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There Are Only 3 Races On The Earth:


164 So the whole thing is this: we all come off of one tree. That's right. And we was all cursed through the fall of Eden. And we're all saved through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There it is. So there's no curse. Accursed is them that does not believe, but blessed are those that do believe. So there's neither one, friend, the black or the colored man, or the white man or the yellow man. Then, if the black man was cursed by being black, then the yellow man is just halfway cursed. And then the—and then the yellow man—and then the brown man, he's just two thirds of the way cursed. See? And then, the African's about four-fifths cursed. And I guess the Indian is really accursed then. Oh, my! How nonsense! No! It's the different climate and things the people lived in. They turned, tribed off and so forth, they was different.

165 Look at the American Indian. Many of those…The Navajo out there is a darker race of people than our colored Ethiopian people in this country, the Navajo. The Apaches are…They're kind of a—a copper color. And the different tribes…See? So right there amongst the Indians, right here, you find the black one, and almost…And the Cherokee is almost as pale as we are, the Cherokee. And there's right here in this nation, the different tribes. So you see, you can't say they're half cursed and all the way cursed. They wasn't cursed because they're black. They wasn't cursed because they were yellow or because they were white. There's only one curse that I know of, and that's unbelief of Jesus Christ.


60 And here stands an Ethiopian woman to an Anglo-Saxon man, first time in life meeting; what we call a colored woman, white man. When that question was raised there, in the segregation, before Jesus, He let them know real quick, there is no difference in people's colors. We all come from one tree, Adam and Eve. Exactly. The countries we lived in, it changed our color; had nothing to do with it. God died for all creatures: the white man, the black man, the yellow man, the brown man, the red man, and all. They're all creatures of God.


18 It should have been Adam screaming, “Father, Father, where art Thou?”

Instead, it was God saying, “Adam, Adam, where art thou?” And that's the same thing today. So there's just not one bit of goodness about us, that we could say we had anything to do with our salvation. It was God calling us by election.

Now, I want you to keep in mind, of three. All times there's three classes of people on earth. They came from three races of people. They came from Ham, Shem, and Japheth. We know that Peter on the day of Pentecost, when Jesus had give him the keys to open the Gospel to the Jews, then to the Samaritans, and then to the Gentiles, that finished it. According to Scripture, all the races of the earth come from those three boys.


The Bible says that there are 3 Races (groups) of peoples -

1. Japhethites/Japhetic ("White" peoples)

2. Shemites/Semitic ("Tan" peoples)