Part 2 - Where The "Anglo-Saxons" Came From

August 14th, 2014

There Are Only 3 Races On The Earth:

Part 2 - Where The "Anglo-Saxons" (Caucasians) Came From

In Part 1 we showed where the Malay peoples came from (Semitic-Kushitic - a mix of "Tan" / "Yellow" - "Brown" / "Black" races), and how they were related to the ancestors of the American Indians, and with many other peoples around the globe, and became mixed with millions of today's "White" ("Anglo-Saxon") Americans.

Now, in Part 2, we'll show how the ancestors of today's "White" Americans are also descended from a mixed peoples.

According to The Bible, and to historical and anthropological records, after spreading out from the Caucasus region, Japhetic peoples once ranged in lands from modern-day Spain to the Euro-Asian Ural mountains. And today, they mostly still do. But they also invaded much of Asia and Africa, and mixed with many of the Hamitic, Semitic, and mixed peoples of those we will see...


In Ancient Anatolia/Asia Minor (today's Turkey), there were Japhetic, Semitic and Hamitic peoples. Many of these peoples migrated in all directions. The Hittites were the most well-known of the region, and they were Hamitic (Canaanites) - a "Black" race, yet and evidently, mixed/inter-married with Japhetic peoples (who dominated the region's population) in the North...and which is likely why Anthropologists have such difficulty relating/connecting them to the Hittites of Canaan.

The Hittites existed before the Hebrews, and at one point invaded Canaan and made war with Egypt for dominance of the region. Some of them stayed in Canaan and later mixed with the Hebrews. Uriah, husband to Bath-Sheba, was just one of them.

Many were also mixed with the Semitic and Japhetic peoples of Anatolia and Greece.

The people of Anatolia were of every race...

The Lydians (descendants of Lud) were a Semitic people.

The Hittites (descendants of Heth), Hamitic.

The Phrygians (descendants of Ashkenaz), and most other tribes of the area, were Japhetic (including the invading Greeks, and later, the Gauls).

But, as we have all learned, most nobility often inter-married, and conquered peoples were often absorbed/assimilated into the invading race/culture.

Also, around 279-278 BC Anatolia was invaded by about 100,000 Gauls/Celts from Europe. They conquered and colonized an area in Central Anatolia that became known as Galatia (present-day Turkey), and their descendants still live there today.

Much of the population of modern-day Turkey is a mixture of Turks, Mongols, Armenians, Kurds & Persians/Iranians (Japhetic-Semitic), Gauls (Japhetic), Greeks (Japhetic-Hamitic), Phoenicians/Sidonians (Canaanites: Hamitic-Semitic), Hebrews & Arabs (Semitic-Hamitic), and descendants of the earliest Anatolian tribes of Japhetic, Hamitic and Semitic peoples.

Greece & The Greeks

Crete was settled by a Hamitic peoples known (by Anthropologists) as, the "Minoans" (from Caphtor, a son of Mizraim, and grandson of Ham). They were much darker than their northern Greek cousins, and many of them mixed with Greece's southern inhabitants.

Many of their descendants also mixed with peoples in the North, on the Aegean Islands, and on the mainland of Greece.

After the Thera eruption many of them emigrated to Canaan land and mixed with the peoples of the Philistines. The Casluhims and Caphtorims may also have been one and the same peoples, as both were descendants of Mizraim (Egypt/Aegyptos) son of Ham, out of whom originated the Philistines.

Greece proper was settled by Japhetic peoples (mainly four tribes: Ionians, Dorians, Aeolians and Achaeans). Their main name, the "Hellenes" comes from the word "Hellas", (and region) "Elis", which is itself derived from their progenitor, Elishah (Hellen), a son of Javan, and grandson of Japheth.

The further North you travel in Greece, the more you see people with lighter complexions, blue eyes, and blonde hair. The further south you travel, the darker the people get.

The Ancient city of Thebes, in Greece, was settled by Phoenicians - a people descended from the Sidonians, a Canaanite tribe (Hamitic "Black" race). They were also mixed with Japhetic "Sea Peoples", from the West. During & after King Solomon's reign many had mixed with Hebrews, and so were also part Semitic. They then later mixed/inter-married with the Japhetic Greeks.

Both the Greeks and "Phoenicians" (the Greek word for Sidonians), from about the 9th Century BC, settled colonies from ancient Spain to the Northern Black Sea region. Many also colonized parts of France, Sicily, Southern Italy, Sardinia, and Corsica (some towns in Sicily still speak Greek, to this day).

The Carthaginians, of North Africa, were also Phoenicians, and settled in, Libya, Iberia (Spain) Sicily, and several other Mediterranean islands.

The Carthaginians also inter-married with Greeks, Egyptians, and many other peoples around the Mediterranean Sea.

After Alexander's conquests, 4th & 3rd centuries BC, the Greeks colonized and settled in areas from Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and all the way to India and north to present-day Afghanistan & Tajikistan (ancient Bactria).

The ancient Greeks (300 BC-50 BC) also colonized as far south as Eritrea (which is a Greek word - "Erythraei / Erythraea"), and undoubtedly mixed with local "Kushitic" populations. Many Ethiopians also claim partial descent from the ancient Greeks (as well as the Hebrews).

One of Alexander's generals, Ptolemy (and his successors), ruled over Egypt for more than 300 years. They established trade routes that went all the way to Southeast Asia. As you can see, by the map below, this trade was still in-place, in Roman times, as late as the 1st Century AD...

Map of the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea

According to the map above they even had a trade route all the way to Northern China.

Alexander "The Great", of Macedon, conquered parts of Western India in 326 BC. He married a Bactrian woman named Roxana. Many Macedonians & Greeks settled the areas of present-day Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, and Western India, and inter-married with the locals. You can still see the fair-skinned, light-eyed features in their descendants of today.

The Phoenicians

The ancient Phoenicians themselves were a mixed people. Originally a Hamitic people (Sidonians), they were later mixed with Hebrews (Semitic-Hamitic), Syrians (Semitic), Egyptians (Hamitic-Japhetic-Semitic), mixed "Sea Peoples", and the ancient Greeks (also mixed).

Ancient Egypt

The very ancient Egyptians were also a mixed peoples. Originally descendants of Ham, they were quickly mixed with Minoan-Greeks, who were also mixed with Japhetic Greeks from the North. Then the "Sea Peoples" - Japhetic tribes from all over the Mediterranean, invaded North Africa and also mixed with the Libyans and Egyptians.

Ancient "Sea Peoples"

The "Sea Peoples" who invaded Egypt & the Middle-East, more than 3,000 years ago, were of a variety of Japhetic and mixed peoples from all over the Mediterranean - from ancient Spain to Italy to Greece, and others. They invaded and migrated to Libya, Egypt, and to Israel, Phoenicia, and Anatolia. They often inter-married with the local women so as to "blend-in", a tactic they used to conquer another land. This is just another reason why we see modern-day peoples of North Africa and the Middle-East with blond hair & blue eyes.

So we can see that "White" people, mixing & inter-marrying with Hamitic & Semitic peoples has been going on for many millennia.

Ancient Nobles

In ancient times it was quite a common practice of diplomacy for the nobility of different tribes & nations to exchange their daughters & sisters for marriage to foreign rulers. We read of it in The Bible, as far back as Abraham, and then of Joseph, and later Solomon, also Queen Esther, and many others.

Most of the nobles only took the finest and most beautiful women, well-educated and of royal blood, but, and as history records, they were rarely, if ever, concerned with skin color or tone. Though we rarely read of Bantu's or Nubian's ever marrying Celts or Romans, the Egyptians did marry the darker-skinned women South of the Sahara (of Cush), which means they further diluted their blood lines.

After Alexander conquered Egypt, they were again further diluted, as many of their nobility inter-married with "White" Macedonians and Greeks from the North. The Greeks ruled as far East as India, and as far North as modern-day Uzbekistan, and often inter-married with the local women.

Alexander himself married a "Persian" princess - Roxana, a daughter of one of the Bactrian nobles. He even once forced more than ten thousand of his own Macedonian & Greek men to marry Persian and Asian a mass wedding ceremony.

Many of the Persians, though originally a Japhetic people, had already mixed with the local Babylonians (Hamitic) and Assyrians (Semitic)...not to mention, the Hebrews (Semitic-Hamitic).

And, of course, most of the young women & girls of every nation conquered by another were almost always absorbed or mixed into the the blood-lines of their conquerors...either by rape, concubinage, or legitimate marriage. And, although many became slaves, often times the female slaves also became the wives & mothers of the ruling nobility. The trading of women (slaves), either as sex-slaves, concubines, or wives, was also common practice.

Anyone who says that the ancients did not frequently inter-marry is just ignorant of history.

Aryans of Central Asia

"Modern-Day (Greek-Asian) descendants of Alexander The Great and the ancient Greeks" (though, are more likely descended from the Scythians, Bactrians, Turks, and other "Aryan" tribes)...

Kalash children, Bumborete, Chitral, Pakistan.

Children of the Kalash tribe in Northern Pakistan.

The Kalash: The Lost Tribe of Alexander the Great

Young blonde-haired, blue-eyed Kalash woman from the Chitral district of north-western Pakistan.

Blond-haired, blue-eyed Kalash girl from Pakistan, with facial tattoos.

Blond-haired, Blue-eyed Kalash Girl of Northern Pakistan.

Another young Kalash girl w. blond hair & blue eyes.

The blood of all 3 races - Japhethite - Semite - Hamite, runs in the veins of this young girl of Northern India... the Aryan ("White") peoples of Central Asia invaded India well over 2,000 years ago.

The Pashtun-Pathan (TĂłkharoi) peoples of Afghanistan...

Red-haired, blue-eyed Pathan girl of Afghanistan.

Afghan Pashtun Pathan boys.

Blue-eyed Afghan Pashtun-Pathan child, Kabul.

Afghan Pashtun-Pathan man with Blue Eyes (Pokhton).

Elderly Afghan Pashtun-Pathan man with Blue Eyes (Pokhton).

Afghan Pashtun-Pathan woman with red hair & blue Eyes.

Afghan Pashtun-Pathan woman with Green Eyes & Freckles.

Tora-Bora, Afghan Pashtun-Pathan girl with Red Hair & Blue Eyes.

Young Afghan Pashtun girl with light skin, blue eyes & freckles.

Pashtun redheaded boy and his dad, in Afghanistan.

Red-headed, blue-eyed Pashtun children of Afghanistan.

The World-famous National Geographic photo of the red-haired, green-eyed Pashtun Afghan Girl.

Red-haired, blue-eyed, Pakistani Pathan Girl.

She looks like she could be a "White" girl from Scotland, Ireland, or America.

The Pamiri of Central Asia & Afghanistan...

Pamiri girl with blonde hair & blue eyes, of Tajikistan.

Blonde-haired Pamiri girl of Afghanistan.

Blonde-haired, blue-eyed Pamiri boy of Tajikistan.

Blue-eyed blond Pamiri girl of Central Asia

See also:

Nuristani People - what the original Aryan inhabitants of the Middle East looked like before their countries were invaded by Semitic Arabs.

Though some anthropologists would say that the above peoples were mixed with Caucasian blood since antiquity (the Scythians, another "White" race, also migrated to these areas for thousands of years)...even long before the Greeks ever settled there. This would mean that they have likely been a mixed people of Japhethite & Semitic blood for more than 3,500 years.

This is an excellent article that shows even further proof of that - Blue-eyed Asians.

This page is from the same author - Indo-Europeans (Indo-Aryans).

Another excellent page with images - The World's a Melting Pot - the falsity of racial constructs in pictures.

Here's an excellent forum post that gives further evidence...

What's Aryan? even Negroids, Eurasians, Mongoloid can have blue eyes, red hair, green eyes, blonde

Take a guess where this man is from...Scotland? Ireland? England? France? Sweden? Germany? Holland? Norway? Switzerland?...

...none of the above. He's a blond-haired, blue-eyed native Hunzakut man, from Northern Pakistan.

Where do you think this little red-haired, blue-eyed boy is from...Ireland?

Nope. He's a Kalash of the chitral district of North Pakistan.

Who would ever believe this little girl is a native of Pakistan?...

Little blue-eyed, blond-haired Kalash girl, of the Chitral district, of North Pakistan.

She looks like any one of millions of "White" girls of Europe or America.

The German Nazis believed that these people were the source of "White" people ("Aryan Race"), but, as Bible believers we know that Japhetic peoples had to have migrated there, at some point, right after the Flood.

According to Modern Science, these "Indo-Iranian" / "Aryan" / "Proto-Indo-European" peoples originated in the Black Sea area (ca. 2,000 BC) what is called the Pontic-Caspian steppe., or, the Caucasus region.

Of course, this corresponds to The Biblical story of Noah, which modern-day science has proven, by finding the oldest known civilizations (Göbekli Tepe being one of them), in the area surrounding Mount Ararat, that this is where all mankind originated from - Japhethites ("White"), Semites ("Yellow"), and Hamites ("Black").

The Carthaginians

The Phoenicians (Sidonians - Canaanites - Hamitic "Black" race) founded Karthago ("Carthage"), in present day Tunisia, and became known as the "Carthaginians" (called "Punics" by the Romans). They also colonized parts of Spain (Iberia), Southern France, Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica. They also conquered parts of Libya and Western North Africa.

They in-turn mixed/inter-married with the Celtic (Japhetic) peoples of the northern lands they colonized.

The Romans

The Romans were a mixed group of people made-up of the descendants of the Trojans (Anatolians), the Greeks, the Phoenicians, and of the Central Italian tribes of the Latins, Etruscans, Samnites, and other Italian peoples.

They were also mixed with Gaulic/Celtic (Japhetic "White") peoples, as were the Greeks and Carthaginians.

The Romans conquered "Britannia" in 43 AD and mixed with many of her Celtic peoples. It remained a Roman province til 409 AD.

The Romans also conquered much of Germania, and mixed with many of it's people.

The Gallic/Celtic Peoples

The Gauls/Celts (Japhetic - "White" race) inhabited lands from Spain & Portugal (Iberia & Lusitania), to the British Isles (Britannia [England], Cumbria [Wales] & Caledonia [Scotland]), Ireland (Hibernia), most of France (Gallia/Gaul) & Western Europe, and into Eastern Europe, and even Anatolia (Galatia - after 280 BC).

Their women (usually tall, blonde-haired, blue eyed, or red-haired, green eyed) were often considered exotic and very beautiful, and were highly desired by many ancient nobles of mixed ethnicity. Many ancient Roman nobles had children (and even married) with their Celtic/Gallic female slaves.


In 280 BC more than one hundred thousands Gauls/Celts, from Western Europe, migrated to Central Anatolia/Turkey and established a kingdom called Galatia.

Many of today's Galatian peoples are still quite prevalent in modern-day Turkey, and feature light-skin, blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes.

All of the photos below are of women & children who are natural-born citizens of Turkey and are all descendants of the Galatians who settled there nearly 2,300 years ago...

Many of them also mixed with other inhabitants of the Middle-East.


Many Kurds, who live in modern-day Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, descended from "Indo-Aryan" peoples (Scythians), and mixed with Galatians, Macedonians/Greeks, and other Europeans, from centuries past. This is quite evident from the images blow...

Blue-eyed Kurdish girl of Iran

Blonde-haired, blue-eyed Kurdish boy of Syria

Blonde-haired, blue-eyed Kurdish girl of Iraq.

Red-headed Kurdish Girl of Eastern Anatolia.

See also: Kurdish-Aryan ("White") People of the Middle-East

Most of the Kurds are mixed with Japhetic, Semitic & Hamitic blood.

Over the past several decades, many of the above peoples have migrated to Europe & America.

If they became a born-again believer, then certainly no Message preacher would deny them to inter-marry with any "White" member of their congregation...would they!?


In ancient Massalia (present-day Marseilles, France), the Greeks mixed with their Gallic neighbors and were very different in their culture & speech to their Greek cousins in the East. Many of Marseille's families today have Greek last names and dark features.

One of Massalia's Greek ancestors was a great mariner, and sailed to the British isles and northern Europe.

Celts of Iberia

Most of today's inhabitants of Spain, Portugal and Italy have darker features & complexions than their northern neighbors. Though many still retain their Celtic (Japhetic) "White" features...

Light-skinned, blond-haired, blue-eyed woman of Spain.

The Balkans, Romance People, & The Baltics

The same can be seen in much of the Mediterranean, and in Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and, in Romania...where a large population of Romani ("Gypsies"), a dark-skinned, Semitic-Hamitic people (originally from India), live.

Lithuania also has an odd population mixture...the names & language resemble that of a hybrid Armenian-Greek culture. This leads one to believe they might be descended from the ancient Greeks of Pontus/Pontos and the greater Black Sea region...? They are also mixed with Slavs and other peoples.

Germanic Peoples & Slavs

The so-called, "Anglo-Saxons" were originally made-up of two Germanic tribes, the Angles and the Saxons. Both migrated from Germany to the British isles, starting about the 3rd century. They mixed with the native Celtic peoples...many of whom were already mixed with Greek, Phoenician and Roman blood.

The Scandinavians (a Germanic people), popularly known as, "The Vikings" (mostly Norse, Swedes & Danes), conquered much of Britain (and parts of Scotland, Wales, & Ireland), from about 722 AD til 1169 AD, and also inter-bred with it's Celtic peoples. Many also returned home to Norway and Denmark, bringing with them slaves & spouses of mixed lineage.

The Vikings also conquered/settled in what today is known as Normandy (Norseman Land), and they became the Normans (Norseman) who conquered England under 'William The Conqueror'. Many of my ancestors were these very Normans. The Normans had earlier mixed with the Franks (French), and Gauls/Celts of Frankia (France), and were now mixed with peoples who were already mixed with Roman, Greek, and Phoenician blood...which means they were all now mixed with Japhetic-Semitic-Hamitic blood. They then mixed with Anglo-Saxons of Britain and then further inter-married with women of Spain, Italy, Greece, and other nations.

Most of my ancestors were nobles, and although most were of Scandinavian and Germanic origin, i have traced some of their lineage to Spanish, Italians, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians, and even to Greeks & Bulgars as far back as the Byzantines.

Many Celtic & Germanic peoples are also mixed with Slavic, Hunnic & Mongol blood, especially in eastern Europe.

The Slavs (a mixture of Scythian & Turkic peoples - Japheic-Semitic) mixed with Scandinavians (Germanic peoples) and founded the Rus' tribe, later to found Russia. Russians of today were further mixed, over the last millennia, with East Asian & Mongol blood.

The East Asian Huns (1st to 7th century) and Mongols (13th century) also made a practice of raping young women and leaving them to raise the child without a father (or taking them as a slave, concubine or wife). This further diluted the Japhetic peoples, from the Scythian Steppe all the way to Gaul (modern-day France).

Read more about them below the next section.

The Berbers of North Africa

Many tribes of North Africa are descendants of a people called the Libyans. These are not Arabs but are a mix of tribes descended from Egyptians (Hamitic-Japhetic), Greeks, and some mixed with the descendants of a Germanic tribe known as the Vandals (as well as the non-Germanic, Indo-Iranian nomadic peoples commonly called, "the Alans" / Aryans), who conquered & ruled North Africa for hundreds of years.

They are often known to have red or blond hair, light complected skin, and even blue or green eyes, among their peoples, from antiquity, even til today.

Various Berbers of North Africa...

Above, a "Berber" Kabyle Girl - also known as Imazighen.

She could easily pass for any "White" girl from anywhere across Europe.

A famous "Berber" celebrity from Algeria, Myriam Abel, a Kabyle "Berber" (Amazighi). Many of the Kabyle are blonde due to possible Germanic blood (Vandals who crossed over from Spain), or from any of the ancient "Sea Peoples" who were of Japhetic origin.

Two Berber girls of Morocco.

The little Berber girl on the left looks so "White" that she was mistaken for the missing British girl, Madeleine "Maddy" McCann (girl in middle photo below)...

The African Berber man above looks like he just stepped out of a pub in Ireland.

This Berber girl looks about as Hamitic as my sister...

Ibn Khaldun, the great Arab historian of the 15th century, wrote that at the time of the Arab invasion many Berber tribes were Jewish:

Secret Berber Jews

Modern-day Turks & Mongols

The Hunnic peoples (Xiongnu, Huns and Göktürks - Japhetic-Semitic) once ruled over vast areas of steppe in today's Mongolia. They migrated West and ended up conquering Rome & most of Europe and then founding the nation of Hungary.

Their cousins, the Göktürks (today's "Turks"), followed their lead and established a vast Empire from Mongolia to Anatolia. They have inter-bred with many peoples, in many lands, from Central Asia to S.E. Europe.

The Tartars, a related people, also onced ruled over a vast empire, from the Urals to the Pacific.

This map shows the range of traditional Turkic-speaking peoples...

Turkic Peoples spread over vast areas of Central Asia (most today, in Central Asia, are mixed with Mongols) and have differing complexions & facial features, as well as, customs, dialects, and dress...

Images above show Turkic women of various tribal groups.

The Cumans were a Turkic nomadic people comprising the western branch of the Cuman–Kipchak confederation. After the Mongol invasion, many sought asylum in the Kingdom of Hungary, as many Cumans had settled in Hungary, the Second Bulgarian Empire, and Anatolia before the invasion.

Crimean Tatars.

Cumans are also among the ancestors of the Crimean Tatars. Steppe dialect of the Crimean Tatar language belongs to the Kipchak group of Turkic languages, Kypchak is a descendant. Cumans mingled with the descendants of the Huns, Pechenegs, Khazars. Now the majority of Crimean Tatars, Caucasians (80 %), steppe Crimean Tatars have Caucasoid-Mongoloid appearance. Most of them in Europe have also mixed with Slavs, Balkans, and Germanic peoples.

Related to the Pecheneg, they inhabited a shifting area north of the Black Sea and along the Volga River known as Cumania, where the Cuman–Kipchaks meddled in the politics of the Caucasus and the Khwarezm Empire. The Cumans were fierce and formidable nomadic warriors of the Eurasian steppe who exerted an enduring impact on the medieval Balkans. They were numerous, culturally sophisticated, and militarily powerful.

Many eventually settled to the west of the Black Sea, influencing the politics of Kievan Rus', the Galicia–Volhynia Principality, the Golden Horde Khanate, the Second Bulgarian Empire, Kingdom of Serbia, the Kingdom of Hungary, Moldavia, the Kingdom of Georgia, the Byzantine Empire, the Empire of Nicaea, the Latin Empire and Wallachia, with Cuman immigrants being integrated into each country's elite. The Cumans also had a pre-eminent role in the Fourth Crusade and in the creation of the Second Bulgarian Empire. Cuman and Kipchak tribes joined politically to create the Cuman–Kipchak confederation.

The Cuman language is attested in some medieval documents and is the best-known of the early Turkic languages.The Codex Cumanicus was a linguistic manual that was written to help Catholic missionaries communicate with the Cuman people.

Modern-day blue-eyed, blond Pomak women of Bulgaria

Another "White" tribal group are the Pomaks (and others) who migrated from Central Asia into SW Europe (Bulgaria) and NW Asia (Turkey). They are a mixture of Scythian, Turkic, and Slavic descendants. The Russians called them, "Pomaklar" (Blue-Eyed Blonde Turks).

Young blue-eyed, blond Pomak children of Bulgaria

Bulgarian Girls

The Bulgarians themselves are a mixed people of Scythian, Slavic, Bulgar, and Turkic blood.

I also have a Bulgar noble in my ancestry.

The Mongols (Japhetic-Semitic) took over the land they left and then invaded and conquered much of Asia (including much of China), the Middle East, and parts of S.E. Europe. They also mixed & inter-bred with many peoples in their empire.

The images below show various Turkic-Mongol children from Pakistan & China. They have light-skin, blue eyes, and even blonde hair...

This little blue-eyed girl is Uyghur, in the West of China (Tarim Basin regions).

A very White looking, in fact, red-haired, blue-eyed, Uyghur child, who could easily pass for an Irish kid.

This is a very White looking Uyghur woman...

Note the tall, angular, thin nose. If you didn't know she was from Western China you'd, most-likely, think she was from Eastern Europe.

Compare the above woman to this Polish Girl...

Most Uyghur people look more "Mongoloid" like these women...

Hazara (Turkic)-Mongol boy of Pakistan with blue eyes and blonde hair (and freckles).

Hazara (Turkic)-Mongol girl of Pakistan with blue eyes and blonde hair.

Do they look like "Yellow" Asians to you?

They were born & raised in South and East-Central Asia. Yet I challenge anyone to explain to me how they could say they are not "White"!?

As I mentioned, in Part 1, the "Yellow" East Asians, like the Mongols & Tibetans, were a mixed people of Japhethitic & Semitic blood lines. Here's more proof of that...

Blue-eyed, Central-Asian, Mongol woman.

Light-skinned, blue-eyed Turkic-Mongol Azari woman of Turkmenistan.

Little light-skinned, blue-eyed, blond girl of Mongolia.

Blond Mongol girl.

Scythian-Mongol (Japhetic-Semitic) mixtures are prevalent throughout Central Asia...

Young Kyrgyz girl with blond/red hair and blue-green eyes.

Young Kyrgyz man with red hair.

Older Kyrgyz man with very blue eyes.

More proof of this is seen in many Hmong, of Indochina (Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam)...

Hmong woman with, incredibly enough, a blond baby.

Hmong boy, of Laos, with blond hair.

Here's some excellent (though not Scripturally accurate) blog posts that give even further proof that East-Asian "Mongoloids" are a Japhethite-Semite mix...

Some Southeast Asian Types

Northern and Southern Mongoloids


It was a common practice amongst ancient armies, that, when they conquered another people, to rape, kidnap, and/or marry their conquered foe's women. Often when tribes were exterminated, they lived-on in the genes of their women, who were absorbed into their conquering culture. This has been done throughout all known history.

Modern-Day Britain & Europe

For more than 300 years, Britain further diluted it's ethnic lines by inviting untold numbers of Hindus, Africans, West-Indians, Polynesians, Kushitic Arabs & Asians, and other minorities, into their society, and inter-marrying with their people.

France also has done this, and includes many peoples from Indochina & North Africa.

The Netherlands ("Holland", the Dutch) also, and includes people from the East-Indies.

Belgium, Portugal, Italy and Spain, as well.

So most all of Europe's "White" people are mixed with Semitic-Hamitic blood. Only a minute handful of the Celtic, Germanic & Scandinavian peoples are still pure Japhethites (if any at all).

Modern-Day Jews & Israeli's

Over the centuries, many of Europe's Jews also gave up their children & babies to be "adopted" by non-Jewish European parents, in order that they would not be killed (exterminated). We have an ex-Amish member of our local Assembly who looks Jewish. I have seen many Anabaptist who look Jewish.

Many Jews during WW 2 did this and many of their descendants were raised as Catholic or Protestant Christians, and are mixed-in with today's Europeans and Americans. So that would be even more mixture of Semitic-Hamitic blood.

Today's Israeli-Jewish population also has "Aryan" / "White" people amongst them...

All Races Mixed Today

These two Kurdish children, of Iran, are obviously mixed with all 3 races - Japhethite - Semite - Hamite.

So, if they came to America, learned English, and became born-again, End-Time Christian Believers, then who should they be allowed to marry, a "Black"...a "White"...or a "Yellow"?

Kurdish girl & boy.

Most, so-called, "Anglo-Saxon" Americans (who think they are "pure White"), are also mixed with American Indian blood. Millions are. Our Prophet (and likely his wife Meda), was one of them.

Many are also descended from those who bred with African slaves, and do not even know it. Many escaped African slaves also mixed with the American Indians, who in-turn, mixed with "Whites".

In the states of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Washington, South Dakota, North Carolina, Nevada, and parts of California, Iowa, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Alaska & New York, nearly half the populations can actually claim a partial American Indian heritage.

Which would mean that many millions of Americans, who think they are some kind of pure, "Anglo-Saxon", "White" Aryans, are actually mixed with Semitic & Hamitic blood-lines.

All one has to do is observe the many millions & millions of families who have both light & dark complected siblings, from the same set of parents.

This is true of my mother and her sister - one blonde-haired, blue-eyed, light-skinned, and one dark-haired, dark-eyed, dark-skinned...

My mother and my aunt.

Though they both shared the same mother (Scottish-English-Cherokee) and father (Scottish-Irish).

...and it is also true of my granddaughters...

My granddaughters (same parents) - of mixed Norwegian, English, German, Irish, Scottish, Cherokee, Filipino (Malay), Chinese, and Spanish blood - containing all 3 races of Japhetic, Semitic & Hamitic peoples.

So, please explain to us, Donny Reagan - Who is "Black", and who is "White"?

We have virtually no way of telling.

In His' Love,

Brother Shane

See also:

There Are Only 3 Races On The Earth: Part 1 - Where The Malays Came From

How to Make (Mix) Different "Races"