Pure Shift NMR

P. Nolis, K. Motiram-Corral, M. Pérez-Trujillo and T. Parella

J. Magn. Reson, 298, 23-30 (2019). DOI

Broadband Homodecoupled Time-Shared 1H-13C and 1H-15N HSQC Experiments

The concepts of pure-shift NMR and time-shared NMR are merged in a single experiment. A 13C/15N time-shared version of the real-time BIRD-based broadband homodecoupled HSQC experiment is described. This time-efficient approach affords simultaneously 1H-13C and 1H-15N pure-shift HSQC spectra in a single acquisition, while achieving substantial gains in both sensitivity and spectral resolution. We also present a related 13C/15N-F2-coupled homodecoupled version of the CLIP-HSQC experiment for the simultaneous measurement of 1JCH and 1JNH from the simplified doublets observed along the direct dimension. Finally, a novel J-resolved HSQC experiment has been designed for the simple and automated determination of both 1JCH/1JNH from a 2D J-resolved spectrum.

J. Saurí, W. Bermel, T. Parella, R.T. Williamson and G.E. Martin

Magn. Reson. Chem., 56, 1029-1036 (2018). DOI

Incorporating BIRD-based homodecoupling in the dual-optimized, inverted 1JCC 1,n-ADEQUATE experiment

1,n‐ADEQUATE is a powerful NMR technique for elucidating the structure of proton‐deficient small molecules that can help establish the carbon skeleton of a given molecule by providing long‐range three‐bond 13C─13C correlations. Care must be taken when using the experiment to identify the simultaneous presence of one‐bond 13C─13C correlations that are not filtered out, unlike the HMBC experiment that has a low‐pass J‐filter to filter 1JCH responses out. Dual‐optimized, inverted 1JCC 1,n‐ADEQUATE is an improved variant of the experiment that affords broadband inversion of direct responses, obviating the need to take additional steps to identify these correlations. Even though ADEQUATE experiments can now be acquired in a reasonable amount of experimental time if a cryogenic probe is available, low sensitivity is still the main impediment limiting the application of this elegant experiment. Here, we wish to report a further refinement that incorporates real‐time bilinear rotation decoupling‐based homodecoupling methodology into the dual‐optimized, inverted 1JCC 1,n‐ADEQUATE pulse sequence. Improved sensitivity and resolution are achieved by collapsing homonuclear proton–proton couplings from the observed multiplets for most spin systems. The application of the method is illustrated with several model compounds.

J. Saurí, T. Parella, R.T. Williamson and G.E. Martin

Magn. Reson. Chem., 55, 191-197 (2017). DOI

Improving the Performance of J-modulated ADEQUATE Experiments Through Homonuclear Decoupling and Non-Uniform Sampling

Homonuclear 13C–13C couplings at natural abundance can be measured using the J‐modulated Adequate DoublE QUAntumTransfer Experiment (ADEQUATE) experiment. To somewhat ameliorate F1 digitization requirements, a scaling factor was incorporated into the original pulse sequence. Non‐uniform sampling provides an obvious avenue to further facilitate the acquisition of 1JCC and nJCC homonuclear coupling constant data. We introduce homonuclear decoupling (HD) analogous to that described for the 1,1‐HD‐ADEQUATE and 1,n‐HD‐ADEQUATE experiments and evaluate the combination of non‐uniform sampling and HD on the acquisition of both 1JCC and nJCC homonuclear 13C–13C coupling constants using ibuprofen as a model compound.

J. Saurí., W. Bermel, A.V. Buevich, E.C. Sherer, L.A. Joyce, M.H.M. Sharaf, P.L. Schiff Jr., T. Parella, R.T. Williamson and G.E. Martin

Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed., 54, 10160-10164 (2015). DOI

Homodecoupled 1,1- and 1,n-ADEQUATE: Pivotal NMR Experiments for the Structure Revision of Cryptospirolepine

Cryptospirolepine is the most structurally complex alkaloid discovered and characterized thus far from any Cryptolepis specie. Characterization of several degradants of the original, sealed NMR sample a decade after the initial report called the validity of the originally proposed structure in question. We now report the development of improved, homodecoupled variants of the 1,1- and 1,n-ADEQUATE (HD-ADEQUATE) NMR experiments; utilization of these techniques was critical to successfully resolving long-standing structural questions associated with crytospirolepine.

L. Castañar and T. Parella

Magn. Reson. Chem., 53, 399-426 (2015). DOI

Broadband 1H homodecoupled NMR experiments: Recent developments, methods and applications

This review aims at presenting the most recent advances in pure shift NMR spectroscopy, with a particular emphasis to the Zangger-Sterk experiment. A detailed discussion about the most relevant practical aspects in terms of pulse sequence design, selectivity, sensitivity, spectral resolution and performance is provided. Finally, the implementation of the different reported strategies into traditional 1D and 2D NMR experiments is described while several practical applications are also reviewed.

L. Castañar, R. Roldán, P. Clapés, A. Virgili and T. Parella

Chem. Eur. J., 21, 7682-7685 (2015). DOI

Disentangling complex mixtures of compounds having near-identical 1H and 13C NMR spectra by pure shift NMR

The thorough analysis of highly complex NMR spectra using pure shift NMR experiments is described. The enhanced spectral resolution obtained from modern 2D HOBS experiments incorporating spectral aliasing in the 13C indirect dimension enables the distinction of similar compounds exhibiting near‐identical 1H and 13C NMR spectra. It is shown that a complete set of extremely small Δδ(1H) and Δδ(13C) values, even below the natural line width (1 and 5 ppb, respectively), can be simultaneously determined and assigned.

M. Pérez-Trujillo, L. Castañar, E. Monteagudo, P. Nolis, L.T. Kuhn, A. Virgili, R.T. Williamson and T. Parella

Chem. Comm., 50, 10214-10217 (2014). DOI.

Simultaneous 1H and 13C NMR enantiodifferentiation from highly resolved pure shift HSQC spectra

NMR enantiodifferentiation studies are greatly improved by the simultaneous determination of 1H and 13C chemical shift differences through the analysis of highly resolved cross-peaks in spectral aliased pure shift (SAPS) HSQC spectra.

L. Castañar, P. Nolis, A. Virgili and T. Parella

J. Magn. Reson, 244, 30 (2014). DOI

Measurement of T1/T2 relaxation times in overlapped regions from homodecoupled 1H singlet signals

The implementation of the HOmodecoupled Band-Selective (HOBS) technique in the conventional Inversion- Recovery and CPMG-based PROJECT experiments is described. The achievement of fully homodecoupled signals allows the distinction of overlapped 1H resonances with small chemical shift differences. It is shown that the corresponding T1 and T2 relaxation times can be individually measured from the resulting singlet lines using conventional exponential curve-fitting methods.

L. Castañar, M. Pérez-Trujillo, P. Nolis, E. Monteagudo, A. Virgili and T. Parella

ChemPhysChem, 15, 854 (2014). DOI

Enantiodifferentiation through Frequency-Selective Pure-Shift 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

A frequency-selective 1D 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiment for the fast and sensitive determination of chemical-shift differences between overlapped resonances is proposed. The resulting fully homodecoupled 1H NMR resonances appear as resolved 1D singlets without their typical J(HH) coupling constant multiplet structures. The high signal dispersion that is achieved is then exploited in enantiodiscrimination studies by using chiral solvating agents.

L. Castañar, J. Saurí, P. Nolis, A. Virgili and T. Parella

J. Magn. Reson, 238, 63 (2014). DOI

Implementing homo- and heterodecoupling in region-selective HSQMBC experiments

An NMR method to enhance the sensitivity and resolution in band-selective long-range heteronuclear correlation spectra is proposed. The excellent in-phase nature of the selHSQMBC experiment allows that homonuclear and/or heteronuclear decoupling can be achieved in the detected dimension of a 2D multiple- bond correlation map, obtaining simplified cross-peaks without their characteristic fine J multiplet structure. It is shown that the 1H-homodecoupled band-selective (HOBS) HSQMBC experiment represents a new way to measure heteronuclear coupling constants from the simplified in-phase doublets generated along the detected dimension.

L. Castañar, P. Nolis, A. Virgili and T. Parella

Chem. Eur. J., 19, 17283-17286 (2013). DOI

Full Sensitivity and Enhanced Resolution in Homodecoupled Band-Selective NMR Experiments

An NMR pulse scheme that provides full sensitivity in homodecoupled band‐selective NMR spectroscopy experiments is proposed (see figure). The easy implementation of this HOBS scheme as a general building block into a great variety of multidimensional NMR experiments leads to pure‐shift spectra with enhanced resolution and with the maximum attainable sensitivity.