
Visit the tiny chapel here in Second Life and touch the panel over the door. It will express to you the following cry...


Do not ever think to tell me what I may or may not do with my body.

My body is my own, a sacred space...

that which the human species has called divine.

No matter what laws you choose to declare,

do not dare to invade my body.

Many claim that,

as I am the container of new life,

therefore as that new life shall begin to grow,


somehow those two are separate souls,

and that the child in my body shall be related to me via your man made laws.

No! That is profound error.

The child in my body is me,

until such time as I shall expel it forth

into this sorrowful world.

It is my flesh, my blood, my water, my bones...

its soul is my soul,

and we are bound in the web of shared dreams.

Let us not deceive ourselves with sweet drek.

The child and I are one...

in its bringing forth I may live or I may die,

as will likewise the formed child of my body.

I am the agent of life and death...

the giver of life and the taker away of life.

A male seed is indeed required to start the process in my body...

but the process is me...


my body...

my soul...
