Star of Greece

The Star of Greece ran aground near Port Willunga during very stormy conditions early on the morning of Friday, 13 July 1888. At least 18 lives were lost and the iron ship itself was a total loss. While not being South Australia’s worst maritime disaster, the event is still remembered for the futility of the rescue operation and is therefore often revisited in the media

In 2002, archaeology student, Aidan Ash, and divers, John Cooper & David Cowan, brought a project to survey the shipwreck site as a ‘going concern’ to the SUHR. Fieldwork was carried out from 2002 to 2004.

A series of publications concerned with the project, site interpretation & history of the wrecking event using both published and unpublished writing is planned.

Available: Early 2012

Photograph: Star of Greece wreck site – diver photographing marine life on wreckage (December 2004, photographer: David Cowan)