Curriculum Map

   Themes      Units                Lessons          Resources

With credit and thanks to Mike Ribble, this Web site is a curriculum of digital citizenship units and lessons organized by the "Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship." If your school district blocks YouTube, try pasting the video links into SafeShareTV.   

Lesson Resources:

1. "Ann Bubnic's List: Digital Citizenship/All Videos: Digital Citizenship Topics"

2. Blogs on digital citizenship: Edutopia, Common Sense Media, Google Site Student Blog Posts.

3. iKeepSafe: "Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum."  

4. Livebinder: "Digital Citizenship Resources"

5. Prezi: More than 1000 Prezis on digital citizenship.

6. YouTube: Subscribe to 798 videos on You Tube on digital citizenship

Tech Time: Digital Citizenship Curriculum 

Assembled by: Deborah B. Stanley, Teacher Librarian, updated 2014