Unit 2.3. Educate: Commerce

What is Digital Commerce?

Digital Commerce:   electronic buying and selling of goods.

"Technology users need to understand that a large share of market economy is being done electronically. Legitimate and legal exchanges are occurring, but the buyer or seller needs to be aware of the issues associated with it. The mainstream availability of Internet purchases of toys, clothing, cars, food, etc. has become commonplace to many users. At the same time, an equal amount of goods and services which are in conflict with the laws or morals of some countries are surfacing (which might include activities such as illegal downloading, pornography, and gambling). Users need to learn about how to be effective consumers in a new digital economy."

Lesson Topics

Each numbered section in the right column begins a 20-minute lesson with the following topics:

2.3.a. Ownership

2.3.b. Shopping online

2.3.c. Online theft

Lesson Format

1. Video: View the video or Web page

2. Essential question: The student facilitator poses the question or issue you are to consider

3. Think / Ink: Individually think about your personal reaction to the video and write your response to the essential question on your Journal page. 5 minutes.

4. Discuss: Participate in a class discussion comparing your response to that of other students. 5-10 minutes.

5. Conclusion: The facilitator can summarize and present a possible consensus to the question, or decide to disagree. 2 minutes. Collect student Journals.


2.3.a. Ownership and Intellectual Property

Video: View this YouTube video, "What is Intellectual Property."

Essential questions: What is intellectual property? Are you entitled to take information from the Web to use as you choose? If not, how do you give credit?

Think/Ink and Discuss

2.3.a. Ownership: Free or Fee?

Video: View this YouTube video on "Intellectual Property Rights in the Web 2 World"

Essential question: Did you understand some of the basics in this video? What is Web 2.0? Did you know you can create cool Web effects yourself? Explore "Cool Tools for Schools" to get an idea of the enormous variety of Web 2.0 tools you can use to turn boring assignments into razzle-dazzle!

Think/Ink and Discuss

2.3.b. Shopping Online

Video: View this 40 second YouTube video, "Safe online shopping," with your pencil down. Then have pencil ready, watch it again, and see if you can note all five shopping tips.

Essential question: Do you know someone who had a horrible online shopping experience? Which rule could have avoided the problem?

Think/Ink and Discuss

2.3.b. Shopping Online Safely

Video: View this YouTube video, "Shopping Safely Online," for excellent safe online shopping tips.

Web site: If time permits, learn more great tips at About.com's Web site called, "Five Tips for Online Shopping Safety."

Essential question: What can you do to be careFUL and not careLESS in your online shopping?

Think/Ink and Discuss

2.3.b. Shopping Online

Video: Our little Web character is eager to break all the rules in this YouTube video, "Online Safety--Shopping Online: Security Tips, Rules and Advice," which covers the "Dos and Don'ts When Shopping Online." But even more important: Don't go shopping if you don't have any money!

Essential question: Write down a rule that is not familiar to you. What is the problem with kids shopping online? How old should you be to be a responsible online shopper? Or is there more to it?

Think/Ink and Discuss 

2.3.c. Online Theft

Video: When you view this YouTube cartoon video, "Bender's Anti-Piracy Warning", don't let the jokes sidetrack you from understanding the seriousness of Internet theft.

Essential question: Grades 4-7: What is being stolen? Do you know anyone who tries to change someone else's online information? What can be done about it?  

Essential question: Grades 8-12: Can online theft be stopped without Internet censorship? Do you begin to understand the huge debate between an open Internet where crime can happen and a censored Internet that offers online safety? As time permits, look up SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Actbill in the U.S. Congress).

Think/Ink and Discuss

2.3.c. Online Theft: Identity Theft

Video: View this video, "Cyber Safety: Details on Identity Theft."

Essential question: Do you think you are too young to have your identity stolen? Why or why not? (Hint: Does it depend on age on what information you have posted?)

Think/Ink and Discuss

2.3.c. Online Theft: Identity Theft

Video: View, "Wireless ID Theft"

Essential question: Do you have a fence around your house? So do you need a "fence" around your online identity. How can you do that? 

Think/Ink and Discuss

2.3.c. Online Theft: Identity Theft

Video: View this YouTube video on "Identity Theft"

Essential questions: Did you know YOU can be stolen? Did the video show solutions to the problem of identity theft? No matter how old you are, what precautions can you take?

Think/Ink and Discuss