

City of Dancing Gargoyles -- SFWP -- September 2024

Cabinet of Wrath: A Doll Collection -- Aqueduct Press -- June 2021

Political AF: A Rage Collection -- Unlikely Books

Midnight at the Organporium -- Aqueduct Press

Circe's Bicycle -- LitFest Press 



Flash fiction where noted: (FLASH)

June 2024 -- Angels and Blueberries -- The song is... Guerilla Podcasts

May 2024 -- Sasabonsam -- Gothic Fantasy: African Ghost Short Stories -- Flame Tree Press

May 2024 -- Sharing is Caring -- Zoetic Press/Alphanumeric

March 2024 -- The Annunciation(s) -- Club Chicxulub Journal (FLASH)

March 2024 -- All My Surly Children -- Cotton Xenomorph (FLASH)

March 2024 -- In the Empire of Shrinking Jellyfish -- Cotton Xenomorph (FLASH)

March 2024 -- A Turtle in Love, Singing -- Bourbon Penn

March 2024 -- The Impossibility of Bats: A Pseudo-Sestina -- Gargoyle Online #7 (FLASH)

March 2024 -- Armed for Love: A Pseudo-Sestina -- Gargoyle Online #7 (FLASH)

February 2024 -- I hope I call you back -- Worlds of IF

December 2023 -- Would you, Empress -- Voices of the Winter Solstice II: The Ending Place (FLASH)

December 2023 -- Date Night -- Astrolabe (FLASH)

December 2023 -- I Hope I Call You Back -- Simultaneous Times Podcast

October 2023 -- Cold Comfort -- Flash Fiction Magazine (FLASH)

October 2023 -- Welcome to Your Lifting -- Adventures in Bodily Autonomy -- Aqueduct Press

September 2023 -- In the City of Wrestling Kudzu -- Simultaneous Times Vol. 3, Space Cowboy Books (FLASH)

July 2023 -- The Orb (audio) -- Starship Sofa

June 2023 -- Little Spoon -- FlashFlood Journal (FLASH)

June 2023 -- Night of the Butterflies: A  Broken Sestina -- ASP Bulletin (FLASH)

May 2023 -- Statue Forest: A Pseudo-Sestina -- Centaur (FLASH)

March 2023 -- Saguaro Future -- Healing Visions, Matter Press (FLASH)

February 2023 -- In the City of Crying Merchants -- Gargoyle Online (FLASH)

February 2023 -- In the City of Falling Magicians -- Gargoyle Online (FLASH)

January 2023 -- The Three Times Oscar Left Me -- trampset (FLASH)

January 2023 -- In the City of Gun-Toting Trees -- Half Light, Pumpernickel House Publishing

November 2022 -- In the City of Chuckling Roses -- Wyldblood Magazine (FLASH)

October 2022 -- And endless stars to wish upon -- Twin Pies Literary (FLASH)

June 2022 -- In the City of Leaping Libraries -- Gigantic Sequins (FLASH)

June 2022 -- In the City of Glaring Chocolates -- Daily Science Fiction (FLASH)

March 2022 -- Miranda -- The Commuter/Electric Literature (FLASH)

March 2022 -- In the City of Lying Houses -- Nightlight (FLASH)

March 2022 -- Velociraptor (audio) -- Micro Podcast (FLASH)

March 2022 -- Don't Blame the Cheesy Crinkles -- Uncharted Magazine

February 2022 -- In the City of Warring Babies -- And if that Mockingbird Don't Sing: Parenting Stories Gone Speculative, Alternating Current (FLASH)

February 2022 -- In the City of Flying Trumpets -- Longleaf Review (FLASH)

February 2022 -- Ghost Wolf -- Wyldblood Magazine

February 2022 -- In the City of Praying Devils and In the City of Bleeding Books -- Middle House Review (FLASH)

January 2022 -- In the Garden of Rings -- If There's Anyone Left (FLASH)

January 2022 -- In the City of Failing Knives -- Archive of the Odd

December 2021 -- In the City of Sneaking Needles -- Paranoid Tree (FLASH)

November 2021 -- In the City of Sneaking Fences -- Wizards in Space, Issue 07 (FLASH)

November 2021 -- In the City of Floating Wolves -- 34 Orchard, Volume 4

November 2021 -- In the Tearoom -- CRAFT Literary (FLASH)

October 2021 -- In the City of Kissing Dragons -- Root of Evil: a Villainous Anthology, The Daily Drunk (FLASH)

October 2021 -- The Cloud -- 2021 Bay to Ocean Anthology (ESWA) (Pushcart nomination)

October 2021 -- In the City of Singing Bonfires -- Harpy Hybrid (FLASH)

October 2021 -- In the City of Blustering Maidens -- Mason Jar Press Jarnal, Volume 1 (FLASH)

October 2021 -- In the City of Swordfighting Robots -- AntipodeanSF (FLASH)

September 2021 -- In the City of Philandering Flowerpots -- Janus Literary (FLASH)

September 2021 -- In the City of Screaming Ropes -- Jellyfish Review (FLASH) (Selected for Wigleaf Top 50, 2022)

September 2021 -- In the City of Sailing Statues -- Flash Frog (FLASH)

September 2021 -- In the City of Shrieking Ottomans -- Starward Shadows Quarterly

July 2021 -- Lettuce Free -- Cotton Xenomorph (FLASH)

July 2021 -- In the City of Drunk Butterflies -- HAD (FLASH)

June 2021 -- The Orb -- Black Sci-Fi Short Stories, Flame Tree Publishing (story highlighted in starred review of anthology in Publishers Weekly)

Spring 2021 -- We're going to need a bigger pot -- 580 Split (FLASH)

May 2021 -- The Kraken in Love -- Women on Writing (Winner, Winter FLASH Fiction Contest) (FLASH)

May 2021 -- The Wormhole NextDoor -- Heavy Feather Review

April 2021 -- The Collector -- Mermaids Monthly (FLASH)

March 2021 -- The Female of the Species (Audio) -- StarShipSofa 

March 2021 -- The Kraken in Love -- trampset (FLASH)

March 2021 -- Fairbanks -- Bourbon Penn

February 2021 -- My Name is Draco -- Andromeda Spaceways Best Stories (Vol 4)

January 2021 -- Shielded -- Departure Mirror Quarterly (FLASH)

December 2020 -- The Notepad -- Funny Pearls (FLASH)

December 2020 -- Velociraptor -- Wigleaf (FLASH)

November 2020 -- Proliferate -- If There's Anyone Left (FLASH)

November 2020 -- The Greatest Show -- A Story in 100 Words (FLASH) (Included in Best Small Fictions 2021)

October 2020 -- Thank You for Shopping with CouchCart -- Heavy Feather Review

October 2020 -- The Spleen -- trampset (FLASH) (Best Small Fictions nomination)

July 2020 -- On the Universal Rights of Ducks and Girls -- CRAFT (Pushcart nomination)

June 2020 -- Glow -- 7 X 7 (Collaboration with Alan Chin)

June 2020 -- My mother is a plant -- Lost Balloon (FLASH) (Pushcart nomination)

May 2020 -- Barry Knows Best -- Furious Gravity

April 2020 -- How to Find a Demon Eater -- Pandemic Publications

April 2020 -- The Stinging End -- AntipodeanSF (FLASH) -- podcast here

April 2020 -- How Melba Really Got her Groove Back -- Toasted Cake Podcast (FLASH)

March 2020 -- Midge -- X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine

March 2020 -- Petite Marie -- Askance Publishing (runner up, Winter Short Story competition)

March 2020 -- Spencer -- Speculative City (noted in Tor Must-Read Speculative Short Fiction March 2020)

February 2020 -- A Confession -- The Museum of Americana

February 2020 -- Becky -- Twisted Love, Bronzeville Books (out of print)

January 2020 -- The City Turns its Back -- El Chapo Review (FLASH)

January 2020 -- Excerpts from The Human Zoo -- The Coil/Footnote: A Literary Journal of History (Alternating Current)

December 2019 -- How to Knit a New Holiday Party -- The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts (FLASH)

December 2019 -- Return -- Unearthed

December 2019 -- How Melba Got Her Groove Back -- Bending Genres (FLASH)

October 2019 -- My Name is Draco -- Andromeda Spaceways Magazine

October 2019 -- Malibu Lacey -- Ghost Parachute (FLASH) (Pushcart nomination)

September 2019 -- The Remedy -- The Drabble (FLASH)

September 2019 -- Big Bird -- Jellyfish Review (FLASH)

July 2019 -- Plot Baby -- Monkeybicycle

June 2019 -- Controlled Burn -- Story Seed Vault (FLASH)

June 2019 -- What Now? -- Flash Flood (FLASH)

March 2019 -- The Scent of Lions -- Escape Pod/Artemis Rising

March 2019 -- Another Damn Cottage -- Toasted Cake Podcast (FLASH)

February 2019 -- The Loveliest Thing -- Cease, Cows (FLASH) (Pushcart nomination)

January 2019 -- Antidote -- The Drabble (FLASH)

January 2019 -- Firehawk Lullaby -- Jellyfish Review (FLASH)

December 2018 -- Driverless Error -- Unlikely Stories Mark V (FLASH)

December 2018 -- SCOTUS 2247 -- Unlikely Stories Mark V (FLASH)

December 2018 -- We Laugh at Looney Tunes -- Unlikely Stories Mark V (FLASH)

October 2018 -- Tarragonia -- Crack the Spine (FLASH)

September 2018 -- Hollywood Café -- Mad Scientist Journal (FLASH)

September 2018 -- Girl in Nature -- A Story in 100 Words (FLASH)

September 2018 -- TurboLuxe SmartFridge 3000 -- Toasted Cake Podcast (FLASH)

March 2018 -- Midnight at the Organporium -- Heavy Feather Review Volume 7

March 2018 -- Justice for Mama Jaboley (2018 Robert Gover Story Prize) -- Best New Writing

February 2018 -- The Collector -- Goddesses of the Sea, Fantasia Divinity

December 2017 -- TurboLuxe SmartFridge 3000 -- Gathering Storm Magazine (FLASH)

December 2017 -- Sasabonsam -- Strange Horizons (Tangent Online Recommended Reading List 2017)

November 2017 -- Pumpkin Slice -- Speculative 66, Issue 14 (FLASH)

November 2017 -- Nickerson Interstellar Student Exchange DRAFT Behavioral Guidelines for the 2155 - 2156 Academic Year -- Toasted Cake Podcast (FLASH)

October 2017 -- You, Commuter -- Jellyfish Review (FLASH)

October 2017 -- F.M. Brown's Tropical Carnival Farm Fresh Fixins -- Every Day Fiction (FLASH)

October 2017 -- Aftermilk -- Booth 11 (FLASH Suite)

September 2017 -- Welcome to your Future with Chlorolyft -- Mad Scientist Journal (FLASH)

August 2017 -- The Rapture -- b(OINK) (FLASH)

August 2017 -- Yarn Galleon -- KYSO Flash (FLASH)

July 2017 -- Another Damn Cottage -- Spelk (FLASH)

April 2017 -- Where the Words Go -- SmokeLong Quarterly (FLASH)

April 2017 -- Aftermilk -- Booth (FLASH Suite)

February 2017 -- Bad Stock -- Bartleby Snopes Dialogue Only Contest (finalist)

November 2016 -- Death Sure Changes a Person -- Litbreak

November 2016 -- We Are Twenty-Six -- Chicago Literati

October 2016 -- The Real Stuff -- Way of the Buffalo Podcast

September 2016 -- The Bar Exam -- Stories from the Near Future -- Darkhouse Books

September 2016 -- Speculum Crede -- KZine

August 2016 -- The Device -- Visions V: Milky Way (Lillicat Publishers)

August 2016 -- The Cost of Security -- Crime & Mystery, Gothic Fantasy Series, Flame Tree Books

July  2016 -- Captain John's Passage -- Helios Quarterly (FLASH)

July 2016 -- Circe's Bicycle -- Defenestrationism (Short Story Contest Finalist)

June 2016 -- The Scent of Lions -- Procyon Science Fiction Anthology 2016

June 2016 -- Angels and Blueberries -- Complex Fairy Tales, Defenestrationism (FLASH)

May 2016 -- A Weaver's Tale -- The WiFiles

April 2016 -- After the Outing -- Litbreak Magazine

March 2016 -- The Other Side of the Universe -- Grasslimb Journal

February 2016 -- Welcome to Your Future with Chlorolyft -- Punchnel's (FLASH)

January 2016 -- The Real Stuff -- Strange Changes (Whortleberry Press)

December 2015 -- A Hipster Devil Christmas -- Barrelhouse Holiday Issue

December 2015 -- Open Letter to Museum Director in Charge of Brain Placement -- Indianola Review (FLASH)

November 2015 -- Nickerson Interstellar Exchange Behavioral Contract -- Dear Robot: An Anthology of Epistolary Sci-Fi (FLASH)

June 2015 -- The Collector -- Latchkey Tales 2014 Omnibus

February 2015 -- New Growth -- T. Gene Davis's Speculative Blog

November 2014 -- Aye, 'Twas Me -- Magical: An Anthology of Fantasy, Fairy Tales, and Other Fiction for Adults

August 2014 -- Fish Dreams -- The WiFiles (FLASH)

July 2014 -- The Collector -- Latchkey Tales, Elementals: Children of Water

June 2014 --  Wasted Wishes -- The Masters Review (FLASH)

June 2014 -- LoveLab Podcast: Interplanetary Edition -- Sci-Fi Romance Quarterly

June 2014 -- Washing Instructions -- Punchnel's (FLASH)

March 2014 -- The Real Stuff -- T. Gene Davis's Speculative Blog

February 2014 -- Happy Planet Nursery -- Up, Do: Flash Fiction by Women Writers (FLASH)

December 2013 -- The Female of the Species -- Luna Station Quarterly

September 2013 -- How to Eat a Hot Dog -- Litro Magazine (FLASH)

September 2013 -- Sunshine Earth Tours -- Toasted Cake Podcast (FLASH)

August 2013 -- The Bar Exam -- Silverthought Online

July 2013 -- Hollywood Cafe -- Punchnel's (FLASH)

June 2013 -- Sixty-Five Going on Zero -- The WiFiles

June 2013 -- Discard Pile -- GlassFire Magazine

June 2013 -- Everyone Likes Puppies, Right? -- Punchnel's (FLASH)

April 2013 -- The Mouse Whisperer -- Lorelei Signal

December 2012 -- The Great Purge -- Hogglepot Journal


March 2024 -- Cascadia Field Guilde (review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

February 2024 -- Plastic: A Novel (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

January 2024 -- What it smelled like, after all that -- HAD

December 2023 -- The Pleasures of Reading -- Ambling Along the Aqueduct

November 2023 -- Shapeshifter -- Journal of Compressed Creative Arts

February 2023 -- Interview: Black Heritage in Horror -- Horror Writers Association

January 2023 -- I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

May 2021 -- The Atmospherians (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

October 2020 -- The Midnight Circus (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

October 2020 -- Soft 'n' Sheepish: No-More-Lyes Conditioning Crème Relaxer System -- Honorable Mention, Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 2020

September 2020 -- Loss Loop -- Jellyfish Review (FLASH)

June 2020 -- My Weird Quarantine Obsession: Knitting Lips -- Barrelhouse

December 2019 -- My Year of Expansive Pleasure -- Aqueduct Press Blog

December 2019 -- Sweet and Sour Christmas -- The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts (FLASH)

August 2019 -- Reflections on an MFA -- Café MFA

April 2019 -- A Flash of Difference at AWP -- Barrelhouse

March 2019 -- What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Blacker (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

January 2019 -- Your Guide to the Literary DMV (Part II) -- Café MFA

November 2018 -- Soft 'n' Sheepish: No-More-Lyes Conditioning Crème Relaxer System -- The Fiddlehead

September 2018 -- Teju Cole and Blind Spot -- Café MFA

September 2018 -- Your Guide to the Literary DMV -- Café MFA

September 2018 -- Literary Dessert Party -- Café MFA

May 2018 -- Mythical Magic: Interview with Gay Degani about Circe's Bicycle -- Heavy Feather Review

April 2018 -- The Five Superpowers of Nnedi Okorafor -- Cafe MFA

January 2018 -- First Month, First Line -- Washington Independent Review of Books

December 2017 -- Literary Afterlives -- Washington Independent Review of Books

November 2017 -- Free Writing Classes in the DMV -- Washington Independent Review of Books

October 2017 -- Taking a Knee at the Symphony -- Scoundrel Time

October 2017 -- The 40-year-old Gargoyle -- Washington Independent Review of Books

July 2017 -- 15 Classics Rebooted -- Washington Independent Review of Books

July 2017 -- Uncle Sam Doesn't Want You -- Writers Resist

July 2017 -- My Big Little Break -- Barrelhouse

June 2017 -- Smoke and Mirrors: An Interview with Tara Campbell -- SmokeLong Quarterly

June 2017 -- What a Con! -- Washington Independent Review of Books

May 2017 -- Book Blanket Bingo -- Washington Independent Review of Books

May 2017 -- Journey to Planet Write: In Praise of "What If?" -- Words in Place

April 2017 -- Todas las Voces: Diversify your Bookshelf at Duende District -- Washington Independent Review of Books

April 2017 -- Tarartomatic: One Woman's Artomatic Journey -- Café Américain

March 2017 -- Authors at Artomatic -- Washington Independent Review of Books

February 2017 -- Literary Fun in the DMV -- Washington Independent Review of Books

January 2017 -- Free Literary Fun -- Washington Independent Review of Books

December 2016 -- #NYGP: Not Your Gestational Puppet -- Stoneslide Media

December 2016 -- The More Things Stay the Same... -- Washington Independent Review of Books

October 2016 -- Crossover Sci-Fi: On Breaking Down Genre Walls and Writing for Everyone -- Punchnel's

October 2016 -- Oh-So-Long, Oh-So-Long! -- Washington Independent Review of Books

September 2016 -- My Accidental Journey -- Washington Independent Review of Books

August 2016 -- Local Reading Treasure Trove #2 -- Washington Independent Review of Books

July 2016 -- 39 Romance Novels the DC Lit Scene Needs Right Now -- Washington Independent Review of Books

July 2016 -- Why They're Killing Us: The Reality Behind Police Brutality -- Quail Bell Magazine

July 2016 -- The Invoice (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

June 2016 -- Local Reading Treasure Trove -- Washington Independent Review of Books

June 2016 -- Homegoing (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

June 2016 -- Universe, Multiverse, Miniverse -- Smokelong Quarterly

May 2016 -- 9 Tips for Running a Kick-ass Writing Group -- Washington Independent Review of Books

April 2016 -- #BlackHairBonus, #BlackHairBust -- Queen Mob's Teahouse

April 2016 -- 5 Steps to Finding your Perfect Match (in a Writing Group) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

March 2016 -- Doing Good in the 'Hood -- Washington Independent Review of Books

February 2016 -- All Written Up and Nowhere to Go -- Washington Independent Review of Books

February 2016 -- We Love You Charlie Freeman (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

February 2016 -- DC Volunteer Lawyers Project -- The Daily Do Good

February 2016 -- Field Notes of an Agent Wrangler -- Washington Independent Review of Books

January 2016 -- SOHO Goes Full Steam Ahead -- The Daily Do Good

December 2015 -- The Man Without a Shadow (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

December 2015 -- Who do I Sue, Abigail Fisher? -- Queen Mob's Teahouse

December 2015 -- The Relic Master (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

November 2015 -- Food Recovery Network -- The Daily Do Good

October 2015 -- Peace thru Culture -- The Daily Do Good

October 2015 -- And West is West (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

September 2015 -- On the Road with Del and Louise: A Novel in Stories (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

September 2015 -- Volunteering for 826DC -- GOOD Community

August 2015 -- Secondhand Souls (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

August 2015 -- Do It Like Esther Williams: SynchroSwim 2015 -- The Daily Do Good

August 2015 -- Painting Out Poverty -- The Daily Do Good

July 2015 -- Global Kids -- The Daily Do Good

July 2015 -- The Gracekeepers (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

June 2015 -- Bread for the City -- Daily Do Good

June 2015 -- My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

May 2015 -- Casey Trees -- Daily Do Good

April 2015 -- Anacostia Riverkeepers -- The Daily Do Good

March 2015 -- Literacy and Education are the Keys to the Kingdom -- The Daily Do Good

March 2015 -- Swap.Meet -- The Daily Do Good

January 2015 -- The Rabbit Back Literature Society (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

October 2014 -- The Back of the Turtle (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

June 2014 -- The Bees (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

February 2014 -- The Museum of Extraordinary Things (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

July 2013 -- Sisterland (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

June 2013 -- The Making of a Prince: Prince of Petworth -- NetSquared DC Blog

March 2013 -- The Pretty One (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

December 2012 -- The Light of Amsterdam (Review) -- Washington Independent Review of Books

October 2012 -- Speaking Truth to Power: Salman Rushdie and Joseph Anton -- Potomac Review Blog


March 2023 -- The prophecy unswaddled (reprint) -- Flipped Mitten Press (print or PDF)

March 2023 -- Vessels of the State (reprint) -- Flipped Mitten Press (print or PDF)

October 2023 -- At starbreak -- Eye to the Telescope, Issue 50

October 2023 -- Thread Remedy -- Apparition Lit, Issue 24

October 2023 -- Five billion rutabagas -- Bending Genres

August 2023 -- If I must be armed -- Unlikely Stories

July 2023 -- The slaughtering flood -- Star*Line 46.3

February 2023 -- The prophecy unswaddled -- HAD

February 2023 -- Power Dome -- The Rumpus

December 2022 -- Here -- Wizards in Space

December 2022 -- Prolapse -- Writers Resist

November 2022 -- In Which I Inherit My Father's Tendency to Minimize -- Typehouse Literary Magazine

October 2022 -- "Abortion Sonnet," "Rage Sonnet #12," and "When thistles war" -- Bourgeon Online

July 2022 -- The Snowy Owl -- Heavy Feather Review

May 2022 -- Because -- Moving Words Arlington

Fall 2021 -- In the City of Feasting Banshees -- Star*Line, Volume 44, Issue 4

May 2021 -- We have always lived in the castle -- The Metaworker

February 2021 -- Lamentations for the dead in a barbaric land -- This is What America Looks Like

November 2020 -- Because -- The Sunlight Press (Pushcart and Best of the Net nomination)

October 2020 -- Why I couldn't sleep until morning -- Beltway Poetry Quarterly

May 2020 -- Acceptable Risk -- Heavy Feather Review

February 2020 -- Bin ich dein Neger -- Booth (Pushcart nomination)

December 2019 -- Love and Multiple Sclerosis -- Winner, 2019 Better than Starbucks Sonnet Contest (Pushcart nomination)

December 2019 -- Nothing Ghost Can Stay and The Scarecrow -- Star*Line (Pushcart nomination)

November 2019 -- The Leg -- Anti-Heroin Chic

October 2019 -- The Gilded Cross -- Parody Poetry Journal

October 2019 -- Whenas undead my Julia goes -- Parody Poetry Journal

October 2019 -- Ghost Tree -- Heavy Feather Review

October 2019 -- I plodded lonely as a cloud -- Parody Poetry Journal

September 2019 -- Buzz Drunk -- Okay Donkey (Best of the Net nomination)

September 2019 -- Dad, 1948 -- Bacopa Literary Review

July 2019 -- Sonnet for Ella Watson -- Rigorous

May 2019 -- Vessels of the State -- Poets Reading the News

December 2018 -- Chatroom -- Quatrain Fish

December 2018 -- The Fish -- Bending Genres (video here)

October 2018 -- Goddammit, you gotta vote because -- Writers Resist

October 2018 -- In the New Republic -- Poets Reading the News

August 2018 -- Four-Cent Father -- Poets Reading the News (Pushcart nomination)

August 2018 -- Active 3-D printer situation -- Writers Resist

July 2018 -- 42,000 Matches -- Litbreak

June 2018 -- Shut up and dribble -- Heavy Feather Review #NoMorePresidents

June 2018 -- Undead sonnet 130 -- 2018 Rhyme On Adult Poetry Writing Contest (1st Prize Humorous Poem category)

May 2018 -- The Meadow -- Poets Reading the News

April 2018 -- After the Pedestal -- Quail Bell Magazine

January 2018 -- In contradiction to the commander's standards and wishes -- Poets Reading the News

November 2017 -- The birds are stealing my dreams -- Jersey Devil Press

September 2017 -- The reek of history -- FIVE:2:ONE

July 2017 -- Cauliflower -- Rigorous

May 2017 -- Showerbeer -- Quail Bell Magazine

March 2017 -- Freedom Bras -- District Lit

November 2016 -- American Beast -- Heavy Feather Review

November 2016 -- Breakfast of Champions/Mt. Pleasant Haiku/Park Road Painted Lady -- Queen Mob's Teahouse

September 2016 -- How to Feel Like a Hero -- Here Comes Everyone, Transition Issue

July 2016 -- Chatroom (or Untitled) -- Mt. Pleasant Poetry Project Collection

July 2016 -- When Peanut Butter Baby Ruled The World -- Zetetic: A Record of Unusual Inquiry 

May 2016 -- Rendezvous at hills like white elephants -- Peregrine Journal, Volume XXX (30th Anniversary Edition)

March 2016 -- The Trouble with Pronouns -- For Harriet/Shine

September 2015 -- Had I the Type of Mind to Understand -- Page & Spine

November 2015 -- How long have I had these flowers? -- London Journal of Fiction


November 2022 -- 16 Postcards I Didn't Mail to Voters the Next Morning -- Little Old Lady Comedy

September 2021 -- 2020 Summer Olympics Medal Count -- Writers Resist

January 2021 -- "Write, Edit, Act" -- Movable Type, Vol. 3

November 2020 -- Hey America, I fixed your headlines -- Rigorous

November 2020 -- Memorandum on Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American Cities -- Tribes

October 2020 -- 10 Ways to Avoid Confusing your Halloween Jack-o-Lantern with Donald Trump -- The Daily Drunk

August 2020 -- A Growing Crisis -- Erase the Patriarchy

June 2020 -- In Defense of Conservative Socialism: a CPAC Executive Huddle -- Variety Pack

April 2020 -- For the Bookshelf: Bestsellers in the Age of Trump -- Writers Resist

January 2020 -- May God Heal You -- Queen Mob's Teahouse

November 2019 -- I Saw You... -- The SissyFuss

October 2019 -- How to Not be "Racist" -- Writers Resist

October 2019 -- Pick-Up Lines for the Apocalypse -- Robot Butt

October 2019 -- Sexy Halloween: A Chronology -- Queen Mob's Teahouse

October 2019 -- Trump or Wile E. Coyote? A Current Events Quiz -- #NoMorePresidents (Heavy Feather Review)

September 2019 -- 12 Things We're Not Likely to Hear Anytime Soon in the United States -- McSweeney's Internet Tendency

May 2019 -- U.S. Government Form BC-451: Form to Procure Permission to Purchase Birth Control -- Writers Resist

January 2019 -- A Growing Crisis -- Heavy Feather Review

October 2018 -- Dr. Ford Wants to Proceed -- Barrelhouse, Fall of Man issue

July 2018 -- All Hail #NewConstitution -- The Establishment

March 2018 -- Youth Challenges of Yore -- FIVE:2:ONE #theslideshow

November 2017 -- Memo to the Executive Director of Enough Already with the Guns, USA (EAWG USA) -- Writers Resist

October 2017 -- This Again? Fucking-Pokemon-No! -- FIVE:2:ONE #theslideshow

May 2017 -- Seventeen "third world" solutions to first world problems -- DASH Literary Journal

November 2016 -- Bashar al Assad's Book Club Reading List -- Queen Mob's Teahouse

November 2016 -- Tree-lection 2016 -- Queen Mob's Teahouse

October 2016 -- Exit Interview for the Enlightened Jebediah Ramabishwalla's Communal Ashramporium and Resort -- The Rotting Post

September 2016 -- More bang-bang for your buck -- Zoetic Press

July 2016 -- H-A-N-D-S-U-P -- The Establishment

July 2016 -- Why don't you just... -- Queen Mob's Teahouse

June 2016 -- Casting Notes from the Lily White Pad of a Hollywood Exec -- McSweeney's Internet Tendency

June 2016 -- Woke Disney Song Lyrics -- The Establishment

June 2016 -- Fifteen phrases for the neighbor kid's birthday party or a Trump rally -- Queen Mob's Teahouse

September 2015 -- Speak American: Building a Better Country, One Word at a Time -- Queen Mob's Teahouse

Fall 2014 -- 10 Ways You Know You're a Mixed-Race Expat in a German-Speaking Country -- Cardinal Sins

April 2013 -- 10 Ways to Save Money on a Graduate Degree -- Punchnel's


Night Comes Down -- Fabulist Magazine

Midnight Firehawk: Bird of Blood and Flame -- 42 Stories Anthology (FLASH)

The snarling stars -- On Spec:  The Canadian Magazine of the Fantastic

The Orb -- The Black Fantastic: Twenty Afrofuturist Stories, Library of America