0. Abstract

A graphite-prism definition for Avogadro's ``integer''

by P. Fraundorf and Melanie Lipp

Physics & Astronomy/Center for Nanoscience at University of Missouri-St Louis (63121) USA

The new International System of Units may let us select an integer value for Avogadro's number. Some might prefer an integer that's divisible by 12, so that an integer number of 12C atoms may be associated (to first order) with a gram's mass. For educational as well as practical reasons it may also help to choose a physically-meaningful definition within measurement error of the current numeric value. Cubes of diamond face-centered-cubic Si and (much rarer) face-centered-cubic C have been proposed, but these structures do not have naturally occurring facets (or numbers of atoms generally divisible by 12). We show here that graphite prisms formed by stacking m hexagonal graphene sheets, with m ≡ 51,150,060 carbon-12 atoms on each side, are a natural solution that may facilitate generation of precise molar standards as well. 

Sections of this paper include: 

intro, growing graphene, stacking hexagons, discussion 

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