Captions & Blurbs

A caption is a label that tells about a picture or a heading that tells what a section of words will be about. The caption will usually be in a different style than all the other words on the page, such as bolded (very dark), bigger, in a color, or even in a bubble, a rectangle, or underlined.

A blurb is an extra bit of writing on the topic of the page. It will often be near a picture, but not always, and will be separated from the other words in the book, often in a bubble or rectangle.

On the page shown here, the caption is "speedy spots" and there are blurbs all around the page, both in bubbles and near the pictures.




Look at the captions and blurbs above. Pick the title that might fit with the caption or blurb to receive a riddle. Put the riddles together to go on in your quest. Good luck! Click here to go on.