CTLE Completion Information

Participants Inservice Courses,

Thank you all for taking part in one or more of the East Ramapo Teachers' Center program opportunities. Please read this entire notice- we cannot send course credits until a few new requirements are met.

Due to new NYS regulations and the new CTLE (Continuing Teacher and Leader Education) hours recording process, we need you to PRINT and complete Section I ONLY of the attached form and return it to the Teachers' Center ( download link at bottom of this page.) for Vicki's signature. Please type or PRINT CLEARLY and include all information. (sorry, we will now know your age, but it is required.) After we complete the rest of the form for all courses, our coordinator, Vicki Liner signs and we make copies. Then we will send these forms back to you with your ERTC Completion Certificates.

In addition, we now need to have follow-up survey evaluations completed for all TC programs. We will send those surveys for the summer courses in late September or early October. The surveys will ask you to comment on how course materials and skills you learned have affected your teaching and your impressions of your students' learning. Anything concrete (pre and post-test results, no student names,) will be greatly appreciated and assist us in documenting the importance and effectiveness of our programs to prepare for continued funding for Teacher Centers.

Provided you return all documents to the Teachers' Center in a timely manner, all credits will be issued well before the December 1st deadline for this year's salary increment increases.

Please do not complete more than Section I on the attached document and only return ONE copy. And again, please print it and return it to the Teachers' Center through interoffice mail. I can use this same information for all your summer courses, if you took more than one. But we don't currently have your birthdate and ss # or the way you want information recorded for state use.

Thank you so much for your patience and assistance as we begin this new process. You will receive copies of all documents.

Jennifer Lerch

Administrative Assistant

The East Ramapo Teachers' Center