Ballmastrz: Rubicon Review

Join Swimpedia as we review a screener of Ballmastrz: Rubicon with as minimal spoilers as possible, while still giving you a feel for what the special may be like to you!


With Gaz and the Leptons reunited at the end of Ballmastrz: 9009 Season 2, a new cataclysmic danger from deep space threatened the peace established by Crayzar. Taking the series in a different direction, Crayzar revealed that The Game was more than just a means of creating order on Earth, but also a way to recruit for, and train, the Terra Defense Force to fight those eager to destroy the planet. Leaving viewers on a cliffhanger, Crayzar, the Leptons, and the other teams of The Game, flew off to battle the enemy armada in their interstellar battleship. Thankfully, after nearly three years, fans no longer have to wait to see what’s next, the highly anticipated continuation of the series, a special titled Ballmastrz: Rubicon, premieres on Adult Swim tomorrow night at midnight, next day on HBO Max, and this Saturday on Toonami!

Although many may have hoped for a full third season, it’s exciting that Adult Swim offered series creator Christy Karacas the opportunity to continue the story in a 22-minute special. Notably however, the main difference that fans are likely to notice going into Ballmastrz: Rubicon is the change in animation, which was done here by Studio 4℃. One of the many charming aspects of the series was its repeated homages to anime, yet, now this special is anime, thanks to the great visuals by director Takashi Nakamura. Known for his work in Japanese animation, such as his contributions to Akira (1988), Nakamura-san was able to translate Christy’s unique art style to this new, cuter, almost retro appearance.

It definitely takes some time to get used to this contrasting style at first, but it certainly fits the characters and story, ultimately really growing on you. The original feel of the show is preserved in the new art style, while also giving it an extra sense of charm. The special features everything from pops of color and impactful uses of light to unique architecture and fun character designs. There’s even a new character, who we won’t spoil, that appears in another form of animation, depicted in a far more detailed, modern anime way, that adds even greater depth to the stylistic choices made here. If we had to critique any element of the visuals, an argument could be made that sometimes the mouth movement may have been slightly off from the audio. However, this does not distract from the overall special, and is not a big issue throughout to begin with. Otherwise, be sure to pay attention to the backgrounds as much as the new character designs, there’s so many visual components to take in that a rewatch is warranted just to catch everything.

Beyond the art and animation, the story also delivers for fans of the original series, with the plot picking up right after the Season 2 finale. This start includes a quick recap if you need a refresher, and catchy song to formally kick off the special. Nevertheless, much of Ballmastrz: Rubicon is dedicated to dealing with this new, unknown threat. Along the way, there’s very much an expansion of the lore and background, especially as it pertains to Crayzar and his motivations for influencing mankind. Ultimately, the special is just as much an unpacking of the ending of Season 2 as it is an introduction to a greater universe. Even the growth and change that characters like Crayzar experience in this special are designed as pay off from the series, but also a mere introduction to how they may fully evolve over the course of more story. The special is designed as a continuation, and those who have seen the first two seasons will have the most to gain from it, yet you could start with the special as your first taste of the overall Ballmastrz: 9009 story and very likely still get excited for more if it ever comes down the line.

Another interesting development in the story is that the series never necessarily had villains other than maybe Crayzar or the one-off character. That being said, the special is anchored by a newly introduced villain, with a wider connection to others that could be an issue in the future. This individual brings both a sense of intimidation and stakes to the plot, but also features the comedic tone that Crayzar brought as he loomed over The Game. This is important to note because the comedy of the original series and the tension of playing The Game still translates over despite the special taking them into a space, expanding the story, involving character development, and feeling much more “anime.” There’s still laughs to be had, while the fluid fighting animation and combat still has a similar feel to the tactics used during The Game despite more of a space mecha shift occurring.

Additionally, fans of Ballmastrz: 9009 may remember that Crayzar always had high hopes in Gaz, who is voiced by the increasingly popular Natasha Lyonne. Of course, there’s a lot of value in Ace and Baby Ball merging to form Ballmastr, which plays an important role in the special, but do not forget that Gaz was chosen to be Crayzar’s first mate. Ballmastr remains at the center of the special, with Crayzar’s background and history being what propels the universe forward, but Gaz also plays a crucial part in that future. By the end of Ballmastrz: Rubicon, she may be the character that we’re most excited to see impact not only the story, but the way characters interact with each other and fight upcoming threats. Definitely be sure to keep your eyes on her, as the future of Ballmastrz: 9009 will be better for having her grow and change.

In the end, Ballmastrz: Rubicon is a visual and narrative treat for both old and new fans to enjoy, experience, and explore. There’s as much to satisfy the cliffhanger left at the end of Season 2, as there is to continue the series in a different, entertaining direction. Studio 4℃ did a lovely job of translating the world to this new anime style, while Christy brought his A-game to expand on the story, characters, and lore in such a way that leaves you hoping for more. Thankfully, from our conversation with Christy, it’s clear that he’s interested in continuing, whether that’s additional specials or another season altogether. That means that the ball is in your court Adult Swim, please allow this project to fully come to fruition.

Ballmastrz: Rubicon premieres tomorrow night at midnight on Adult Swim, next day on HBO Max, and this Saturday on Toonami!