Full steam ahead!!

Post date: Mar 27, 2017 2:26:00 AM

We are ready to roll with our full schedule of meetings starting this Tuesday morning before school!

Just a reminder of our schedule:

Tuesdays: 7:30a-8:05a

Wednesdays: after school to 2:35p

Fridays: 7:30a-8:05a

For morning meetings – come when you can, even for just a few laps. It's a great way to get the blood flowing to your brain for the school day! And every lap counts – they add up quickly! If you eat breakfast at school, feel free to leave the meeting early so you can grab your breakfast. Also, the kitchen crew always has things like juice and cereal bars if you get in a little late.

Reminder to parents: Please do not leave your child at the track before school unless a Marathon Club parent is present.

In case of inclement weather: We will do our best to have a cancellation announced on this website by 6:30a for morning meetings, and 12:30p for Wednesdays.

See you Tuesday morning, gang!! : )