
Welcome to our google-sites page on strategies for analyzing electron scattering data from the nanoworlds of YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD in the Milky Way, as complement to the electron detectives webpage here

The image above shows 3D ``photocopies" of some molecular-models constructed with Mathematica, and printed out with a scale size of 1 Angstrom = 2 millimeters. The top two copies are silicon cubes with faceted-truncations, plus (only on the right hand side) with facets outlined in white. At bottom left is an m=4 graphite hex-prism with white van der Waals bonds and 4 graphene-sheets, which sheets have 4 carbon atoms (paired) along each of their 6 edges. The printout at bottom-right is another silicon model, this time with a silicon {110} face at top and silicon {111} facets along the sides, while the center-model is a face-centered-cubic palladium "bow-tie", extracted from a 10 bow-tie icosahedral-twin.

The figure at right analyzes the direct-space location, and vector phase-gradients, of a selected range of periodicities (green circle) in the power-spectrum of a "zone-plate" image (top left panel), using our digital darkfield plugins for the freely-available technical image analysis program ImageJ. The complex darkfield image (lower left panel) uses logarithmic complex-color to display amplitude & phase for each pixel. Phase-gradient or periodicity-strain is broken into isotropic (top right panel) & shear (bottom right panel) components, with compression red, tension cyan, CCW-twist indigo, and CW-twist chartreuse.

The above figure is from Mathematica work on the contrast transfer function in a given experimental image, based on the transfer function zeros which show up in regions with diffuse scattering. A diagnostic projected-potential & diffraction-pattern are on the left. The model point-spread (top-center panel) & contrast-transfer (bottom-center panel) functions are shown in logarithmic complex-color. Strong phase-object microscope image & image power-spectrum are on the right.

Postscript: As non-commercial tools, the routines discussed here can make no guarantees as to their utility or correctness for any specific application.