Current Master Plan

Master Plan drawn by Walt Disney, 1965-66

(c) The Walt Disney Company / The Walt Disney Family Foundation.

Master Plan drawn by Walt Disney, 1965-66 applied to current satellite view of Walt Disney World. 

In red lines: monorail routes / In yellow lines: peoplemover routes.

(c) Google Earth. Map by Jack Barnes. Editing by NhojSenrab.

Current land usage of Walt Disney World.

In orange lines: current monorail routes.

(c) Google Earth. Map by Jack Barnes. Editing by NhojSenrab.

In its phase 1 (Magic Kingdom) and phase 2 (Epcot Center), the development of the Walt Disney World property stayed very close to Walt Disney's own master plan. 

The Magic Kingdom and Epcot themeparks are located around where it was planned earlier. We can also say that about the very first official hotels on property: the Contemporary and Polynesian resorts.