Other mobile-ready reports

Mobile-ready reports, which like this example have a more modular structure as complement to traditional paper & browser formats, are so far under development by this group in only a few areas:

At this point only a subset of these links point to mobile-ready reports. However, if google-site formats like this serve to improve accessibility in a testable way, you'll hopefully find links to additional topic-areas here in the future.

Notes on a talk about some of these side projects for the fall 2016 ISAAPT meeting at Bradley University may be found here, while a 2017 MAPT meeting poster on a subset of th0se is shown in reduced resolution form below:


On the subject of mobile-ready applications, you might also enjoy the HTML5/JS apps here assembled by Dan Schroeder at Weber State. As a background process we're converting some of our java/JS apps to HTML5/JS, as now discussed here.

Readers to these pages (not all in mobile ready form) may also enjoy this modern physics teaser for our How Things Work students, using mainly concepts that are discussed during the course itself:

Quantum weirdness recap: Refracted photons & quantum copy protection use "explore-all-paths" to create a combined path of least time provided "no-one is looking", LASERs use herd behavior by photons, solid state diodes & atomic spectra use the 720o exclusion rule for electrons, while flash memory & alpha decay use the uncertainty principle's quantum tunneling. The pairings between scalar quantities time t and energy E, and vector quantities position x and momentum p, show up in the uncertainty relations {ΔEΔt ≥ h/(4π), ΔpxΔx ≥ h/(4π)} and in the free particle relations to temporal-frequency ν and spatial-frequency g as E = hν and p = hg (first seen as deBroglie's h/λ).

Spacetime weirdness recap: Traveler-time elapsed δτ is connected to map-distance traveled δx and map-time elapsed δt by a "Pythagorean" metric equation of the form (cδτ)2 = (cδt)2 - (δx)2 where "lightspeed" c is the number of meters in a second. As a result coordinate-speed v ≡ δx/δt has an upper limit of c and requires synchronized clocks to measure, while proper-speed w ≡ δx/δτ equal to momentum per unit mass m does not. Furthermore motion, along with gravitational and inertial forces, is associated with differential aging γ ≡ δt/δt that gives rise to kinetic energy and potential energy differences of the form (δt/δτ-1)mc2. This relation reduces to the usual Newtonian relations for kinetic energy and "geometric force" potential energies, in the case of low speed (δx/δτ) << c and weak fields/accelerations. 

Informatics weirdness recap: The equation S = k ln[W] on Ludwig Boltzmann's 1906 tombstone may be more familiar today as #choices = W = eS/k = 2#bits. We now know that thermodynamics is a special case of statistical inference from the correlation between objects and models thereof, which can be no greater than the correlation (also measured in bits) between those objects and the world around them. These insights: connect information to ordered energy and to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, mean that coldness (reciprocal temperature between ±∞) is energy's uncertainty-slope dS/dE e.g. with room-temperature (22oC) coldness about 1/kT ≈ 39.3[nat/eV] ≈ 44.3[GB/nJ], and have applications in quantum computing, molecular biology, electronic communications, and our understanding of the bloom and decline phases of gene/culture co-evolution.