

the reunion



john forsythe

linda evans

john james

heather locklear

emma samms

kathleen beller

al corley

maxwell cauldfield

michael brandon

(arlen marshall)

robin sachs

(adam carrington)

jeroen krabbé

(jeremy van dorn)


joan collins

as alexis

g: R.A. & E. Shapiro, Edward DeBlasio & R. & E. Pollock

d: I.J. Moore

Part 1:

Blake ha pasado los últimos tres años en la cárcel, después del tiroteo que tuvo lugar en la mansión (episodio final). El juez sabe ahora que Handler le había incriminado y el tiroteo no fue culpa suya, así que le conceden el indulto. Investigando desde prisión ha averiguado que una dudosa organización internacional, el Consorcio, ha estado vigilándole desde que se reveló la existencia de la colección nazi. Prefieren verlo muerto y, según lo que saben, también colaboraban con Handler y Dennis Grimes. Su objetivo es apoderarse de Norteamérica. Krystle sigue en Suiza, aunque ya no está en coma, como todos en Denver suponen. Lo que Krystle ignora es que su médico, Jobinet, coopera con el Consorcio y piensa utilizarla para matar a Blake. Krystle vuelve a Denver para sorprender a la familia, y lo encuentra todo patas arriba: la mansión y sus pertenencias está a la venta y todos se han ido, excepto una victoriosa Alexis, que sigue siendo la misma, rica y poderosa, a cargo de la dirección de la ColbyCo, mientras que Adam es un ejecutivo de la Denver-Carrington. Parece que a Alexis le va todo bien, considerando la caída que sufrió en el último episodio. Lo único que averiguamos es que, supuestamente, consiguió dar una vuelta en el aire y caer sobre Dex, que "no tuvo tanta suerte." Nunca llega a mencionarse lo que fue de Sable y Monica.

Blake has now been in prison for the last three years, after the shoot-out in the Carrington mansion (final episode). The court now knows that Handler had set Blake up and that the shooting was not his fault, so they're now giving him a full pardon. Doing research from inside jail, Blake's found out that a worldwide Mafia-like organization, the Consortium, has been after him ever since the fact about the Nazi treasure collection was revealed. The Consortium would rather like to see Blake dead, and judging from the facts given, they were also the ones Handler and Dennis Grimes were cooperating with. Their main goal is to buy up America. Krystle is still in Switzerland, but she is no longer in a coma, like everyone in Denver thinks she is. What poor Krystle doesn't know is that her doctor, Jobinet, is cooperating with the Consortium, and plans to use her to hurt Blake. Krystle returns to Denver to surprise the family, and finds everything upside-down. The mansion with all its belongings is now being sold, and everybody's gone, except a triumphing Alexis, who's still her old self, rich and powerful, running ColbyCo, while Adam's the executive at Denver-Carrington. Alexis seems to be doing fine, considering her fall in the final episode. The only explanation we get, is that she supposedly managed to turn in mid-air and fell upon poor Dex, who "didn't fare that well." What happened to Sable and Monica is never mentioned.

Entretanto, Blake sale de la cárcel y descubre que no debe perder el tiempo. Justo después de su liberación, alguien intenta asesinarles a él y a Jeff. Blake se refugia en casa de Steven, que ahora vive en Washington con Bart Fallmont. El padre de este, Buck, murió hace un tiempo. Fallon ha roto con Zorelli y se ha casado otra vez con Jeff. Desde el arresto de Blake han vivido en California con sus hijos, LB y Lauren, y la hermanastra de ella, Krystina. Pero quieren volver a divorciarse y Fallon tiene una aventura con Miles. Con Blake oculto, Jeff viaja a Suiza y se entera asombrado de que Krystle se marchó al salir del coma. Gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jobinet, los secuaces del Consorcio localizan rápidamente a Jeff, lo secuestran y lo hacen prisionero. El jefe, Jeremy Van Dorn, intenta obligarle a colaborar, sin suerte. Alexis inicia una relación con Jeremy, ignorando quién es, y quiere que la ayuda a apoderarse de Fashion Fury, una empresa de moda líder en los 90, administrada por Alan Marshall. Sammy Jo se ha arruinado después de perder su negocio de cría de caballos y ahora vuelve a trabajar de modelo para dicha empresa, gracias a su lío con Alan. Alexis se propone acabar con esto. Cuando por fin Krystle logra localizar a Fallon en California, se lleva a cabo la feliz reunión entre Krystle, Blake y Krystina, que luego se refugian en una casa en Virginia. Desafortunadamente no se hallan a salvo. Jobinet ha hipnotizado a Krystle, que ha sido "programada" para que asesine inconscientemente a Blake. Por supuesto, su amor continúa siendo tan fuerte como siempre y ella es incapaz de llegar hasta el final.

In the meantime, Blake has gotten out of jail, and finds out that he's got no time to lose. Immediately after his release, someone tries to assassinate him and Jeff. Blake takes cover with Steven, who's now living in Washington with Bart Fallmont. Bart's father, Buck, died some time during the last three years. Fallon's broken up with Zorelli, and married Jeff again. They've been living with the children (LB, Lauren and Krystina) in California since Blake's arrest. They're now getting a divorce again, and Fallon is having a romance with Miles. While Blake hides, Jeff goes to Switzerland and is stunned to learn that Krystle has left after her awakening. Thanks to Dr. Jobinet's cooperation, men from the Consortium now quickly find Jeff. They kidnap him and keep him as a prisoner. The boss, Jeremy Van Dorn, tries to make him cooperate, but has no luck. Alexis gets involved with Jeremy, without knowing who he actually is. She wants him to help her get a foot into Fashion Fury, a leading fashion company of the 90`s, administered by Alan Marshall. Sammy Jo is broke after losing her horse business and is now back working as a model for Fashion Fury, and sleeping with Alan. This is, of course, something Alexis wants to stop. When Krystle finally gets things sorted out and finds Fallon in California, everything's set for the most happy, beautiful reunion ever between Krystle, Blake and Krystina. They now take cover in a house in Virginia. Unfortunately, they're not safe. Dr. Jobinet has post-hyptonized Krystle, and she's unconsciously "programmed" to kill Blake. Of course, their love is still as strong as ever, and she can't go through with it.

Part 2:

Jeff no ha vuelto de Suiza y Fallon está preocupada, así que Miles va a buscarlo. Allí se encuentra con Adam, que de hecho (y no sorprendentemente) se ha asociado con el Consorcio. Adam ya ha intentado convencer a Jeff para que colabore con ellos, pero él ha rehusado otra vez. Miles consigue que Adam abra los ojos y comprenda lo cruel que es el Consorcio, y planean rescatar a Jeff. A ellos se une el antiguo amor de Adam, Kirby Anders, y la misión resulta un éxito. Jeff, Adam, Kirby y Miles llegan a casa sanos y salvos. Adam y Blake se reúnen tras tres años y, a pesar de sus problemas, y de que Adam ayudó al Consorcio a absorber la Denver-Carrington, se reconcilian, y Adam decide hacer las paces por el dolor que ha causado a la familia. Gracias a Bart, se lleva a cabo una audiencia que enfrenta al Consorcio contra los Carrington. Blake resulta ganador y la Denver-Carrington recupera su posición. En medio de todo esto, también hay tiempo para una clásica pelea de gatas entre Alexis y Krystle.

Since Jeff's not coming back from Switzerland, Fallon's getting worried and Miles goes to look for him. In Switzerland, he bumps into Adam, who is in fact (not surprisingly, come to think of it) associated with the Consortium. Adam has already met the trapped Jeff, and tried to convince him to cooperate with the Consortium, but Jeff has once again refused. Miles now gets Adam to really open his eyes and understand how cruel the Consortium really is, and they make a plan to rescue Jeff. Adam's long-lost love, Kirby Anders, also joins them, and the mission is successful. Jeff, Adam, Kirby and Miles arrive happily and safe in the US. Adam and Blake meet again after three years, and spite all their problems and fights, and the fact that Adam helped the Consortium taking over Denver-Carrington, they reconcile, and Adam decides to make up for all the pain he's caused the family. Thanks to Bart, a hearing is arranged, the Consortium vs. the Carringtons. Blake wins, and Denver-Carrington is back where it belongs. In the middle of all this, there were actually also time for a good old cat-fight between Alexis and Krystle.

La familia ya puede volver tranquilamente a la antigua mansión de Denver. Adam y Kirby se dan cuenta de que desean reanudar su relación, y ella acepta su propuesta de matrimonio. Sammy Jo abandona el negocio de la moda y también regresa a Denver. Pero Jeremy aún no ha claudicado. En un último y desesperado intento por recuperar su poder, revela a Alexis quién es y trata de envenenarla con óxido de carbono en la cabaña que hay cerca de la mansión. Mientras, el resto de la familia visiona viejas películas caseras en la sala de estar. Jeremy ataca a Blake con una pistola pero, cuando Jeff, Adam y Steven salen en su defensa, Jeremy es derrotado. Adam rescata a Alexis de la cabaña, mientras que Jeremy queda en manos del Consorcio de nuevo. Miles llega a la conclusión de que no es el hombre adecuado para Fallon y la convence para que vuelva con Jeff a California. Toda la familia, incluida Alexis, se reúne para cenar, seguros de que los vínculos familiares no pueden romperse. Y la última escena presenta un baile lento de Krystle y Blake, mientras él le susurra, como tantas veces antes: "¡Te quiero, Krystle!"

The family can now return safely back to the good old mansion in Denver. Adam and Kirby realize they're meant for each other, and when he proposes, she accepts. Sammy Jo withdraws from the modeling business and returns to Denver as well. But Jeremy hasn't given up yet. In a last desperate try to gain power, he reveals for Alexis who he is, and tries to poison her with Carbon oxide in the cabin outside the mansion. In the meantime, the rest of the Carrington family is watching old home movies (actually old "Dynasty" scenes) in the living room. Jeremy attacks Blake with a gun, but when Jeff, Adam and Steven joins the battle, Jeremy doesn't stand a chance. Adam rescues Alexis from the cabin, while Jeremy is taken away by other Consortium members. And now, everything's finally over, and the only remain is the happy ending. Miles realizes that he's not right for Fallon. He convinces her to make up with Jeff and goes back to California. The whole family, including Alexis, gathers around the dinner table, everybody agreeing that nothing can tare the beautiful bonds of family. And the absolute final is a slow dance with Krystle and Blake, where he tells her, as so many times before, but never enough: "I love you, Krystle!"

rs: Cameron Watson (Bart Fallmont), Alphonsia Emmanuel (Sra. Litton), Wendie Mallick (Carol Marshall), Tony Jay (Dr. Jobinet), Keone Young (Mr. Woo), Emily Kuroda (Enf. Lin), Ray Reinhardt (Capt. Chabrier). Estrenado el 20 y 21/10/1991.

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© 2020 Toni Díaz

© Ultimate Dynasty for synopsis

© Photos of "Dynasty: The Reunion" copyrighted by ABC / Aaron Spelling & Richard & Esther Shapiro and / or their authors.