1. What is digital citizenship?

"Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them."  Steve Jobs

This Web site curriculum is based on Mike Ribble's 

Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship

It's about you and your device

Anyone with an Internet-connected device is instantly a digital citizen. The problem is: Are they a good one or a bad one? Since the structure of the curriculum presented in this Web site is based on the work of Mike Ribble, let's look to his Web site, Digital Citizenship, Using Technology Appropriately, to help us define and understand concepts.

It's about online safety

What does the speaker say about good digital citizenship?

Curriculum Criteria

This Digital Citizenship curriculum seeks to provide:

Engagement: to promote student learning

Pedagogy: to assist adult and/or student facilitators with lesson preparation.

Support: for CIPA, CCSS, and state standards

Curriculum Training Videos by the Webmaster, Deb Stanley

Introduction: "Tech Time Digital Citizenship Curriculum"

#2 Tech Time (curriculum overview)   Digital Citizenship Curriculum

#3 Tech Time (overview of units and lessons) Digital Citizenship Curriculum

It's about online skills

View YouTube video: "eSkills course, What are digital skills? - animation"  

It's about online behavior

View YouTube video: "Bad Behavior Online: Trolling and Free Speech" from PBSoffbook.

It's the law!

1. "Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was enacted by Congress in 2000 to address concerns about children's access to obscener harmful content over the Internet... Schools subject to CIPA must provide for educating minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms,and cyberbullying awareness and response." Quoted from Children's Internet Protection Act. More in-depth information is available from the American Library Association (ALA) CIPA website.

2. “Digital citizenship is a worthy endeavor, and it is also the law. California AB 307 requires district technology plans to 'include a component to educate pupils and teachers on the appropriate and ethical use of information technology in the classroom.' Governor Arnold Scharzenegger’s Executive Order S-06-09 established a California ICT Digital Literacy initiative, asserting that 'it is an important goal to ensure that California residents are digitally literate.' Similarly, the federal S 1492 Broadband Data Improvement Act (Public Law 110-385), also titled Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, mandates that all schools receiving e-rate discounts must teach students “about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking sites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response.” Quoted from Digital Citizen, Dr. Leslie Farmer

"Be a Digital Citizen." 

Digital Citizenship overview for teachers

View this YouTube video: "Digital Citizenship, by John Foulks with Lisa Lash"

Tech Time: Digital Citizenship Curriculum 

Assembled by: Deborah B. Stanley. Updated 2017.
