How to Make (Mix) Different "Races"

How to Make (Mix) Different "Races"

Before we start, remember that our Prophet said that Adam (the name "Adam" means, "Red" he likely had skin color like an American Indian) had dark hair (which means he likely had dark eyes and probably darker skin than Eve), and that he had the genes of all Races in him. He said Eve likely had blonde-hair & blue eyes, and might have had lighter skin than Adam.


59 Let's turn our scene just before closing now, for a minute. Let's look at Adam and Eve there in the garden of Eden. Sin, alien from God without fellowship, tossed about with every wind of doctrine, didn't know what to do. God stood before them in the judgment there and pronounced the judgment upon them. Now, watch what they did.

There goes Adam and Eve with their arms around one another. I can see poor little Eve now can cry. Those great blue sparkly eyes, that looked like the stars of heaven, tears are running down her cheeks. They'll be wrinkled after while. That pretty blond hair hanging down her back will turn gray. That great shaggy black hair on Adam will turn gray one of these days. Those great huge muscles will shrink away, and come into the dust, and the skin worms will crawl through. Got to go.



63 Eve was the most beautiful woman that was ever on the earth. She was God's perfect thought of a woman. And Adam was the most perfect man that lived. When he was made manifest in Christ proved it. There he stood… I can see Adam, great, big, manly shoulders, his big muscles in his legs, his shaggy hair hanging around his neck. I can see Eve, beautiful, her blond hair hanging down her back, and her eyes as blue as the skies, and sparkled like the stars. She didn't have to use any Max Factors to make her pretty. No, sir, no, sir. Sin what did that. But look, brother, she's made in God's image; she's made after a image of man, after God had created her, beautiful, never to die, never to get old, never to wrinkle, the sparkle to never go out of the eyes. She was to be beautiful forever.



85 There stood Adam and Eve. Eve, a beautiful woman. Oh, my. I can see there: Adam with them dark shaggy locks hanging around his head; those bright, flashy eyes look over to his little sweetheart, Eve; and such a perfect-built woman; and her hair; looked up, and her eyes, as blue as the sky. Adam loved her. Oh, how he loved her.


Our Prophet also said that the genes of the "Serpent Seed" were carried over in the women of the Ark...which would be the wives of Noah and his sons - Ham, Shem, and Japheth...


197 Now, Noah and his sons, which come out, Ham, Shem, and Japheth, come out in the righteous line.

198 How did the seed ever get over? The seed come over in the ark, just like it did in the beginning, through the woman, their wives. They carried the seed of Satan, through the ark, just as Eve packed the seed of Satan, to give birth to Cain, through the woman.


Which means Noah and his sons chose women who were apparently the female offspring of "The Sons of God" and "The Daughters of Men".

So that would've made their wives half God's Seed and half-serpent seed - Hybrid.

According to our Prophet, God never even forgave them for mixing the seeds...


85 Look at Cain's children, how they went into it. “When the sons of God saw the daughters of men were fair, they taken unto them wives,” and God never did forgive them.


That would mean that everyone on the earth today is mixed, physically, with the genes of the Serpent, and those of Adam.

God never intended for one Race of man to be His chosen people, but that His people would be called-out from amongst every Race, color, creed, nationality, ethnicity, and religion.

This is why it's absurd for anyone to teach that one person of a certain skin color could produce a "hybrid" by marrying a person of a different skin color.

Not only that, but our Prophet was 1/4 Cherokee Indian, which means he had the genes of all 3 Races in him (as we have proven in these articles on this site), and therefore, according to the interpretations of many so-called believers, would have made him a "hybrid". But that is absurd, because our Prophet told us that the only way to produce a "hyrbid" is by mixing a Born-Again Child of God (of any skin color / Race) with a Serpent Seed (or a hell-bound child of the devil).


38 All right. Come here, lady. Now, I want to ask you; here stands a woman, standing here again tonight, I believe it was few nights ago, the same thing. The lady is a—a colored woman. And she from her beginning, her state, she's an Ethiopian, and I'm an Anglo-Saxon, or the white race. The same thing taken place at Samaria, when Jesus met the Samaritan woman. And she said, “It's not customary for You to have any dealings with us.” 'Cause they had a racial affair in that day. But Jesus plainly let her know that there was no difference in people. That's right.

“For men neither worship in this mountain or at Jerusalem,” He said, “but the men worship God in Spirit and truth, and the Father seeketh such to do so.” See? Spirit and truth.

Now, this is an example. Here's the woman, I suppose we're strangers to each other, don't know one another. But God knows both of us. And He knows her as Ethiopian; He knows me as Anglo-Saxon. And we're both of the same blood. God made of one nation, one man, blood… Every human being has the same kind of blood. Can give trans… The Chinese, the Japanese, the yellow, the brown, the black, or white, they're all the same blood, just the color of their skin. So Jesus Christ died for both of us.

We stand here tonight, her a Christian; I know she's a Christian, ’cause… How do I know that? Just the same way that Jesus knowed that Philip was a—a believer. See? He said, “Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no guile (honest and truthful.)” I never seen her before, so how did I know she's a Christian? Because moving in is a welcome spirit. See? She's a Christian. She believes.


Below is a perfect instance of Brother Branham being both correct and incorrect, as it is scientifically impossible for climate to create "colored people"...


13 Someone come out, said, “What do you mean?” A minister. He said, “I got a church that seats, nearly fifteen hundred people, and I heard by telephone that you're… And here you are back here in a… and you didn't come to my church, and here you are back here in the swamp, to a little brick structure, or concrete, and it's sticking sideways in.”

I said, “You don't need help. He does.” That's—that's the one that needs help.

And, in the line, coming down, just praying for the sick, I seen a—a girl, a colored girl.

And we know the—the dark race of people, the colored people, come… their native home is Africa. Just like the yellow man is from China, the Anglo-Saxon from Ireland, England, so forth, Swedish. When they separated from Eden, or, from Babylon, some of us went down into hot countries, and some went in neutral countries, and some went in, way up in the north. And some was bleached white, and some got brown, and some yellow, some black, but they're all by one blood, and that was Adam.

God, of one blood, made all nations. Each man, the black man, the yellow man, the brown man, the white man, you put the plasma from the blood, it's all the same, just the same. It's just the way the climate's colored the people.



77 Hi, young fellow. You're a mighty fine boy. You believe me to be His servant? I don't know you, lady. Here's a beautiful picture of like the well, a Samaritan woman and a Jewish man. And here is a colored woman, white man.

But God let them know that there's no difference in the people. We all come from Adam. The country we was raised in changed our color. It has nothing to do with our spirit and souls. We're all creatures of God. You believe He still lives?



87 The other night when I met Dr. Lamsa, of the Lamsa Bible, he said, “What's the matter with these American people?”

Said, “I don't know.” Seventy percent of the Bible is vision, yet they can't believe. See?

This is just like it was in Samaria: two races of people. I'm Irish; she's African. We meet here for the first time in a little panoramic, two men. In them days there was a segregation. Jesus let her know right quick there was no difference between a man's color before God. We all come from one family: Adam and Eve. The country we lived in to and changed our colors—yellow, brown, black, white—has nothing to do with God. We can give each other a blood transfusion. One blood, man—God made all men. You believe that? Yes, sir. These…

Where one lived in a hot country and the other a cold country, and—and like that—tempered and so forth, it changed their colors. That has nothing to do with the blood, or the soul, or anything else. God let her know that God seeks them that'll worship Him in spirit and in truth.



55 Now, let's notice Him. Now, remember, there's three races of people. That was Ham, Shem, and Japheth's people. It changed our colors by the—the countries that we lived in, and—and so forth. And that don't have anything to do… God made of one blood all nations. Whether they're Chinese, Japanese, or African, or Anglo-Saxon, or whatever he was, they're all one blood. All come from Adam (See?), and they're raised in different parts of the country and tropics.

56 Now, you just take anything, it'll do the same thing. You can take a coyote down there in Mexico, and let him live on that red sand ground, he's reddish color; bring him up here on the white sands, he's white colored, kind of a brownish. Take him up yonder, way up in the north country, way up in British Columbia, he's snow white, the same coyote, exactly.

Same deer will change color from red, brown, and black. Yes, sir. Depends on the country he's living in, the food he's feeding on, and so forth like that. Now, that's how our colors and things got changed, but we all come from one race. That's the human race (That's right.), all off of that one tree.



68 Super, everything must be super; it won't work. Even, they want super people. We even…They tell me they got a television cast they call “Superman.” Always something super! Two or three of them has committed suicide, or something, trying to work that mental mind up. Brother, we're at the age of insanity, that everything has become so super.

69 We're just human beings. And they want a super race. Hitler said that Germany was the super race. Stalin said that—that Russians was a super race. Something wrong somewhere. They're all made off of one tree, so the Bible said, that, “God, by one man, one blood, made all nations; one man, Adam.” From that Adam come all races, black, white, brown, yellow, red, whatever it is, God brought it from that one blood. Each one of us can give each other a blood transfusion. The country we was raised in and turned our skins different colors, it's still the same man.

70 And I've noticed, as a missionary. No doubt, brother could say the same. I've been in the Hottentots, to where they didn't even know which was right and left hand. But let them receive the Holy Ghost, they do the same thing you do when you get the Holy Ghost. That's right! Act the same way, speak in unknown tongues, do just the same things that you do with the Holy Ghost. Sure! And they really are on fire.



174 Here, here is this Light here, over a little colored lady sitting back here, standing with her hands up like this. Yeah. You was praying. Yeah. You believe me to be His prophet, or His servant? I mustn't say that, ’cause it stumbles people so much. You have a fine…

175 Here is a white man, colored woman, just like it was our Lord and the woman at the well, two different races. He let them know there is no difference in races. Our colors has nothing to do with it. We're all…We could give each other a blood transfusion. God made, of one blood, all nations.



Here is what I am trying to say to you. The law of reproduction is that each specie brings forth after its own kind, even according to Genesis 1:11, “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, and the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.” Whatever life was in the seed came forth into a plant and thence into fruit. The very same law applies to the church today. Whatever seed started the church will come forth and be like the original seed because it is the same seed. In these last days the true Bride Church (Christ's seed) will come to the Headstone, and she will be the super church, a super race, as she nears Him. They in the bride will be so much like Him that they will even be in His very image. This is in order to be united with Him. They will be one. They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the living God. Denominations cannot produce this (wrong seed). They will produce their creeds and their dogmas, mixed with the Word. This mongrelizing brings forth a hybrid product.


The only "hybrid" God is against is mixing His' Word with a lie...or a True-Seed Child of God (Word-Born) with a Seed of the Devil (Born of a Lie).

We are already all mixed, physically, but God isn't concerned with that. He never has been. He's concerned with His' People avoiding to get involved with sin. That's why He told the Israelites not to "MIX" with the Canaanites - not because of skin color (nowhere in The Word), but because of their ungodly lifestyles and worshiping idols and sacrificing babies in altars of fire.

Notice, below, in this oft misinterpreted quote, how our Prophet said that the "interbreeding" and "hybreeding" is related to what brings on God's wrath...NOT mixing of different colored peoples, but the mixing of God's True Word (and Word-born people) with that of man-made dogmas and lies of the devil (and lie-born devil's children)...


146 Oh, this interbreeding! Oh! How—how can the world go on much longer? No wonder, the vision of the Lord says here, that, “I seen it finally come to a spot where she's just one big smoldering heap. She was blowed up.” We're on the road out, friends. There's no way to, no way, there's no way around it. We got to come to it, face it. Hybreeding!

147 Say, “I'm not responsible, because Eve did that.” Eve did do it. She represented us all. Adam represented us, yonder, as sinners. And we are sinners. He represented our fallen, human nature, to take us away from the Word of God, hybreeding it.

148 “Oh, I know God has said. But, surely, God understands that I'm Presbyterian. I'm Methodist. I'm Pentecostal. God understands that.”

149 God understands one thing, that's the Blood. That's all He understands. He knows the Blood. He knows no color lines. He knows no race lines. Whether the man is black, blue, white, brown, or whatever color he is, God knows nothing about that. They're sons and daughters. He made them as His flower garden. He likes to look at them the way they are. Leave them be that way.


The 12 Tribes had already been mixed for hundreds of years, when Jacob's sons had married with the Canaanite women of the region (which is in The Word).

Both King David and all his descendants were mixed with the blood/genes of Rahab The Harlot (an Amorite), and Ruth the Moabitess (mixed Semite/Amorite), and countless other Canaanites, Egyptians, Midianites, and Ishmaelites (Hamitic "Blacks"). So God isn't concerned with that.

See also:

Chronological Time-Line of Relations & Mixed-marriages (w. the Hebrews & other races)

That's why he said, "a fine Christian colored woman"...


135 Hybreeding. Hybreeding, oh, how terrible! Hybreeding. They hybreed the people. New York, the big molding pot…I got hundreds of precious, colored friends that's born-again Christians. But on this line of segregations and things they're talking about, hybreeding the people! What? Tell me what fine cultured, fine Christian, colored woman would want her baby to be a mulatto, by a white man? No, sir. It's not right. What white woman would want her baby to be a mulatto, by a colored man? God made us what we are. Let's stay what God made us. I believe it's right.



197 But I don't believe in marrying, intermarrying like that. I don't believe in a white…What—what business would a beautiful, young, intelligent colored girl want to marry a white man for, and have mulatto children? What would a fine, intelligent colored girl want to do a thing like that for? I can't understand it. And what would a white woman want to marry a colored man, with mulatto children? Why don't you stay the way God made you? “Be content with such as you have.” See?


But, even still, he never said it was "THUS SAYETH THE LORD", and the carnal interpretation that says a White and Black married would produce hybrid children, and that's it's wrong and that God never intended it, cannot be found, backed-up, or proven by The Bible.

It was his OPINION - not Word!!!

Just notice in this quote below how he seems to add his own opinion to it...


166 Now, I don't believe in mixing marriages. I believe that a white man should not marry a colored girl, or a colored girl marry a white man, or a yellow marry a colored, or a white, or a…I believe the brown, black, white, and races of people are like a flower garden of God, and I do not believe they should be crossed up. I believe that's the way God made them, and I believe that's the way they should remain.

167 What…It fools me that I seen some real pretty colored girl, intelligent, nice looking kid, just as pretty as any woman you'd want to see…What does she want to marry a white man and have mulatto children? What would an intelligent colored girl want with such a thing as that? Is because that something…that communist…And how would a—a fine…a—a—a colored man want to marry a white woman and have mulatto children?

168 I don't believe I…I believe you should stay just what we are. We—we're servants of Christ. And God made me…If He made me, my color black, I'd be happy to be a black man for God. If He made me yellow, I'd be a happy yellow man for Christ. If He made me white, I'd…?…happy white man for Christ. If He made me brown, or red, an Indian, whatever it is, I'd stay my same color. That would be me. I want to be like my Maker made me.


Again, our Prophet said that God loves "ALL DIFFERENT COLORS"...


71 Howdy do? We are strangers to each other, I suppose, lady. We do not know each other. And then another picture about the time that I was just quoting: a colored lady, white man. And it was a Jew and a Samaritan, between Jesus and a Samaritan woman. And there was a racial affair in them days, and there's always been because of color of a person's skin. But Jesus let her know that there was no difference in God. We're all God's children. That's right, all the offsprings of Adam. That's right. The countries we was raised in, it turned us different colors has nothing to do with our Creator. He is Almighty God Who made us. And He made us after His own way, and His own desire, and His own fashion. God is a God of variety. Do you believe that, lady?

If God only had white flowers, we would think He was, just believe, just wanted one color. But He has white flowers, red flowers, blue flowers, all kinds of flowers. That's the way He made His people: white, black, brown, yellow, all different colors. God is a God of variety. He loves it. He makes big mountains and little mountains. He makes prairies; He makes deserts; He makes the lakes, the seas, big trees, little trees. He's a God of variety; He makes us the way we are.


So, would not "all different colors" include all shades of colors?

Now, the average mind would say that he said people of different skin color should not marry. But that isn't anywhere in The Word. So what did he mean then? He said he would stay the way God made him. But he was part American Indian (Hamitic-Japhetic-Semitic), which means he was already mixed with all 3 races & all colors. So the only thing he could have meant is that he was of a certain CULTURE. As he was an average "Anglo-Saxon", "White" man, or an average American man.

He only used skin color because in those days the people were still largely segregated in America. But they were segregated more by culture than by color.

Why would a fine-cultured, educated Black woman, who was raised in New England, and exposed to mostly "White" culture, listened to Classical Music, ate fine foods, etc., go to southern Georgia and marry a "Black" man who grew up picking cotton, was uneducated, and knew only farming and eating fat-back and Chitterlings (Chitlins)? Wouldn't make a bit of sense. Neither would it if she married a White man from the same background.

If Brother Branham meant color, then he was wrong. Because it isn't anywhere in The Word. So he had to mean CULTURE, and a lifestyle, or a way of living. Which, for him, was to live a Godly lifestyle...and so should it be for all of us.

I think it was more Brother Branham speaking in his typical uneducated, hillbilly, Kentucky way, than him being literal. Most people just lack discernment, and cannot see to line it up with The Bible.

Our Prophet was a man, and as a man he was prone to make mistakes...and he even said not to trust the words of man, only God...and that it MUST LINE-UP WITH HIS ABSOLUTE - THE HOLY BIBLE!!!

Brother Branham, as a man, said many things that were not Scientific or Historical fact and cannot be found in The Bible. Did that mean he wasn't God's Prophet? Of course not! He absolutely was God's Prophet, and he had "THUS SAYETH THE LORD", but there were times he expressed his opinion, and, although some lines-up with modern-day common practice or common sense, it does NOT always line-up with The Word of God, and therefore is NOT from God.

So, if the women on the Ark had the genes of the Serpent, then that means they were descendants of Cain. And Noah and his sons were sons of God. So they evidently mixed and created the "giants and men of renown". And it means that we are all mixed (physically)...and became even further mixed throughout the millennia, as these articles bear out.

I have challenged anyone and everyone to debate this with me, and all have either refused, been proven wrong, or run & Bro.Donny Reagan.

No matter, i have been shunned, banned from certain congregations, and even labeled a teacher of false doctrine, but i will stand strong and i know that my Bible does not teach their carnal and Racist interpretation.

It is so simple a child could see it.

Now, please, Let us go on...unto Perfection!

The Lord richly bless you as you seek His' Truth.

Your friend in Christ,

Brother Shane

See also:

White Race? Black Race? Or, Super Race!?!

White Race? Black Race? Or, Super Race!?! (Part 2)

A New Race - A Super Race - A Super Seed


Japhethite/Caucasian/White Race

Mix the above with...

Semite/Tan Race

You get...

Mongoloid/Yellow Race

Now mix in some Hamitic-Kushitic blood-lines...

and you will get...

...many shades & ethnicities such as these tribal girls of Nepal. Some show more "White" genes, some "Black", some "Yellow".

This girl, from Bardiya, Nepal, looks just like any of one of millions of modern-day Palestinian-Arabs, or other ethinicties in the Middle-East. So does the girl next to her.

This Thaman Nepali girl looks more Monogloid.

This Nepali girl definitely shows some more Kushite-Hamite Genes. So does the girl next to her.

This girl, with hazel-green eyes and blushing cheeks with freckles, easily shows the genes of all three races.

Now mix-in more Mongoloid / Kushitic genes and you will get a wide range of skin tones and features, such as these very different women, all from the same Akha Loma tribal group of Laos, in SE Asia....

This one looks like many tribal women of the region.

This one looks just like a Malay.

These two Akha ladies could easily pass for Burmese or Malay.

This one looks more Tibetan.

This woman of the Akha Pala ethnic group (who obviously has more Hamitic-Kushitic blood), looks just like one of any North or South America Indians.

This girl, of a lighter complexion, also of the same Akha Pala tribe as the woman above, shows more Japhethitic / Caucasian "White" features.

This little Akha girl shows the genes of all three races.

Now mix a Mongol with more Japhethite "White" blood and you will get this...

Which is a woman of an Altaic-Siberian-Mongol tribe who resembles more the Turkic peoples...which of course spread all over Central Asia, into Turkey, Northern Africa, and even Hungary. Today they are mixed with millions upon millions of people all over the world.

Turkey (Anatolia / Asia Minor) was originally inhabited by Japhethitic, Hamitic, & Semitic peoples.

Many Turks mixed further with the Mongols who later invaded the West, and some with Arabs, who are a Semitic-Hamitic peoples.

They also invaded and controlled Spain, Portugal and Southern France for hundreds of years, and mixed with the local peoples of those regions.

Spain & Portugal were originally Keltic (Japhethitic), but were later invaded by Phoenicians/Carthaginians (Hamitic/Canaanite-Semitic), Greeks (Japhethitic-Hamitic-Semitic), and Romans (Japhethitic-Hamitic-Semitic).

Many other Japhethitic peoples & tribes later invaded Turkey, Palestine, and North Africa.

The Visigoths, Vandals and Alans invaded north Africa and established a kingdom from 429-526 AD. The Visigoths & Vandals were East Germanic tribes.

Vandal (circa 6th Century AD)

European-looking Berber Woman & Child (Morocco)

Blonde-haired, Blue-eyed Girl of North Africa

White-looking Berber Girl (Morocco)

European-looking Berber Girl (Morocco)

European-looking Blonde-haired Berber Teen (Morocco)

Young European-looking Berber Woman (Morocco)

Blonde-haired, North African "White" Girls

"White" Girl of North Africa

Blue-eyed Girl of North Africa

Blue-green Eyed Berber Girl (Morocco)

Below - Two European-looking Berber Girls (Morocco)...

Red-haired Woman of North Africa (Algeria or Tunisia)

White, Freckled Girl of North Africa (Algeria or Tunisia)

European-looking Berber Girls (Morocco)

Blond-haired Blue-eyed Berber Woman (Morocco)

The Alans, or the Alani (occasionally termed Alauni or Halani) were an Iranian nomadic pastoral people of antiquity (The name Alan is an Iranian dialectical form of Aryan, a common self-designation of the Indo-Iranians.). The descendants of the original Japhethitic peoples of the North Caucasus region.

Upon the Hunnic defeat of the Goths on the Pontic Steppe around 375 AD, many of the Alans migrated westwards along with other Germanic tribes. They crossed the Rhine in 406 AD along with the Vandals and Suebi, settling in Orléans and Valence. Around 409 AD they joined the Vandals and Suebi in the crossing of the Pyrenees into the Iberian Peninsula, settling in Lusitania and Carthaginiensis. The Iberian Alans were soundly defeated by the Visigoths 418 AD, and subsequently surrendered their authority to the Hasdingi Vandals. In 428 AD, the Vandals and Alans crossed the Strait of Gibraltar into North Africa, where they founded a powerful kingdom which lasted until its conquest by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I in the 6th century AD.

The Alans who remained under Hunnic rule founded a powerful kingdom in the North Caucasus in the Middle Ages, which ended with the Mongol invasions in the 13th century AD. These Alans are said to be the ancestors of the modern Ossetians.

The Alans spoke an Eastern Iranian language which derived from Scytho-Sarmatian and which in turn evolved into modern Ossetian.

Iranian-speaking Alan warrior circa 6th century AD

Many of the Alans blood lines & genetic features can be seen in their Scytho-Caucasian related descendants like the Pamiri, Pathan, Pushtun and Kalash peoples of Central Asia.

Blond-haired, blue-eyed Kalash girl from Pakistan.

Elderly Afghan Pashtun-Pathan man with Blue Eyes (Pokhton).

Blonde-haired Pamiri girl of Afghanistan.

Blonde-haired, blue-eyed Pamiri boy of Tajikistan.

The migrations of the Alans during the 4th–5th centuries AD, from their homeland in the North Caucasus. Major settlement areas are shown in yellow, Alan civilian emigration in red, and military campaigns in orange.

The Suebi were a large group of various Germanic tribes that spread all over Europe. They established the Kingdom of Gallaecia in NW Spain in 410 AD.

Classical authors noted that the Suevic tribes, compared to other Germanic tribes, were very mobile, and not reliant upon agriculture. Various Suevic groups moved from the direction of the Baltic sea and river Elbe, becoming a periodic threat to the Roman Empire on their Rhine and Danube frontiers. Toward the end of the empire, the Alamanni, also referred to as Suebi, first settled in the Agri Decumates and then crossed the Rhine and occupied Alsace. A pocket remained in the region now still called Swabia, an area in southwest Germany whose modern name derives from the Suebi. Others moved as far as Gallaecia (modern Galicia, in Spain, and Northern Portugal) and established a Suebic Kingdom of Galicia there which lasted for 170 years until its integration into the Visigothic Kingdom.



Mixed Peoples from all over Asia & Africa

Recent shared ancestry between Southern Europe and North Africa identified by Stanford researchers

Eurasian Origins of Berbers and modern North Africans

See also:

There Are Only 3 Races On The Earth: Where the Malays Came From

There Are Only 3 Races On The Earth: Part 2 - Where The "Anglo-Saxons" Came From

Part 3 - Where The Chinese, Mongol & Tibetan Peoples Came From