Science Advisory Group 2011-2013

In early 2011, the BIOT Science Advisory Group (BIOT SAG) was formed. However it ceased to have meetings after June 2013 and has now been effectively disbanded for reasons unknown. The FCO have not formally announced this disbandment but it no longer meets and is not consulted.

Members of the SAG

The Science Advisory Group consisted of 14 members but only a few of these attended meetings:

Chair Person - Dr David Billett - National Oceanography Centre, Southampton - Deep-sea benthos, Seamounts, Canyons

Members (in alphabetical order)

Prof Barbara Brown - Newcastle University - Emeritus Professor of Tropical Marine Biology

Prof Graeme Hays - Swansea University - Marine turtle ecology and conservation

Dr Heather Koldewey - Zoological Society of London

Prof Ken Norris - University of Reading

Prof Callum Roberts - University of York - Human impacts on marine ecosystems - marine reserves, coral reefs

Dr Carol Robinson - University of East Anglia - Reader in Ocean/Atmospheric Biogeochemistry

Prof Alex Rogers - Oxford University - Professor in Conservation Biology

Prof Charles Sheppard - BIOT Scientific and Conservation Advisor - Warwick University - coral reef ecologist

Prof Sandy Tudhope Head of School of GeoSciences; Professor of Climate Studies - Edinburgh University

Dr Phil Williamson - University of East Anglia - Science co-ordinator (NERC directed programme) marine environmental sciences

Prof Ian Wright - National Oceanography Centre, Southampton - Marine geology and submarine volcanism

Prof Philip Woodworth - National Oceanography Centre, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory - Leader Programme 1 (Sea Levels, bottom pressures, Space Geodesy) - resigned May 2012

Dr Russell Wynn - National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

Also attending meetings was the FCO Chief Scientific Adviser

Prof Robin Grimes - Imperial College, London - Professor of Materials Physics

Purpose and objectives

To advise the Overseas Territories Directorate (OTD) of the FCO on the development and implementation of an appropriate scientific programme for BIOT, including through:

    • development of a scientific strategy for BIOT,

    • potentially facilitating the submission of grant proposals for funding scientific projects in BIOT.


The SAG used to meet every 6 months. The first meeting was on 26 May 2011 followed by 28 Nov 2011, 26 June 2012, 3 December 2012, 24 June 2013.

Minutes of Meetings

SAG Minutes 25 May 2011

SAG Minutes 28 Nov 2011 morning

SAG Minutes 28 Nov 2011 afternoon

SAG Minutes 26 Jun 2012

SAG Minutes 3 Dec 2012

SAG Minutes 24 Jun 2013

Page last updated: 10 December 2020