veterans of WW 2 also married East Asian women and brought them home to Europe, Australia, and America. Their mixed great grandchildren of today would easily number in the millions. Many, also, would be indistinguishable as to their genetic / racial origins.

That doesn't even include the many European & American military veterans which have married at least a few million East Asian women since 1945, myself included (in 1982)...and i already have five mixed children and four mixed grandchildren - one of them with blond hair, round blue eyes, and light skin. Her and her sisters are of German, Scottish, English, Cherokee, Scandinavian, French, Filipino, Spanish, and Chinese descent...with spots of Italian, Greek, Hebrew, and who knows what else in their family lines (i have done extensive family trees going back over 1,000 years).

Me (at age 14) and my "Nana" (my grandmother) - she was half Cherokee (Semitic-Hamitic mix) and half Scottish-English.

(Note: Recently i have completed several lines of family trees of my grandparents, and came to find that i also have Spanish, Italian, and Greek ancestors (Celtic-Phoenician-Greek-Roman / Japhetic-Hamitic-Semitic). The Phoenicians were also part Hebrew.

Brother Shane with his 4 eldest daughters (1997)

My 3 eldest grandchildren

Me and my 3 eldest grandchildren.

Anyone with American Indian blood in them with also have trace amounts of Sīnim (Chinese) in them. My grandchildren therefore have it from me and from their Philippine grandmother - who has much more recent Chinese ancestors.

(Above) One dark the other light - both are sisters and both are of German, Scottish, English, Cherokee, Scandinavian, French, Italian, Greek, Filipino, Spanish, and Chinese descent.

Two of my granddaughters with their Filipina (Malay-Spanish-Chinese) grandmother (above).

So, although Isaiah 49:12 doesn't mention The South, it does mention "The Sīnim" (instead of The East) - a people who have spread by migration and by inter-marriage into virtually every Race, culture, nation, and corner of the globe (by the way, Isaiah 49 is talking about the Gentile Bride - made up of every Race, ethnicity, culture, tribe, and skin color).

God bless everyone who reads this!

Your friend in Christ,

Brother Shane


See also...

An Introduction: There Are Only 3 Races On The Earth

Part 1 - Where The Malay People (mixed Kushitic Blacks) Came From

Part 2 - Where The "Anglo-Saxons" Came From

Other Links:

This link also has some good info on connections between the Sinim and other peoples of the world


Notice that Fu Xi and Nü Wa were serpent-tailed demigods:

Fu Xi was known as the "original human" (although technically speaking he was not a human), or Fu Hsi, legendary Chinese emperor, trad. 2852-2738 BC, mythical creator of fishing, trapping and writing.

"Pangu was said to be the creation god in Chinese mythology. He was a giant sleeping in an egg of chaos. As he awoke, he stood up and divided the sky and the earth. Pangu then died after standing up, and his body turned into rivers, mountains, plants, animals, and everything else in the world, among which is a powerful being known as Hua Hsu. Hua Hsu gave birth to a twin brother and sister, Fu Xi and Nü Wa. Fu Xi and Nü Wa are said to be creatures that have faces of human and bodies of snakes."

They were created by Pangu who was said to be the creation god in Chinese mythology. He was a giant sleeping in an egg of chaos.

"In the beginning there was nothing in the universe except a formless chaos. This chaos coalesced into a cosmic egg for about 18,000 years. Within it, the perfectly opposed principles of Yin and Yang became balanced, and Pangu emerged (or woke up) from the egg. Pangu is usually depicted as a primitive, hairy giant who has horns on his head and wears furs. Pangu began creating the world: he separated Yin from Yang with a swing of his giant axe, creating the Earth (murky Yin) and the Sky (clear Yang). To keep them separated, Pangu stood between them and pushed up the Sky. With each day the sky grew ten feet (3 meters) higher, the Earth ten feet thicker, and Pangu ten feet taller. In some versions of the story, Pangu is aided in this task by the four most prominent beasts, namely the Turtle, the Qilin, the Phoenix, and the Dragon.

After the 18,000 years had elapsed, Pangu died. His breath became the wind, mist and clouds; his voice, thunder; his left eye, the sun; his right eye, the moon; his head, the mountains and extremes of the world; his blood, rivers; his muscles, fertile land; his facial hair, the stars and Milky Way; his fur, bushes and forests; his bones, valuable minerals; his bone marrow, sacred diamonds; his sweat, rain; and the fleas on his fur carried by the wind became animals."

Notice that the story of Pangu is almost identical to that of Phanes, a primal being hatched from the world egg at creation - who was a mythical representation of Christ, as Creator.

See also:

Ancient Greek Deities ("Mythical Cosmogony")


Just found the following, a week after typing up this article:

Found on the Internet:

My definition of the subgroup of mongoloid appearance due to their climatic origin. I am referring to the pure ethnic group before any mixing of ethnic groups.

    • 1. Northern Mongoloid: Tungusic, Mongol, Tibetan, Korean, Northern Chinese, Japanese, Nivki, Chukchi, Yakut, Tuva, Yukaghir, Samoyedic

    • Very cold climate – cold winter, cool summer

    • Small eyes, single eyelid

    • Very Pale skin

    • 2. Southern Mongoloid: Southern Chinese, Burmese, Thai, Lao, Hmong, Mien, Vietnamese, Chin, Shan, Kuki, Bai, Lahu

    • Temperate climate – cool winter, warm summer

    • Medium sized eyes, double eyelids

    • Fair skin

    • 3. Southeast Mongoloid: (Paleomongoloid or Australoid-Mongoloid transitionals) – Taiwan aborigine, Montagnard, Akha, Khmer, Filipino, Indonesian, Malay in Malaysia/Singapore, Karen, Karenni, Naga, Rohinga

    • Hot, tropical climate – no winter, hot summer

    • Large eyes, double or triple eyelids.

    • Brown skin