My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Episodes 1-2 Review

Join Swimpedia as we review screeners of the first two episodes of My Adventures with Superman Season 2 with minimal spoilers.


My Adventures with Superman, a former CN/Max original that was moved to Adult Swim, premiered on the network last summer and became a huge hit. Only the second animated Superman show ever after the BTAS spinoff from the late 90s, My Adventures with Superman was a huge breath of fresh air for the character after decades of inaccurate, moody portrayals in Hollywood movies. This show seemed like it was just what Superman needed to be a hit character in today’s overcrowded landscape of superhero media, and the first two episodes of the show’s sophomore season prove that more than ever.

My Adventures with Superman took a simpler approach to the character, focusing much of the story on Clark Kent and Lois Lane’s relationship dynamic, and that dynamic takes full center stage in the two premiere episodes. Clark and Lois are just as cute together as ever, but if you felt the first season was a bit TOO sweet and perfect, don’t worry, it looks like this season aims to introduce some conflict into their relationship, via the couple’s complicated relationships with each other’s family.

For Clark, it’s Lois’ dad who kidnapped and tortured him last season. For Lois, it’s Clark’s kryptonian history and something else we won’t spoil here. The premiere episode explores Clark’s insecurity about performing a “grand romantic gesture” for his and Lois’ first Valentine’s Day together, while the second episode features the couple’s first fight. Jack Quaid and Alice Lee are killing it again as these two, and no matter what they’re doing, it’s just fun to see them together.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Olsen is now the head of the Flamebird division of the Daily Planet, and following the events of last season’s finale, he’s now a millionaire. Jimmy shows off his wealth throughout the first two episodes in a running gag that will be very familiar to fans of Adult Swim’s other superhero pastiche The Venture Bros. Jimmy isn’t the only side character to return however. Everyone is back this season, from Perry White to Ma and Pa Kent to Amanda Waller, and of course Chris Parnell’s Deathstroke.

This season is continuing all the things people loved about season one: the light tone, the charming romance, the incredible fight scenes, while also adding in some more complicated character relationship dynamics and more twists and turns on the classic Superman mythos. While season one mostly stayed on the very basic human side of Superman, the second season looks to be going more cosmic with Superman’s adventures, while introducing some classic villains and allies that were missing from the first season.

This season also boasts some more impressive animation, with even more dynamic and impressive fight scenes than the first season. While season one already established itself a peer of other comic book shows like Invincible, the creators of My Adventures with Superman seem to be looking to overtake the competition. Overall, this season is shaping up to be remembered as one of the milestones for the Man of Steel’s resurrection in the pop culture zeitgeist.

The first two episodes of My Adventures with Superman Season 2 premiere this Saturday night at midnight on Toonami, and next day on Max!