nanostructure explorer

The javascript nanostructure-explorer linked here makes available a number of (currently seven) "unknown" three-dimensional nanostructure models for real-time characterization by a high resolution (electron phase contrast) transmission electron microscope (TEM) with strong-phase-object (single-scattering) optics. A wide range of physical and diffraction contrast mechanisms are thereby made available, without the processing-time needed for multi-slice calculations. 

Each time the page is loaded, both lens-setting and specimen-orientation are randomized, although a single focus-optimization will apply to all of the available specimens. Moreover the photos that you take as instrument operator are likely to be unique in detail, since each reload randomizes orientations modifiable only in one-degree increments. This is precise enough to characterize structures, but not to replicate images. Cool specimens to play with might include:

and what else?

General observation challenges might involve: 

First I would practice a bit without "counting adjustment-steps" in each case, just to see what is involved. It might then be interesting to report on average how many steps it takes for you to arrive at a value satisfactory to you in each case. In the "without help" case you might also report the average final-defocus, and the average final amount of astigmatism that you end up with.

The good news is that once you are happy with the focus on the "with help" simulator linked at the top of the page here, all unknowns (e.g. 0 through 6) may be ready for more careful examination.

and what else?

For instance, can you also find qualitative or quantitative evidence for alpha-helices, beta-pleated sheets, or oxygenated iron-atoms in a hemoglobin molecule, lattice strain amplitudes or directions, crystal shape-transforms in reciprocal space, specimen thickness-variations, bulk (e.g. point, line, planar, inclusion) or interface (e.g. surface reconstruction) defects in crystals, dislocation Burger's vectors, moiré contrast between overlapping lattices, etc.? Alternatively can you use zeros in the contrast transfer function, seen in the image power spectrum, to experimentally determine the spherical aberration coefficient, the damping envelope, or the focus-depth instability of the microscope itself? One might even explore diffraction statistics for randomly-oriented particles by hitting reload again and again, although at this point we've not yet taken pains to make sure that all orientations are equally probable.

Update: As of late July 2015, our explorer allows you to toggle between coherent-brightfield phase-contrast (HREM) and incoherent-darkfield amplitude-contrast (STEM) modes, as shown at left and right (respectively) in the figure above. This is equivalent to reversing the path of electrons through the lens-specimen system, and in the darkfield case rastering the focused beam across the specimen while recording "image pixels" with an annular-darkfield detector. Digital-darkfield analysis of the resulting lattice-images remains possible in both cases.

More specialized versions of this simulator, with interesting biomolecules (sans the hydrogen), with unlayered graphene specimens for our presolar grain work, and with thin film sulfides on amorphous SiO2, may be found: (i) here (for kinesin neck alpha-helices, rhodopsin, and DNA polymerase), (ii) here (for Pt-nanotube-ssDNA, hemoglobin iron labeled with gold, transmembrane proteins, and beta sheets), (iii) here (for some embedded graphene structures), (iv) here (for some sulfide/oxide composites), and (v) here (for a 23,760-atom quasi-crystal approximant, and some de Tomas "annealed" carbons). 

Items to measure in biomolecule images not compromised by beam damage might include the diameter and length of alpha-helices, the lateral size of beta sheets, the diameter of DNA and the spacing between base pairs, the helical period or pitch of single-strand DNA, the thickness and lateral size of a lipid bilayer, the distance between isolated heavy atoms, and what else? Can you figure out which specimens correspond to what physical structures in this context?

Experimental image of a Pt nanocrystal in our HRTEM, along with its power spectrum (including a contrast transfer function footprint from the non-crystalline support continuous out to about 1/1.96 [cycles/Å]), for comparison.

The poster for our 2016 presentation at the national Microscopy and Microanalysis meeting in Columbus OH follows:
