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Covering an area with tape or Maskol fluid to protect it from an excess brush application or overspray of paint. Tamiya Masking Tape is undoubtedly the best product on the market for this purpose.

Masking fluid

See Maskol


A water-based solution, made by Humbrol, for masking off areas on kits to prevent them being unintentionally painted. When the paint has dried the Maskol can be simply peeled off. Basic pva glue is almost as effective and is markedly cheaper and more easily available. Note , however, that pva glue can be too sticky and difficult to remove once set.

Whereas Maskol and other proprietory brands of masking fluid are designed for the task of masking, experience from modellers suggests a huge variety in the many different brands of pva glue in their suitability. Some seem to be ideal, whilst others are less than.

If using standard pva, you have to clean any brushes you use in cellulose or laquer thinner, though. If you use Maskol, I find that the glue can easily be picked out of your brush.


The lowest sheen paint. Matt paints have very low light reflectance and usually a high pigment content. This can have the undesirable side-effect of reducing the durability compared to mid- and high-sheen finishes and if a model is to be handled it can be advisable to consider applying a finishing coat of varnish. Matt painted finishes also tend to absorb the oils and grease from your fingertips, more than satin and gloss paints.

Matt Cote


A solvent-based varnish used to give a protective and decorative low-sheen matt finish. Unlike other varnishes, this will not go yellow over time.


A paint, commonly containing metallic pigments, used to simulate the look of a particular metal.


An effect where a colour appears to be different in different lights. Metamerism is a fact of nature and paints are often mistakenly blamed where metamerism is, in fact, the cause. The reason is that different types of light render colour differently. For example, natural sunlight contains more blue light, whereas artificial lights contain more orange. Thus blues will appear more intense in daylight than artificial light.


A material designed for polishing aircraft canopies. Sets come with a range of grades, usually 3600 to 12000. (The finest sandpaper is usually P1000).


See Epoxy Putty.


A (usually) pen-shaped device, capable of holding very fine drill bits which can then be used for drilling very fine holes.

Model Filler

A product used to fill in gaps between adjacent pieces of plastic, hairline cracks or sinkage in plastic. A quality Model Filler can be sanded down lightly when dry and painted over. Humbrol make one, although Milliput is a common variety, coming in a standard and Superfine, ‘Porcelain’ version.

Modelling God

Someone who is deemed, by their modelling peers, to be rather good.

Modelling knife

A modeller's basic tool, a sharp knife or scalpel has a multitude of uses, including clean detachment of parts from a sprue and removal of flashing.

Modelling mat

A surface, usually made of self-healing rubber, laid down to protect a worktop or other surface underneath. Old plastic chopping boards make useful and cheap alternatives.


Also known as a tool, a mould is a metal block, usually steel or aluminium, that is carefully eroded on one side to leave the shape of the kit sprue. A mould usually comprises two halves which are brought together during the injection moulding process and then taken apart to leave the finished sprue. During the process, hot plastic is poured into the mould, which runs into the channels and takes the form of the sprue. Once cooled, the plastic is removed from the tool as the finished sprue. A release agent can also be used to ensure the plastic doesn't stick to the mould.


Nail Varnish Remover

Nail varnish remover will soften and remove many common model fillers, such as those made by Humbrol or Squadron. The active ingredient is acetone. Instead of sanding, fill small gaps with filler, allow to dry, and then using a cloth dampened with nail varnish remover, rub smooth. You may need to re-moisten the cloth several times before the filler is smoothed. This technique will avoid any chance of damaging surrounding detail by sanding. Buy your own nail varnish remover - stealing it from a family member will result in anguish sooner or later.


Natural Metal Finish...ie those difficult-to-master, all silver metal finishes that, once upon a time, meant a streaky coat of H11 Silver Fox. NOT my favourite look. Nowadays, less of a cghallenge, due to some marvellous metal paints that you can even polish up to look just like the real thing...and that's before you start on Alclad lacquers and airbrushing!


A weight inserted into the front end of an aircraft with tricycle undercarriage in order to prevent it from sitting on its tail. Lead, either genuine or artificial, is often used to act as noseweight. Aquarium lead, for anchoring aquatic plants into the gravel, is a useful source of lead, as it is relatively cheap and comes in malleable strips, which can be jammed into the tiniest of spaces.