Week 8

Final week - Wrap up and final versions of the report and presentation.

Documents to Prepare

  • (due end of day Thurs., 7/14) Prepare a 15 minute Beamer/LaTeX presentation summarizing your research findings from the REU program. You will be presenting (as a group) at the SUMMR16 undergraduate research conference at the University of Michigan, Dearborn.
  • (due end of day Thurs., 7/14) Revise and prepare a final version of your technical report in LaTeX detailing your research findings. Structure this report as if it were a technical paper - it should contain (i) an abstract (ii) introduction (iii) background material (summarizing the main results/theorems) on Fourier series and the Gibbs phenomenon (iv) theoretical development of edge detection and edge-augmented Fourier reconstructions (v) numerical results.