

This is an open/public node, before using it please read the guidelines below regarding its use. I run this node for personal use, but am happy for fellow licensed radio amateurs to freely make use of it. However, if abuse occurs, I do reserve the right to restrict access to approved users or shut the node down.

This page describes the operating guidelines that are specific to the W6SRR-R EchoIRLP node. Standard good radio operating procedure applies at all times, which includes the use IDing using your FCC call sign.

You may occasionally find the node disabled or inaccessible. This may be due to the node being down for system maintenance or I just decided to shut it down for a while in support of public service events or for other reasons.

Just as you would listen before transmitting on any repeater, you must listen for at least 10-15 seconds for link activity before making any transmissions as there may already be an active connection or local QSO in progress.

What is EchoIRLP?

EchoLink® software allows licensed Amateur Radio stations to communicate with one another over the Internet, using streaming-audio technology. The program allows worldwide connections to be made between stations, or from computer to station, greatly enhancing Amateur Radio's communications capabilities. There are more than 200,000 validated users worldwide — in 151 of the world's 193 nations — with about 6,000 online at any given time. For more information, visit


1) You need to be an approved Echolink user and be authorised by EchoLink. We have no input into this process.

2) You should be a member of the W6SRR yahoo group. Planned outages will be communicated via the group.

3) You should first check that you have set up your PC/Headset/Speakers/Mic and these are working satisfactory using another Echolink station or Echolink test server.

4) Initial Testing using the repeater is not permitted. Of course, it's ok to check things out after you have performed the initial setup and believe its ready to go!

5) You need to comply with the repeater rules and guidelines (see the menu on the left)

5) At times, IRLP and/or Echolink use may be suspended when Public Service Events are taking place.

6) If you notice a problem, report it to