
The Odyssey Academy shall endeavor to provide learning experiences that practice and promote democratic conduct, intrinsic motivation, acquisition of knowledge, technological prowess, problem-solving skill community service, and environmental stewardship.


The Odyssey Academy believes that the underpinning of change relies on the creation of a learning community, where everyone has something to learn and something to teach. The mission of the school is to develop in each child the love of learning, and ability to nurture family members, friends, and self, the ability to engage in critical thinking and to demonstrate complete mastery of the academic building blocks necessary for a successful future.

Educational Approach

Odyssey Academy will strive to recognize and nurture all human intelligence so that students and staff of varied cultural and social backgrounds will achieve their full intellectual and social potential. The founders envision a school that creates an inclusive community working together to support student achievement and a strong sense of self-worth. The school will offer a comprehensive educational program by placing a strong emphasis on K-6 curriculum while infusing second language and the arts. The Odyssey Academy will foster an environment where students, parents, staff, and the community are partners in the educational process and achievement of all children.

Curriculum Focus

We believe that people are empowered by their independent use of information technologies and that they are united by opportunities to share resources and communicate in our local and global communities. In this Information Age, it is essential that Odyssey commit to preparing its students to work in an evolving, information-centered, global community. Given the rapid pace of technological change and the growth of information technologies in all aspects of our lives, it is critical that students become familiar with the tools of information technology. All students and staff must be competent in using these tools to obtain information, communicate, and to solve problems.

Customer Focus

The Odyssey Academy is dedicated to providing children with an education that will enable them to be successful in today's complex society. Creating a learning environment that is relevant, active, and product-oriented to ensure our children stay turned on and tuned in is essential to the education process. We believe in practicing the precepts of a Democratic society by students holding themselves accountable for their own actions, thus preparing them to be good citizens.

Outcomes and Goals

The Odyssey Academy will endeavor to enable students to achieve academic, social, and career success by providing a supportive community that identifies, encourages, and develops each student's interests and abilities. The home environment enables students to discover the wide variety of opportunities open to them and foster a sense of responsibility for their own education. Upon graduating from the Academy, each student will have:

  • A clearly demonstrated set of academic skills

  • Experience in the workplace and in community service

  • A clear awareness of their rights and responsibilities as citizens

  • A personal development plan for the years to come