


flavor 味道

qiamm  (salty, 鹹)

sngx   (sour, 酸)

kow   (bitter, 苦)

dnix  (sweet, 甜)

hiamx   (spicy, 辣)



1. pangx (smell good, 香)

2. caur   (,臭)

3. dnix  (sweet, 甜)

4. kow   (bitter, 苦)

5. sngx  (sour, 酸)

6. qiamm  (sour, 鹹)

7. hiamx   (spicy, 辣)

8. siab  (,澀)

9. jniaw  (,淡)



suiw   (beautiful,美)

baiw   (ugly,醜)

endauu   (handsom,英俊)

iuwsiur   (neat,秀氣) 

qoxjuix    (cute,可愛)

hoo=hociux    (,長滿鬍鬚)

howdauw   (,下巴突出)

sor=sowpog   (plain,素樸)

songg   (,土氣)

lamxnua  (,衣著不整)

vicjah (,衣著整齊)

niaux  (,)

  1. What is your name? 你貴姓? --> Liw  quiwsner?

  2. Where is it? 在哪? --> Dirr dyhh?

  3. Where are you going? 你要去哪? --> Liw beh kir dyhh?

  4. I need a cup. 我要杯子 --> Guaw beh vxuex-aw.

  5. I am from Taiwan. 我是台灣人 --> Guaw Daiuanlangg.

  6. I have eaten already. 我吃過了  --> Guaw jiac vaw ar.

  7. I live in Taipei. 我住台北.--> Guaw druar Daivag.

  What time is it? 現在幾點?  --> Jitmaw quiw diamw?

  A: Jitmaw quiw diamw?

  B: Qycc go hunx cid diamw.

  A: Liw quiw diamw siongrkyr?

  B: Veh diamw.

  A: Liw quiw diamw cutmngg?

  B: Cid diamw zi-jap. Cid diamw vnuar u jit vxangx qongciax.

  A: What time is it?

  B: It's five to seven.

  A: What time does your school begin?

  B: Eight o'clock.

  A: What time do you go out?

  B: Seven twenty. There's a bus at seven and half.

  A: 現在幾點?

  B: 再5分7點

  A: 你幾點上課?

  B: 8點

  A: 你幾點出門?

  B: 7點20, 7點半有一班公車

  Guaw beh qethun a.

  A: Au qywguec guaw beh vnuax cur.

  B: Si anxjnuaw?

  A: Guaw beh qethunx a.

  B: Qionghiw!

  A: I'm going to move next month.

  B: Why?

  A: I'm going to get married.

  B: Congratulations!


  A: 下個月我要搬家

  B: 為什麼?

  A: 我要結婚了

  B: 恭喜



hxa=hartnix=zuac .langg


dxangx=dangtnix=qnuaa .langg









A: Have you ever been to Japan?

B: No, I haven't.

A: Have you ever eaten sashimi?

B: Yes, quite often.

A: Have you ever watched Japanese soapdrama?

B: Yes, but not so often.


A: What are you doing?

B: I'm playing chess.

A: Where is your mother?

B: She is in the living room.

A: What is she doing there?

B: She is watching TV.


Please sit down.

Speak, please.

Please come in.

Please start.

Please say it again.

Quiet, please.

Do not drive if you drink.



A: Whose cake is this?

B: That is mine.

A: Are you sure? Than where is your sister's cake?

B: She ate it.


A: How are you coming to Taipei?

B: By Taiwan High Speed Rail.

A: How will you buy a ticket?

B: By computer.

A: How will you pay?

B: By credit card.



A: You are younger than me.

B: But, I've got more white hair than you.

A: That means you are more intelligent.

B: Thank you.




A: You speak Taiwanese very fluently.

B: I've been learning Taiwanese for two years.

A: How long have you been Taiwan?

B: I came to Taiwan in 2005. I've been living here for three years.


A: Will you come to Taiwan next year?

B: Yes, I will.

B: Where will you stay when you come?

B: I will stay at Hilton Hotel.


A: Can you guys come again tomorrow?

B: I can't but he can.

A: Can you please work whole day when you come tomorrow?

B: Yes, I can.



A: May I come in?

B: Sure, please come in.

A: May I smoke here?

B: Sorry. No smoking here.