About Me


Dr. Teodor Parella
Servei Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear
Facultat de Ciències i Biociències
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Catalonia)
E-mail: teodor.parella@uab.cat
Voice: +34 935812291

The world’s top 2% of most important scientists across all fields have been updated in a new list issued by Stanford University (1). Dr. Teodor Parella, head of the SeRMN-UAB, appears in this Stanford list that includes 3030 spanish researchers from different disciplines, around 300 spanish chemists and 81 researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

(1) https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/5

Dr. Parella has also been ranked #6 at UAB, #268 in Spain and #7687 in the world in the field of Chemistry, according to Research.com, a leading academic platform for researchers, that has just released the 2023 Edition of the Ranking of Best Scientists. The ranking is based on D-index (Discipline H-index) metric, which only includes papers and citation values for an examined discipline. The ranking includes only leading scientists with D-index of at least 40 for academic publications made in the area of Chemistry.

The Chemistry ranking for UAB is available here: https://research.com/university/chemistry/autonomous-university-of-barcelona
The full Chemistry ranking for Spain is available here: https://research.com/scientists-rankings/chemistry/es
The full world Chemistry ranking is available here: https://research.com/scientists-rankings/chemistry

Full list of UAB researchers for all disciplines: https://research.com/university/autonomous-university-of-barcelona


1988 Graduate in Chemistry (UAB)
1993 PhD in Chemistry (UAB)

Current Position

Researcher at the Servei de Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear (SeRMN-UAB)

Awards & Prizes

2017- GEPRONAT: Innovation in research in natural products chemistry
2012 -Award BRUKER-GERMN

Research and Teaching Activities

330 scientific publications (including 4 book chapters and 3 reviews) in peer-review scientifc journals
h-index 50 (scopus & web of science)
PI and participant in national/international research projects and infraestructure calls
Invited talks in national and international NMR events
Associate Professor at the Chemistry Department - UAB
More than 100 NMR courses in public universities and research centers as well as private companies
Supervision of Graduate, PhD and postdoc students, as well as visitors
Participation in events/courses organized by the GERMN

Organisation of scientific meetings/courses

2016 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Euromar in Aarhus (Denmark)
2015-xx Organizing Committee membership of the SMASH
2015 Coordinator of the XI Manuel Rico NMR Summer School in Jaca (Spain)
2014 Co-Chair in the Small Molecule NMR Conference (SMASH) in Atlanta (USA)
2008 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Euromar in Tarragona (Spain)

Institutional responsabilities

2014-2018 Vicepresident of the GERMN (specialized NMR group) of the RSEQ (Real Sociedad Española de Química)
2008- Director of the SeRMN
1993-2008 Technical Director of the SeRMN

Comissions of Trust

Associate Editor of the "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry" journal
Review panel member in European grants/projects
Reviewer for the national ANEP and other national/international agencies
Reviewer in international peer-reviewed scientific journals