Unit 1.1. Respect: Etiquette

1.1. What is Digital Etiquette?

Digital Etiquette:   electronic standards of conduct or procedure.

"We recognize inappropriate behavior when we see it, but before people use technology they [need to] learn ...appropriate conduct. Many people feel uncomfortable talking to others about their digital etiquette. Often rules and regulations are created or the technology is simply banned to stop inappropriate use. It is not enough to create rules and policy, we must teach everyone to become responsible digital citizens in this new society."

Lesson Topics

Each numbered section in the right column begins a 20-minute lesson with the following topics:

1.1.a. Netiquette

1.1.b. Cyberbullying 

Lesson Format

1. Video: View the video or Web page

2. Essential question: The student facilitator poses the question or issue you are to consider.

3. Think / Ink: Individually think about your personal reaction to the video and write your response to the  essential question on your Journal page. 5 minutes.

4. Discuss: Participate in a class discussion comparing your response to that of other students. 5-10 minutes.

5. Conclusion: The facilitator can summarize and present a possible consensus to the question, or decide to disagree. 2 minutes. Collect student Journals.


1.1.a. BrainPop's "Digital Etiquette"

Video: This introductory video could be independently assigned to students through BrainPop Search the BrainPop Web site for "Digital Etiquette" and use your school site or district login.

Essential question: Take the quiz and answer the questions.

Think/Ink and Discuss

1.1.a. Digital Etiquette

Video: View this YouTube video, "Mrs. Manners Digital Etiquette Lesson."

Essential question: Which of these rules is just plain good manners? If you had to pick just one, which one is MOST important? Why?

Think/Ink and Discuss

1.1.a. Netiquette

Video: After viewing the YouTube video below, "How to Follow Proper Netiquette Rules," view this Web site: (CLICK this link) "Netiquette for Kids."

Essential question: Which of the eight rules of netiquette do you think kids violate the most?

Think/Ink and Discuss

1.1.a. Netiquette Rules

Video: View the YouTube "The Ten Rules of Netiquette."

Essential question: How many netiquette rules have YOU violated? Be honest. Did you do it because "everyone does it," or because you just didn't know any better? More important: Will you now act differently?

Think/Ink and Discuss

1.1.a. Netiquette Review

Video: Perhaps this Go!Animate cartoon on the "Top 10 Netiquette Rules" will be a good review for you.

Essential question: Which rule will you pay the least attention to, and Why?

On your own time: Create an account and then create your ownGo!Animate.

1.1.b. Cyberbullying

Video: After viewing, "NSTeens on Cyberbullying," click on "Tips to Stop Cyberbullying." (You can view the NetSmartz video in its entirety by clicking on: "Cyberbullying.")

Essential question: Share an incident of cyberbullying, or just plain bullying, that you know about. Does the bully feel bad?

Think/Ink and Discuss

1.1.b. Cyberbullying

Video: If you've ever been scared by a nightmare, imagine living it everyday. Give yourself the tools to face your fears with this OnGuardOnline.gov video, "Stand Up to Cyberbullying."

Essential question: Discuss someone who has had the nerve to face a bully. What happened?

Think/Ink and Discuss

1.1.b. Cyberbullying Consequences

Video: View the following NetSmartz video, "You Can't Take It Back."

Essential question: Has anyone ever REALLY hurt your feelings to the point where you thought nothing could fix it? How did you handle it? As time permits, visit www.bullying.org, dedicated to increasing the awareness of bullying and to preventing, resolving, and eliminating bullying in society.

Think/Ink and Discuss:

1.1.b. Cyberbullying and Harassment

This self-contained lesson is a good review for this unit, or view on your own time: "Cyberbullies and Harassment."

1.1.b. Cyberbullying Quiz

CLICK and take the: "STOP Cyberbullying Quiz" and tally your score.

1.1.b. Other Bullying Resources

1. "The Price of Silence" YouTube video