
First Terminus of the Transcontinental Railroad, At foot of Pacific Ave, Alameda. Alameda was only the terminus for a little over two months.

If you google for a monument, you will find a wikipedia reference that says that it is within the Naval Air Station. Where exactly? Another source says it's at Webster & Lincoln. We need an older Alameda Map that will show exactly.

This Oakland Interactive map helps us find this First Terminus. It would approximately be at the corner of Orion and Pacific.


This map is 8 years after the first Terminus. Can we find a map from late 1869?


Ever wonder why Marshall Way connects Lincoln to Pacific? Ever wonder why it's Pacific? Perhaps for the Pacific Railroad?


There is at least one monument that seems to have been placed in an odd place. Here's one at the Naval Air Station. Its official state link. This article says there is a monument at Webster and Lincoln.

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