
Born November 11, 2004 into the virtual world of Second Life®. 

Member of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators (CDS) nation state, located in Second Life®    Serves as Treasurer and Estate Owner

Member of the Second Life® New England community, located in Second Life®.   Serves as Estate Owner

Contributor to the virtual world construction company Beta Technologies. Specialties landscaping, gardens and terrain formation

Member of Second Life Mers

IRL (Real Life)

About RL I can say little, but a few elements are available.

I was born in 1947, on almost the same day I was born in the metasphere, 57 years later.

In the late 1960's, while attending college in New York City, I participated in the March on the Pentagon, in 1967, and the Columbia University student strikes in 1968, at which I was arrested along with a thousand other participants.

Although brought up Lutheran, with a mother from Hamburg, Germany, I am since 1976 deeply a part of a Greek family, having joined with my spouse, a Greek from Kallithea, Athens in that year. We married in a ceremony under the Acropolis in Athens in 1988.

I worked for many years in TV production and the dance community in New York City. I now work as the finance person in an arts organization in Brooklyn, NY. I live in Manhattan, NY and in Oyster Bay, NY.

In 2001 I had the psyche-warping experience of watching, directly, the second plane fly into the World Trade Center tower, and 50 minutes later, watch first the one, and then the second tower collapse. I was not far away.

Now, in my later phase, I seek peace and quietness. Sadly, I also need people, and among people, my goal is hard to achieve.

Also known as:

in Second Life®

Rudeen Edo

LadyJane Rhys

Odysseus Elytis

Sudane (Resident)

Guilda Guisse

in other OpenSim grids

Sudane Erato