Draft reports

Let us know where you find other projects (like the Gallup-Healthways 5 index) that are examining multi-layer order in communities, and that are trying to model (in whatever field) both its emergence and its dissipation. We expect that we and others will find positive correlations between layer-multiplicity and the supply of thermodynamic-availability (esp. free-energy per capita). We don't expect the connections to be simple, but we do hope they will provide real insight downstream.

This might be a good place to post drafts of various scientific reports in mobile-ready form. As in this example it may facilitate access on a wider variety of devices. 

For the moment, we are listing reports in sequential order, starting with a 1989 technical-library report and ending with a 2015 letter of intent for a possible 2016 "empirical-project" proposal. Look for more pieces to be added in the days ahead. In the meantime the model animation at right, of complexity's bloom and decline with 6 dot-clouds for a community of 100 individuals, might pique your curiosity.