Licensed Lay Ministers

Licensed Lay Minister


Recently, the St. Paul’s Parish Council passed a motion to allow for the ministry of Licensed Lay Minister (LLM) in the parish. The ministry of a LLM is an opportunity for people to respond to the call to be helpful in building up the Body of Christ. This ministry is more than solely liturgical. It can, depending on the skills and interest of the LLM, involve other areas such as pastoral care, Christian education, social action and parish administration.


Every LLM will receive training appropriate for their ministry. This training can include the following:


LLMs may also develop a variety of skills, interests, and sensibilities to assist in other areas, such as an ability to read and speak in public and to explain spiritual concepts in language suitable to the listening audience; an understanding of Christian stewardship; a willingness to participate in and to facilitate Christian education; an understanding of evangelism, social awareness, and Christian service.


The duties of a LLM can include reading the appointed lessons and prayers in the church; conduct the Service of Morning or Evening Prayer; conduct, in case of emergency, a Baptism; preach a sermon; educate; assist in the distribution of the Elements at the Communion Service and for home Communions.


If you think you are interested please speak with John.


I was asked recently how I manage the challenges of ministry. I fumbled some sort of answer intended to sound humble. But the fact is that a lot of it is simply quite fun. I encourage everyone to seriously consider some form of ministry because it is, for the most part, fun!  - jwgc